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543 Cards in this Set

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What are the three diseases of Staphylococcus aureus?
Food poisoning/ toxic shock syndrome (TSS) / staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
Food poisoning additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Food poisoning Epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion of heat-resistant entero- toxin
Food poisoning Pathogenesis
exotoxins inducing immune response
Food poisoning Host response
vomiting/ abdominal cramps/ diarrhea due to enterotoxin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Epidemiology
contact tampon paren-teral
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Pathogenesis
exotoxins possible due to lysogeny
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Host Response
fever/ vomiting/ rash/ “scalded” skin / shock
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) epidemiology
paren-teral via wounds / hair follicle / skin glands
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Pathogenesis
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Host response
painful/ bright red flush over entire body/ blisters/ desquamation of epidermis
Name five diseases of strepto-coccus pyogenes group A & B-hemolytic
impetigo or pyoderma/ Erysipelas / strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis /necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” / α- hemolytic dental caries
impetigo or pyoderma description
pyogenic /hemolytic / enzymes e.g. streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
impetigo or pyoderma epidemiology
direct contact / droplet / paren-teral
impetigo or pyoderma pathogenesis
exotoxins in epidermis
impetigo or pyoderma host response
burning/ itching/ papules that can break/ form yellow crust
Erysipelas description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
Erysipelas epidemiology
paren-teral / invade deeper tissues
Erysipelas pathogenesis
toxins in dermal layer of skin
Erysipelas host response
edema/ reddish patches with raised margins in skin/ high fever/ chills
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots) capsule guard against / may be very thick
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis epidemiology
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis pathogenesis
toxins in upper respiratory tract
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis host response
redness/ edema/ enlargement with tenderness/ painful swallowing/ fever/ headache/ nausea/ abdominal pain
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” epidemiology
paren-teral small abrasions or cuts
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” pathogenesis
production of various exoenzymes & exotoxins as superantigens
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” host response
rapid connective tissue destruction/ life-threatening
α- hemolytic dental caries description
normal inhabitants of gums & teeth/ slime layers adhere tightly teeth surface
α- hemolytic dental caries epidemiology
oral/ normal bacterial flora
α- hemolytic dental caries pathogenesis
bacteria use sucrose to form plaque/ inhibiting lactic acid neutrali-zation
α- hemolytic dental caries host response
break down of tooth enamel/ dentin/ pulp cavity/ toothache
Name the disease for Strepto-coccus pneumo-niae
α- hemolytic
Pneumo-niae description
pairs or short chains/ large capsules
Pneumo-niae epidemiology
normal micro-biota of naso-pharynx/ Secretions droplet/ delicate
Pneumo-niae pathogenesis
mucus with bacteria aspirated into lungs of susceptible individuals/ multiply induce overwhelming inflammatory response
Pneumo-niae host response
chills/ shaking/ rapid breathing/ fever/ severe chest pain/ cyanosis/ cough with bloody sputum/ abnormal breathing sounds
Name the disease for Neisseria gonor-rhoeae (gono-coccus)
gonorrhea & gonococcal infection in infants
Gonorrhea description
Gonorrhea epidemiology
sexual contact (STD)
Gonorrhea pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
Gonorrhea host response
in men/ painful urination with pus in women/ bloody vaginal discharge or urethra/ if cervix is affected/ may cause abdominal pain/ may lead to PID
gonococcal infection in infants description
gonococcal infection in infants epidemiology
birth canal/ direct contact
gonococcal infection in infants pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
gonococcal infection in infants host response
inflammation & pus formation
Name the disease for *Neisseria meningi-tidis* (meningo-coccus)
meningo-coccal meningitis
meningo-coccal meningitis pathogenesis
in susceptible individuals/ engulfed by mucosal cells/ damaging epithelium /pharyngitis
meningo-coccal meningitis host response
fever/ sore throat/ headache/ stiff neck/ convulsions & vomiting/ may lead to coma/ neurological damage/ if not death
Name the diseases of *Bacillus anthracis*
pulmonary anthrax & cutaneous
Description of *Bacillus anthracis*
large nonmotile/ facultative/ sporulate in soil
pulmonary anthrax epidemiology
spore inha-lation
pulmonary anthrax pathogenesis
bacilli in lungs release toxins/ cause blood clots/ CV shock/ septicemia
pulmonary anthrax host response
