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130 Cards in this Set

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If a patient with lymphoma demonstrates Reed-Sternberg Cells then their lymphoma is caused by which virus?
Herpes HHV-4
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

Double Stranded DNA Virus
This virus infects the nasopharyngeal cells and then the B lymphocytes which carry the virus throughout the body.
Herpes HHV-4
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)

Double Stranded DNA Virus
This virus becomes latent in the perineuronal satellite cells of the dorsal nerve root ganglia.
Herpes Virus
"Varicella zoster virus"
This virus can establish latency in white blood cells and is the most common congenital pathogen.
Herpes HHV-5

Spread by urine or saliva in kids.
Spread by sexual contact in adults.

Most CMV congenital infections manifest as subtle neurologic or hearing defects, which may not be detected until later in life.
This virus infects the stratified squamous epithelium where it enters the nuclei of basal cells and replicates in the infected host cell. It causes a depression in cell mediated immunity leading to lesions.
Human Papillomavirus HPV

Papovaviridae Virus

Remember the cervix consists of stratified squamous epithelium.
This virus may display kilocytosis, which are large squamous cells with shrunken nuclei enveloped in large cytoplasmic vacuoles (kilocytes).

Which test will demonstrate them.
Pap smear test

Human Papilomavirus (HPV)

Papovaviridae Virus
This type of hepatitis is responsible for most acute hepatitis attacks.
Type A Hepatitis

Picornavirus Group
RNA+ naked
This virus is not directly cytopathic, but instead it finds its way to a hepatocyte where it "replicates" and the progeny virus is excreted into bile. Therefore, this virus is present in feces.
Hepatitis Type A

Picornavirus Group
RNA+ naked
What type of hepatitis is caused by a naked RNA+ Picornavirus?
Hepatitis Type A
What type of hepatitis is caused by an enveloped RNA+ Flavivirus?
Hepatitis Type C
What type of hepatitis is caused by an enveloped DNA doubled stranded Hepadnavirus?
Hepatitis B and D
What type of hepatitis is caused by a naked RNA+ Calicivirus?
Hepatitis Type E

E for everyone/ Major cause of hepatitis epidemics in underdeveloped countries (heavy rains and sewage).
What type of hepatitis has an associated risk of hepatoceluular carcinoma?
Hepatitis Type C
Which measles are considered highly contagious?
Rubeola measles are contagious

Rubella "German Measles" keep to themselves and are NOT contagious.
Staphylococci are categorized by the coagulase test. Where would you find coagulase positive staph?
Staphylococcus aureus + is part of our normal flora.
Staphylococcus aureus is categorized by the coagulase test. Where would you find coagulase negative staph?
Staphylococcus epidermidis
is the most frequent cause of infections associated with medial devices. ex: knee replacements, heart valve replacements, etc.

Staphylococcus saprophyticus
causes 10-20% of acute urinary tract infections in young women..

Both are Coagulase Negative!
Which bacteria is responsible for Scalded Skin Syndrome?
Staphylococcus aureus
Which bacteria is considered a predisposing factor to rheumatoid arthritis?
Staphylococcus aureus
Which bacteria is responsible for toxic shock syndrome?
Staphylococcus aureus

Preformed exotoxin!
Streptolysin O induces a high antibody titer that is a useful marker for diagnosis. What type of bacteria carries this exotoxin?
Streptococcus Pyogenes Group A

consists of several exotoxin including erhythrogenic toxins and cytolytic toxins (Streptolysins S and O)

Normal flora of skin and oropharynx
What type of bacteria is responsible for rheumatic fever and acute poststrepptococcal glomerulonephritis?
Nonsuppurative Streptococcus Pyogenes

caused by immune response
What type of bacteria is responsible for erysipela and Impetigo?
Streptococcus Pyogenes
What type of bacteria consists of a capsule that prevents activation of the alternate complement pathway by blocking the production of opsonin C3b?
Streptococcus pneumoniae
True or False:

Group B Streptococci is part of the normal vaginal flora in 10-30% of women.
Is Clostridium gram + or - ?

Obligate Anaerobic
What type of clostridium is responsible for food poisoning and necrotizing enteritis?
Clostridium perfringens
Type C
What type of clostridium is responsible for gas gangrene (myonecrosis)?
Clostridium perfringens
Type A (80-90% of the time)

note: C.myotoxin is a phopholipase that destroys muscle cells, leukocytes and erythrocytes.