pneumonia; high fever/ difficult breathing/ chest pain
cutaneous anthrax epidemiology
paren-teral/ cuts
cutaneous anthrax pathogenesis
cutaneous anthrax host response
papule/ necrotic/ ruptures fatal septicemia if body fails to localize infection
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium perfri-ngens*
gas gang-rene
gas gang-rene epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
gas gang-rene pathogenesis
spores germinate/ cells grow/ release
gas gang-rene host response
death of soft tissue (necrosis) from loss of blood supply resulting in anaerobic conditions/ positive feedback
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium tetani*
Tetanus epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
Tetanus pathogenesis
neurotoxin blocks relaxation pathway
Tetanus host response
muscle spasms spastic paralysis death
Name a disease for *Clostri-dium botulinum*
Botulism description
Note: botox treatment
Botulism epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion from canned food/ honey/ others
Botulism pathogenesis
toxins block release of acetylcholine in synapse invoving skeletal muscles; in infants/ immature intestinal microbiota allows spores to germinate
Botulism host response
nausea/ blurred vision/ difficulty in swallowing/ dizziness/ weaknessflaccid paralysisdeath
Name a disease of *Propioni-bacterium acnes*
Acne epidemiology
Acne pathogenesis
sebum accumulates/ ruptures blocked hair follicle;
Acne host response
inflammatory lesions and acne scars
Name a disease for *Myco-bacterium tuber-culosis*
tuber-culosis epidemiology
airborne contact droplet respira- tory secretions
tuber-culosis pathogenesis
pathogen reproduce in phagocytes/ “tubercles” lumps & lesions in alveoli
tuber-culosis host response
weight loss/ violent coughing with blood/ low-grade fever/ anorexia/ extreme fatigue/ night sweats & chest pain
Name the disease for *Mycobac-terium leprae*
Hansen’s disease (leprosy)
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) epidemiology
contact discharge from lesions/ nasal; not easily conta-gious; arma-dillos carry the bacteria
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) pathogenesis
nerves are damaged; effective T cell immune res-ponse in in-fected skin cells
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) host response
if tuberculoid/ shallow skin lesions/ loss of sensation in skin/ no skin nodules
Name the three diseases for *Pseudo- monas aeruginosa*
UTI / abscess / septi-cemia (blood poisioning)
UTI epidemiology
urethra (noso-comial)
UTI pathogenesis
infect lining of urinary tract
UTI host response
painful urination/ urine may be cloudy/ light bloody
Abscess epidemiology
Abscess pathogenesis
colonize lesions
Abscess host response
localized collection of pus
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) epidemiology
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) pathogenesis
invade blood/ endotoxin LPS
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) host response
lymphangitis/ may lead to septic shock
Name a disease of *legionel-losis (pneu- monialike)*
Legionella pneumo-phila
Legionella pneumo-phila description
fastidious/ aerobic/ in warm-water supply & air conditioning
Legionella pneumo-phila epidemiology
airborne by spas/ showers/ fountain/ noncommunicable
Legionella pneumo-phila pathogenesis
survive within phagocytes and amoeba/ infect lungs
Legionella pneumo-phila host response
high fever (41oC)/ cough/ pneumonia-like (fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty)
Name four diseases of *Escheri-chia coli*
UTI / cystitis /septi-cemia/ gastro-enteritis
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI pathogenesis
infect urinary tract lining
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI host response
painful urination/ cloudy urine/ light blood/ chills/ fever
*Escheri-chia col* cystitis epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis pathogenesis
infect urinary bladder
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis host response
dysuria (painful urination)/ pyuria (leukocyte in urine)
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli*septi- cemia pathogenesis
infect blood
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia host response
pain/ ache/ soreness
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis description
#1 enterotoxi-genic strain #2 enteroinvasive
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral (raw milk ham-burger)
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
#1 enterotoxin #2 invade intestinal wall
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis host response
#1 watery diarrhea (traveler’s & infant) #2 inflammation/ fever/ *Shigella*-like dysentery #3 hemorrhagic colitis (inflammation of colon with blood)
What does (nc) stand for? (only for these study cards)
Name one disease of Salmonella *typhi* (nc)
typhoid fever
typhoid fever (nc) epidemiology
water or food contami-nated by human feces
typhoid fever (nc) pathogenesis
Invade small intestine mucosa/ may multiply in lymphatic & CV systems
typhoid fever (nc) host response
high fever (40oC)/ headache/ diarrhea abdominal pain/ may cause ulceration of small intestine
Name one disease of *Salmonella spp*(nc) .
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) epidemiology
fecal-oral (meat/ poultry/ egg/ pet reptile)
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) pathogenesis
multiply in phagocytic cells/ spread in the body
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) host response
diarrhea/ fever/ nausea/ vomiting
Name a disease of *Shigella*(nc)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) epidemiology
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) pathogenesis
exotoxin (Shiga toxin) damages large intestine by instigating an inflammatory response endotoxin
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) host response
severe diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools/ fever/ abdominal cramps
Name a disease of *Yersinia pestis*(nc)
bubonic plague
bubonic plague (nc) description
cold tolerant (can grow at 4oC)
bubonic plague (nc) epidemiology
vector trans-mission: rat & squirrel fleas
bubonic plague (nc) pathogenesis
ingested by flea from blood meal/ bacteria block gut/ regurgitated into bite wound/ enters lymph/ necrosis & swelling in lymph node (buboes);
bubonic plague (nc) host response
fever chills/ headache/ nausea/ weakness/ tenderness in buboes/ bruises/ death if not treated
Name five disease of *Hemo-philus influenzae* ?
Hib mening-itis /otitis media /epiglot-titis/ bronchitis /pneumo-nia
*Hemo-philus influenzae* description
fastidious/ sensitive to drying/ heat & disinfectants/
*Hib* mening-itis epidemiology
respira-tory secre- tions
*Hib* mening-it is pathogenesis
meninges inflamed/ release of endotoxins
*Hib* mening-it is host response
fever/ vomiting/ stiff neck/ neurological impairment/ convulsions/ coma/ if not death;
otitis media pathogenesis
colonization of middle ear/ auditory tube/ pus builds up pressure against eardrum
otitis media host response
earache due to infection of the middle ear/ inflamed & painful
epiglot-titis pathogenesis
from upper respiratory tract
epiglot-titis host response
inflammation of the epiglottis
bronchitis pathogenesis
colonizing lower respiratory tract
bronchitis host response
inflammation of the bronchi
pneumo-nia host response
fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty inflammation in bronchi/ alveoli
Name a disease associated with * Treponema pallidum*
Syphilis description
fastidious/ fragile outside of hosts/ coiled helix/ slow-growing/ “teflon” pathogen
Syphilis epidemiology
direct/ sexual contact rarely/ via fomites
Syphilis pathogenesis
bind to epithelium/ penetrate capillaries/ circulatory system/ invade spaces around arteries/ inflammatory response
Syphilis host responses
1o- chancre at site of infection/ contagious 2o – skin rash/ loss of hair/ malaise/ fever 3o– gummas/ tissue damage/ weakened aorta/ loss of motor control/ personality changes
Name the disease associated with * Vibrio cholerae*
Cholera description
warm aquatic/ brackish water
Cholera epidemiology
fecal-oral/ water/ shellfish
Cholera pathogenesis
enterotoxin makes intestinal cells shed electrolytes into intestine
Cholera host responses
vomiting/ profuse/ watery diarrhea with flecks of mucus/ may be fatal if not treated
Name two diseases for * Helico-bacter pylori*
peptic ulcer / gastric cancer
peptic ulcer pathogenesis
immune system reacts to presence of *H. pylori*  inflammation
peptic ulcer host responses
Inflammation progressing to an ulcerated area
gastric cancer pathogenesis
NH3 may induce cancer
gastric cancer host responses
out of control cell division
Name a disease associated with * Campylo- bacter jejuni*
gastro-enteritis description
rigid/ spiral/ flagella/ micro- aerophilic
gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral; poultry/ cattle feces/ milk
gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
invades mucosal lining
gastro-enteritis host responses
fever/ cramping/ abdominal pain/ diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools
Name a disease associated with * Rickettsia*
epidemic typhus
epidemic typhus description
rod-shaped/ coccobacilli / pleomorphic
epidemic typhus epidemiology
human lice (feces)/ paren-teral (vector)
epidemic typhus pathogenesis
subcutaneous bleeding due to invasion of blood vessel linings
epidemic typhus host responses
high & prolonged fever (up to 2 wks.) stupor/ rash of small red spots