Gas gangrene can lead to hemolytic anemia, hypotension and renal failure.
Lockjaw is caused by what type of bacteria?
Clostridium tetani

"Neuromuscular Toxin"

* blocks release of inhibitory neurotransmitter, which increases the amount of [ACh] and permit unopposed neural stimulation and sustained muscle contraction.
Causes death to occur in newborns where the umbilical stump is coated in dirt or dung.
Clostridium tetani
What type of bacteria is responsible for botulism?
Clostridium botulinum

:inhibits the release of ACh.:

What type of bacteria is responsible for a large fraction of antibiotic associated diarrhea?

Clostridium difficle

Can reside in the colon as normal flora, but given the chance to invade it will!
Clostridium difficle produces two types of exotoxins Toxin A and Toxin B. How are they differentiated?
Gram + Exotoxin

Toxin A causes fluid secretion

Toxin B is cytopathic

C.diff destroys colonic mucosal cells and stools may be profuse and contain neutrophils
What type of bacteria originates from contaminated hands of attendants at delivery causing postpartum infection of the uterine cavity?

"Puerperal Sepsis"
Streptococcus pyogenes
What causes pertussis and is it gram positive/ negative? Does it have an exotoxin or endotoxin?
Bordetella Pertussis

Gram Negaative (aerobic)

Which disease is characterized by a Bull Neck?
Cornybacterium diphtheria

Thick leathery mucus
Which stage of pertussis is characterized by a worsening cough that becomes paroxysmal/ followed by inspiratory "whoop"?
Paroxysmal Stage

Catarrhal, Paroxysmal, Convalescent
Why are patients at a greater risk for pneumonia after an infection from Bordetella pertussis?
B.pertussis causes extensive tracheobronchitis with necrosis of ciliated respiratory epithelium.

In addition to the destroyed cilia, patients tend to aspirate their vomit during their extensive coughing fits.
What type of bacteria creates damage to the mucosal areas with its IgA protease?
Haemophilus influenzae Type B
(encapsulated and virulent)

Gram Negative
What type of Haemophilus influenzae can be prevented via vaccination?
Type B

More Virulent and Must Vaccinate!
Epiglottitis in children 2-7 is most often caused by what type of bacteria?
Haemophilus influenzae
Type B
This fastidious bacteria can be found in the salivary glands of ticks and then transferred to humans.
Rickettsia rickettsii

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Rickettsia austais is responsible for what disease?
Queensland tick fever

(fastidious gram - organism)
Rickettsia conorii is responsible for what disease?
Boutonneuse Fever
Kenya Tick Fever

(fastidious gram - organism)
What are the Rickettsial spotted fever infections and how are they transmitted? (5)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Queensland Tick Fever
Boutonneuse Fever/Kenya Tick Fever
Siberian Tick Fever

Rickettsia sibirica sibirica is responsible for what disease?
Siberian Tick Fever
Rickettsia akari is responsible for what disease?
Ricettsial pox
What are the 4 Rickettsial typhus group infections?
Louse Bourne Typhus
Murine Typhus
Scrub Typhus
Q fever

All gram negative fastidious bacteria
Rickettsia prowazekii is responsible for what disease?
Louse Bourne Typhus

*differs from other rickettsial diseases because it can have a latent infection and produce Brill Zinsser disease later in life.


*Transmitted by louse feces
This Rickettsia disease is also responsible for Brill Zinsser disease years after the initial infection.

"Lies Latent"
Louse Bourne Typhus

(Rickettsia prowazekii)
Rickettsia typhi is responsible for what disease?

How is it transmitted?
Murine Typhus


Rat-Flea-Rat Cycle
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi is responsible for what disease?

How is it transmitted?
Scrub Typhus


(Scrub your rats before you make mushi sushi)
Coxiella brunetti is responsible for what type of disease and how is it transmitted?
Q Fever

Transmitted by inhalation and often affects herders, slaughterhouse workers and vets
This disease is phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages and replicates in one of two places:

Liver-causing doughnut ring granulomas

Q Fever
What is the only Rickettsial infection that is self-limited and does not produce vasculitis?