Name two diseases associated with * Chlamydia tracho-matis*
nongono-coccal urethritis & trachoma
nongono-coccal urethritis description
trachoma strain
nongono-coccal urethritis epidemiology
nongono-coccal urethritis pathogenesis
invades epithelial cells in mucosa of eyes/ genitourinary tract & lungs
nongono-coccal urethritis host responses
painful urination watery discharge in males; cervicitis in females
trachoma description
trachoma epidemiology
contact: towels mother to baby vector: flies
trachoma pathogenesis
infection of conjunctiva & cornea
trachoma host responses
conjunctivitis  scarring of eyelids/ damages to cornea/ may result in blindness due to cornea abrasion
Name a diseases associated with * Myco-plasma pneumo-niae*
atypical pneumo-nia
Atypical pneumo-nia description
pleomorphic very small/ essentially no cell wall filaments
Atypical pneumo-nia epidemiology
respira-tory secre-tions
Atypical pneumo-nia pathogenesis
Bind to specific receptors of respiratory epithelium/ inhibits ciliary action
Atypical pneumo-nia host responses
low-grade fever/ headache/ malaise/ sore throat/ later nasal symptoms/ chest pain & earache
What are the three diseases of Staphylococcus aureus?
Food poisoning/ toxic shock syndrome (TSS) / staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
Food poisoning additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Food poisoning Epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion of heat-resistant entero- toxin
Food poisoning Pathogenesis
exotoxins inducing immune response
Food poisoning Host response
vomiting/ abdominal cramps/ diarrhea due to enterotoxin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Epidemiology
contact tampon paren-teral
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Pathogenesis
exotoxins possible due to lysogeny
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Host Response
fever/ vomiting/ rash/ “scalded” skin / shock
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) epidemiology
paren-teral via wounds / hair follicle / skin glands
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Pathogenesis
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Host response
painful/ bright red flush over entire body/ blisters/ desquamation of epidermis
Name five diseases of strepto-coccus pyogenes group A & B-hemolytic
impetigo or pyoderma/ Erysipelas / strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis /necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” / α- hemolytic dental caries
impetigo or pyoderma description
pyogenic /hemolytic / enzymes e.g. streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
impetigo or pyoderma epidemiology
direct contact / droplet / paren-teral
impetigo or pyoderma pathogenesis
exotoxins in epidermis
impetigo or pyoderma host response
burning/ itching/ papules that can break/ form yellow crust
Erysipelas description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
Erysipelas epidemiology
paren-teral / invade deeper tissues
Erysipelas pathogenesis
toxins in dermal layer of skin
Erysipelas host response
edema/ reddish patches with raised margins in skin/ high fever/ chills
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots) capsule guard against / may be very thick
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis epidemiology
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis pathogenesis
toxins in upper respiratory tract
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis host response
redness/ edema/ enlargement with tenderness/ painful swallowing/ fever/ headache/ nausea/ abdominal pain
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” epidemiology
paren-teral small abrasions or cuts
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” pathogenesis
production of various exoenzymes & exotoxins as superantigens
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” host response
rapid connective tissue destruction/ life-threatening
α- hemolytic dental caries description
normal inhabitants of gums & teeth/ slime layers adhere tightly teeth surface
α- hemolytic dental caries epidemiology
oral/ normal bacterial flora
α- hemolytic dental caries pathogenesis
bacteria use sucrose to form plaque/ inhibiting lactic acid neutrali-zation
α- hemolytic dental caries host response
break down of tooth enamel/ dentin/ pulp cavity/ toothache
Name the disease for Strepto-coccus pneumo-niae
α- hemolytic
Pneumo-niae description
pairs or short chains/ large capsules
Pneumo-niae epidemiology
normal micro-biota of naso-pharynx/ Secretions droplet/ delicate
Pneumo-niae pathogenesis
mucus with bacteria aspirated into lungs of susceptible individuals/ multiply induce overwhelming inflammatory response
Pneumo-niae host response
chills/ shaking/ rapid breathing/ fever/ severe chest pain/ cyanosis/ cough with bloody sputum/ abnormal breathing sounds
Name the disease for Neisseria gonor-rhoeae (gono-coccus)
gonorrhea & gonococcal infection in infants
Gonorrhea description
Gonorrhea epidemiology
sexual contact (STD)
Gonorrhea pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
Gonorrhea host response
in men/ painful urination with pus in women/ bloody vaginal discharge or urethra/ if cervix is affected/ may cause abdominal pain/ may lead to PID
gonococcal infection in infants description
gonococcal infection in infants epidemiology
birth canal/ direct contact
gonococcal infection in infants pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
gonococcal infection in infants host response
inflammation & pus formation
Name the disease for *Neisseria meningi-tidis* (meningo-coccus)
meningo-coccal meningitis
meningo-coccal meningitis pathogenesis
in susceptible individuals/ engulfed by mucosal cells/ damaging epithelium /pharyngitis
meningo-coccal meningitis host response
fever/ sore throat/ headache/ stiff neck/ convulsions & vomiting/ may lead to coma/ neurological damage/ if not death
Name the diseases of *Bacillus anthracis*
pulmonary anthrax & cutaneous
Description of *Bacillus anthracis*
large nonmotile/ facultative/ sporulate in soil
pulmonary anthrax epidemiology
spore inha-lation
pulmonary anthrax pathogenesis
bacilli in lungs release toxins/ cause blood clots/ CV shock/ septicemia
pulmonary anthrax host response
pneumonia; high fever/ difficult breathing/ chest pain
cutaneous anthrax epidemiology
paren-teral/ cuts
cutaneous anthrax pathogenesis
cutaneous anthrax host response
papule/ necrotic/ ruptures fatal septicemia if body fails to localize infection
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium perfri-ngens*
gas gang-rene
gas gang-rene epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
gas gang-rene pathogenesis
spores germinate/ cells grow/ release
gas gang-rene host response
death of soft tissue (necrosis) from loss of blood supply resulting in anaerobic conditions/ positive feedback
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium tetani*
Tetanus epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
Tetanus pathogenesis
neurotoxin blocks relaxation pathway
Tetanus host response
muscle spasms spastic paralysis death
Name a disease for *Clostri-dium botulinum*
Botulism description
Note: botox treatment
Botulism epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion from canned food/ honey/ others
Botulism pathogenesis
toxins block release of acetylcholine in synapse invoving skeletal muscles; in infants/ immature intestinal microbiota allows spores to germinate
Botulism host response
nausea/ blurred vision/ difficulty in swallowing/ dizziness/ weaknessflaccid paralysisdeath
Name a disease of *Propioni-bacterium acnes*
Acne epidemiology
Acne pathogenesis
sebum accumulates/ ruptures blocked hair follicle;
Acne host response
inflammatory lesions and acne scars
Name a disease for *Myco-bacterium tuber-culosis*
tuber-culosis epidemiology
airborne contact droplet respira- tory secretions
tuber-culosis pathogenesis
pathogen reproduce in phagocytes/ “tubercles” lumps & lesions in alveoli
tuber-culosis host response
weight loss/ violent coughing with blood/ low-grade fever/ anorexia/ extreme fatigue/ night sweats & chest pain
Name the disease for *Mycobac-terium leprae*
Hansen’s disease (leprosy)
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) epidemiology
contact discharge from lesions/ nasal; not easily conta-gious; arma-dillos carry the bacteria
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) pathogenesis
nerves are damaged; effective T cell immune res-ponse in in-fected skin cells