"No Rash"
Q Fever

Coxiella brunetti
"Ricketsial Infection"
This gram negative bacteria attaches to "non-ciliated" epithelium and is responsible for the Waterhouse Friederichsen Syndrome.
Neisseria Meningitis

note: systemic effects are caused by endotoxin which promotes conspicuous increase of TNF and simultaneous activation of complement and coagulation cascades.
Waterhouse Friederichsen Syndrome is caused by what?
Neisseria meningitis
This gram positive bacteria produces a GRAY membrane on the tonsils and interferes with host cell protein synthesis.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae

note: transmitted by droplet and can be absorbed into the blood and cause degeneration of the myelin sheath and myocarditis.

antitoxin must be given right away!
Is it Chlamydia psittaci, pneumoniae, or trachomatis that is responsible for lymphogranuloma virus/ genital elephantitis?
Chlamydia trachomatis will cause;

Ocular Trachoma (A-C)
Genital and Neonatal Chlamydia (D-K)
Lymphogranuloma virus LGV (L)
Chlamydia psittaci is responsible for what disease?
Parrot Fever
Chlamydia is a gram negative parasite/ bacterium that lives inside human cells. What type of cells are they found in?
Women- cervical epithelial cells
(70-90% asymptomatic)

Men- urethral epithelial cells
Which stage of syphilis is most contagious?
Secondary Syphilis
Which fastidious bacteria can cause the aorta to undergo necrosis and stretch thin leading to rupture?

Syphilis (Tertiary)
Treponema pertenue is a fastidious gram negative bacteria that causes what?

Gummas, Crab feet, Saber shins (periostitis)
Treponema endemicum is a fastidious gram negative bacteria that causes what?

Infected infant to breast of mother
This disease is known as endemic syphilis in Africa, Asia, and Australia?

Treponema endemicum
Treponema vincenti, Bacillus fusiformis are responsible for what?
Tropical Foot

Borrelia burgdorferi is responsible for what?
Lyme disease
The erythema chronicum migrans are characteristic skin lesions of which disease?
Lyme disease
This epidemic louse bourne Borrelia bacteria causes what disease?
Relapsing Fever
This disease is also known as Well disease?

"Leptospira interrogans"

Fastidious Bacteria
What is the most common cause of croup?
Which two hemorrhagic fevers have a vaccine?
Yellow Fever (Flavi/ mosquito)
Argentina Fever (Arena/ rodent)
What is the most common type of hepatitis for a liver transplant?
Type C RNA Virus
What type of leprosy involves Langhans Cells?
Tuberculoid Leprosy

Mycobacterium leprae +
Patients that have a higher resistance to tuberculoid leprosy are anergic or hyperergic?
Which leprosy causes tumors and contains bacilli?
Lepramatous leprosy

Anergic patients have little or no resistance to develop this type.
There are two types of relapsing fever.
Name them.
Louse bourne (epidemic)

Tick bourne (endemic)

Which hemorrhagic fever has symptoms of mood swings, agitation, photophobia and sore eyes?
Crimean Congo

Bunyavirus (Ticks)

Which hemorrhagic fever is fatal in pregnancy?
Filovirdae group

True or False

An infection of rubella after 20 weeks will cause significant problem.

O.K. after 20 weeks
What types of viruses are confined to upper small bowel?
Rotavirus and Calcivirus
What is the only virus that is a double stranded RNA virus?

Which hemorrhagic fever gives you a maculo, papular rash?
Name the six RNA viruses that are polymerase dependent.
Bunya, orthomyxo, paramyxo, rhabdo, arena, filo

RNA negative strand are polymerase dependent.
This virus infects cells that release bradykinin that causes most of its symptoms.
"The common cold"
All DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus except...?

Pox lives in a box outside in the cytoplasm
RSV Respiratory syncytial virus belongs to which viral family?

enveloped RNA-
How is the adenovirus transmitted?
Adenovirus + strand

Fecal - oral (diarrhea)
What type of influenza is most common and most severe?
Influenza Type A
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome comes from which viral family?
Corona virus + enveloped

Which virus belongs to the Norwalk Family?