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) host response
if tuberculoid/ shallow skin lesions/ loss of sensation in skin/ no skin nodules
Name the three diseases for *Pseudo- monas aeruginosa*
UTI / abscess / septi-cemia (blood poisioning)
UTI epidemiology
urethra (noso-comial)
UTI pathogenesis
infect lining of urinary tract
UTI host response
painful urination/ urine may be cloudy/ light bloody
Abscess epidemiology
Abscess pathogenesis
colonize lesions
Abscess host response
localized collection of pus
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) epidemiology
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) pathogenesis
invade blood/ endotoxin LPS
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) host response
lymphangitis/ may lead to septic shock
Name a disease of *legionel-losis (pneu- monialike)*
Legionella pneumo-phila
Legionella pneumo-phila description
fastidious/ aerobic/ in warm-water supply & air conditioning
Legionella pneumo-phila epidemiology
airborne by spas/ showers/ fountain/ noncommunicable
Legionella pneumo-phila pathogenesis
survive within phagocytes and amoeba/ infect lungs
Legionella pneumo-phila host response
high fever (41oC)/ cough/ pneumonia-like (fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty)
Name four diseases of *Escheri-chia coli*
UTI / cystitis /septi-cemia/ gastro-enteritis
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI pathogenesis
infect urinary tract lining
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI host response
painful urination/ cloudy urine/ light blood/ chills/ fever
*Escheri-chia col* cystitis epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis pathogenesis
infect urinary bladder
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis host response
dysuria (painful urination)/ pyuria (leukocyte in urine)
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli*septi- cemia pathogenesis
infect blood
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia host response
pain/ ache/ soreness
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis description
#1 enterotoxi-genic strain #2 enteroinvasive
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral (raw milk ham-burger)
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
#1 enterotoxin #2 invade intestinal wall
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis host response
#1 watery diarrhea (traveler’s & infant) #2 inflammation/ fever/ *Shigella*-like dysentery #3 hemorrhagic colitis (inflammation of colon with blood)
What does (nc) stand for? (only for these study cards)
Name one disease of Salmonella *typhi* (nc)
typhoid fever
typhoid fever (nc) epidemiology
water or food contami-nated by human feces
typhoid fever (nc) pathogenesis
Invade small intestine mucosa/ may multiply in lymphatic & CV systems
typhoid fever (nc) host response
high fever (40oC)/ headache/ diarrhea abdominal pain/ may cause ulceration of small intestine
Name one disease of *Salmonella spp*(nc) .
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) epidemiology
fecal-oral (meat/ poultry/ egg/ pet reptile)
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) pathogenesis
multiply in phagocytic cells/ spread in the body
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) host response
diarrhea/ fever/ nausea/ vomiting
Name a disease of *Shigella*(nc)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) epidemiology
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) pathogenesis
exotoxin (Shiga toxin) damages large intestine by instigating an inflammatory response endotoxin
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) host response
severe diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools/ fever/ abdominal cramps
Name a disease of *Yersinia pestis*(nc)
bubonic plague
bubonic plague (nc) description
cold tolerant (can grow at 4oC)
bubonic plague (nc) epidemiology
vector trans-mission: rat & squirrel fleas
bubonic plague (nc) pathogenesis
ingested by flea from blood meal/ bacteria block gut/ regurgitated into bite wound/ enters lymph/ necrosis & swelling in lymph node (buboes);
bubonic plague (nc) host response
fever chills/ headache/ nausea/ weakness/ tenderness in buboes/ bruises/ death if not treated
Name five disease of *Hemo-philus influenzae* ?
Hib mening-itis /otitis media /epiglot-titis/ bronchitis /pneumo-nia
*Hemo-philus influenzae* description
fastidious/ sensitive to drying/ heat & disinfectants/
*Hib* mening-itis epidemiology
respira-tory secre- tions
*Hib* mening-it is pathogenesis
meninges inflamed/ release of endotoxins
*Hib* mening-it is host response
fever/ vomiting/ stiff neck/ neurological impairment/ convulsions/ coma/ if not death;
otitis media pathogenesis
colonization of middle ear/ auditory tube/ pus builds up pressure against eardrum
otitis media host response
earache due to infection of the middle ear/ inflamed & painful
epiglot-titis pathogenesis
from upper respiratory tract
epiglot-titis host response
inflammation of the epiglottis
bronchitis pathogenesis
colonizing lower respiratory tract
bronchitis host response
inflammation of the bronchi
pneumo-nia host response
fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty inflammation in bronchi/ alveoli
Name a disease associated with * Treponema pallidum*
Syphilis description
fastidious/ fragile outside of hosts/ coiled helix/ slow-growing/ “teflon” pathogen
Syphilis epidemiology
direct/ sexual contact rarely/ via fomites
Syphilis pathogenesis
bind to epithelium/ penetrate capillaries/ circulatory system/ invade spaces around arteries/ inflammatory response
Syphilis host responses
1o- chancre at site of infection/ contagious 2o – skin rash/ loss of hair/ malaise/ fever 3o– gummas/ tissue damage/ weakened aorta/ loss of motor control/ personality changes
Name the disease associated with * Vibrio cholerae*
Cholera description
warm aquatic/ brackish water
Cholera epidemiology
fecal-oral/ water/ shellfish
Cholera pathogenesis
enterotoxin makes intestinal cells shed electrolytes into intestine
Cholera host responses
vomiting/ profuse/ watery diarrhea with flecks of mucus/ may be fatal if not treated
Name two diseases for * Helico-bacter pylori*
peptic ulcer / gastric cancer
peptic ulcer pathogenesis
immune system reacts to presence of *H. pylori*  inflammation
peptic ulcer host responses
Inflammation progressing to an ulcerated area
gastric cancer pathogenesis
NH3 may induce cancer
gastric cancer host responses
out of control cell division
Name a disease associated with * Campylo- bacter jejuni*
gastro-enteritis description
rigid/ spiral/ flagella/ micro- aerophilic
gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral; poultry/ cattle feces/ milk
gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
invades mucosal lining
gastro-enteritis host responses
fever/ cramping/ abdominal pain/ diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools
Name a disease associated with * Rickettsia*
epidemic typhus
epidemic typhus description
rod-shaped/ coccobacilli / pleomorphic
epidemic typhus epidemiology
human lice (feces)/ paren-teral (vector)
epidemic typhus pathogenesis
subcutaneous bleeding due to invasion of blood vessel linings
epidemic typhus host responses
high & prolonged fever (up to 2 wks.) stupor/ rash of small red spots
Name two diseases associated with * Chlamydia tracho-matis*
nongono-coccal urethritis & trachoma
nongono-coccal urethritis description
trachoma strain
nongono-coccal urethritis epidemiology
nongono-coccal urethritis pathogenesis
invades epithelial cells in mucosa of eyes/ genitourinary tract & lungs
nongono-coccal urethritis host responses
painful urination watery discharge in males; cervicitis in females
trachoma description
trachoma epidemiology
contact: towels mother to baby vector: flies
trachoma pathogenesis
infection of conjunctiva & cornea
trachoma host responses
conjunctivitis  scarring of eyelids/ damages to cornea/ may result in blindness due to cornea abrasion
Name a diseases associated with * Myco-plasma pneumo-niae*
atypical pneumo-nia
Atypical pneumo-nia description
pleomorphic very small/ essentially no cell wall filaments
Atypical pneumo-nia epidemiology
respira-tory secre-tions
Atypical pneumo-nia pathogenesis
Bind to specific receptors of respiratory epithelium/ inhibits ciliary action
Atypical pneumo-nia host responses
low-grade fever/ headache/ malaise/ sore throat/ later nasal symptoms/ chest pain & earache
What are the three diseases of Staphylococcus aureus?