Norwalk, Snow Mountain, Sapporo
Name the five hemorrhagic fevers cause by flaviviridae?
Yellow Fever, Kyasanur Forest, OMSK, West Nile, Dengue Fever
Is herpes a DNA or RNA virus?
DNA double stranded
What is the only DNA virus that is single stranded?
Which virus is associated with cancer?
B cell lymphoma, African Burkitt Lymphoma, Naopharyngeal carcinoma.
DNA Viruses (6)
Pardon me papa aden has Herpes, Pox, and Hepatitis

Parvovirus, Papovavirus, Adeno, Herpes, Pox, Hepadna
Which enzyme can be found on the pilli of Neisseria gonorrhoeae?
IgA protease
Haemophilus ducreyi causes what?

bacteria are carried within macrophages to regional lymph nodes during first 7-10 days

later may develop unilateral inguinal lymphadenitis "BUBO"
Calymatobacterium granulomatis causes what?
Granuloma Inguinale

Sexually transmitted
The dermis becomes infiltrated by macrophages that contain many bacteria.
What causes brucellosis and and how is it transmitted?

Highly contagious zoonosis caused by ingestion of unsterilized milk or meat from infected animals, or close contact with their secretions.
Which species of brucella is associated with cattle?
Brucella abortus
Which species of brucella is associated with sheep and goats?
Brucella melitensis
Which species of brucella is associated with dogs?
Brucella canis
Which disease is associated with the consumption of unpasteurized milk, chesse and infected deer bone marrow?
Yersinia pestis causes what?
Bubonic plague

Pneumonic plague

"Black death pandemic"
Traveler's diarrhea is caused by what?
entero toxi genic E.coli

Travel to Toxic Mexico
Watery stools lacking neutrophils and erythrocytes is a character of which bacteria?
Escherichia coli
This strain of enterohemorrhagic E.coli is characterized as hemolytic uremic syndrome.
enterohemorrhagic E.coli

also characterized by its bloody diarrhea

contracted by meat and milk
What are the four strains of E.coli:
Enterotoxigenic E.coli

Enteropathogenic E.coli

Enterohemorrhagic E.coli

Enteroinvasive E.coli
Which bacteria will cause the symptoms of food poisoning to occur sooner? Staph or Salmonella?
Staph (1-6hrs)

Salmonella (12-48)
What type of organism causes relapsing fever?
What is the leading cause of blindness in 3rd world countries.

(chlamydia trachomatis)
What is also known as kennel cough?
Trachial bronchitis from Mycoplasmal pneumoniae
Weil Disease

A spirochetal infection that can lead to hepatic and renal failure.
Which disease can cause Brill Zinnser Disease many years later?

This bacteria is transmitted by lice and creates an axillary rash.
Louse borne typhus
Depsone treats what?
This ricketsial infection is transmitted via fleas and is considered endemic.
Endemic Murine Typhus
(Rickettsia typhi)

Rat-Flea Cycle
Walking pneumonia is associated with what bacteria?
Mycoplasma pneumonia
Ureaplasma urealyticum causes which STD?
Mycoplasma hominis is responsible for what?
Postpartum fever
Chorioamnionitits is caused by what?
Ureaplasma urealyticum

This bacteria is a mycoplasma/ fastidious organism
Salmonella causes which acute systematic illness?
Typhoid Fever

(salmonella typhi)

contracted from infected food handlers
*Antibiotics do not treat salmonella!
Can you treat shigella with an antibiotic?
This disorder is characterized by rice water diarrhea.

enterotoxin-producing strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae

contracted through contaminated shellfish or water

note: cholera is an epidemic enteritis and does not invade the mucosa, but causes diarrhea by elaborating potent toxins known as the cholera toxin which binds to the GM ganglioside in the enterocyte cell membrane.
This disorder is characterized by bloody mucoid stools that last 3-8 days.

Shigella dysenteriae

The shiga toxin replicates in the cytoplasm in the enterocytes of the small bowel.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus causes what?
Non-cholera vibrio

acute gastroenteritis caused by inadequately cooked or poorly refrigerated seafood.
Children and pigfeast with out sufficient immune system.
Necrotizing enteritis
(Clostridium pefringens type c)
Which disorder is characterized by Guillain Barre Syndrome and can be transmitted by raw milk and undercooked poultry?
Campylobacter jejuni which can survive our GI acidity

"Acute inflammatory diarrheal illness"

Profuse Diarrhea with Bloody Mucoid Stools!!!!!!
This bacteria invades the ileum mucosa causing ulceration and necrosis of Peyer patches.

Often mistaken for appendicitis.

"Painful Diarrhea"
Yersinia enterocolitica which is transmitted through contaminated milk, water, and meat.
This bacteria invades the ileal cecal lymph nodes and can cause abcesses and granulomas in lymph, spleen, and liver.

"Painful Diarrhea"
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis

contaminated milk, water, and meat