Food poisoning/ toxic shock syndrome (TSS) / staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
Food poisoning additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Food poisoning Epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion of heat-resistant entero- toxin
Food poisoning Pathogenesis
exotoxins inducing immune response
Food poisoning Host response
vomiting/ abdominal cramps/ diarrhea due to enterotoxin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Epidemiology
contact tampon paren-teral
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Pathogenesis
exotoxins possible due to lysogeny
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Host Response
fever/ vomiting/ rash/ “scalded” skin / shock
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) additional information
grape-like clusters/ salt- & drought- tolerant/ yellow pigment/ Pyogenic/ produce exotoxins/ e.g. hemolysins enzymes/ e.g. lipase/ penicillinase/ normal flora of skin
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) epidemiology
paren-teral via wounds / hair follicle / skin glands
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Pathogenesis
staphylo- coccal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS) Host response
painful/ bright red flush over entire body/ blisters/ desquamation of epidermis
Name five diseases of strepto-coccus pyogenes group A & B-hemolytic
impetigo or pyoderma/ Erysipelas / strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis /necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” / α- hemolytic dental caries
impetigo or pyoderma description
pyogenic /hemolytic / enzymes e.g. streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
impetigo or pyoderma epidemiology
direct contact / droplet / paren-teral
impetigo or pyoderma pathogenesis
exotoxins in epidermis
impetigo or pyoderma host response
burning/ itching/ papules that can break/ form yellow crust
Erysipelas description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots)
Erysipelas epidemiology
paren-teral / invade deeper tissues
Erysipelas pathogenesis
toxins in dermal layer of skin
Erysipelas host response
edema/ reddish patches with raised margins in skin/ high fever/ chills
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis description
streptolysins/ (lyze tissue blood cells) streptokinase (lyse clots) capsule guard against / may be very thick
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis epidemiology
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis pathogenesis
toxins in upper respiratory tract
strepto-coccal pharyngi-tis host response
redness/ edema/ enlargement with tenderness/ painful swallowing/ fever/ headache/ nausea/ abdominal pain
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” epidemiology
paren-teral small abrasions or cuts
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” pathogenesis
production of various exoenzymes & exotoxins as superantigens
necro-tizing fasciitis “flesh-eating bacteria” host response
rapid connective tissue destruction/ life-threatening
α- hemolytic dental caries description
normal inhabitants of gums & teeth/ slime layers adhere tightly teeth surface
α- hemolytic dental caries epidemiology
oral/ normal bacterial flora
α- hemolytic dental caries pathogenesis
bacteria use sucrose to form plaque/ inhibiting lactic acid neutrali-zation
α- hemolytic dental caries host response
break down of tooth enamel/ dentin/ pulp cavity/ toothache
Name the disease for Strepto-coccus pneumo-niae
α- hemolytic
Pneumo-niae description
pairs or short chains/ large capsules
Pneumo-niae epidemiology
normal micro-biota of naso-pharynx/ Secretions droplet/ delicate
Pneumo-niae pathogenesis
mucus with bacteria aspirated into lungs of susceptible individuals/ multiply induce overwhelming inflammatory response
Pneumo-niae host response
chills/ shaking/ rapid breathing/ fever/ severe chest pain/ cyanosis/ cough with bloody sputum/ abnormal breathing sounds
Name the disease for Neisseria gonor-rhoeae (gono-coccus)
gonorrhea & gonococcal infection in infants
Gonorrhea description
Gonorrhea epidemiology
sexual contact (STD)
Gonorrhea pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
Gonorrhea host response
in men/ painful urination with pus in women/ bloody vaginal discharge or urethra/ if cervix is affected/ may cause abdominal pain/ may lead to PID
gonococcal infection in infants description
gonococcal infection in infants epidemiology
birth canal/ direct contact
gonococcal infection in infants pathogenesis
pathogen invades spaces separating mucosal cells/ induce immune response
gonococcal infection in infants host response
inflammation & pus formation
Name the disease for *Neisseria meningi-tidis* (meningo-coccus)
meningo-coccal meningitis
meningo-coccal meningitis pathogenesis
in susceptible individuals/ engulfed by mucosal cells/ damaging epithelium /pharyngitis
meningo-coccal meningitis host response
fever/ sore throat/ headache/ stiff neck/ convulsions & vomiting/ may lead to coma/ neurological damage/ if not death
Name the diseases of *Bacillus anthracis*
pulmonary anthrax & cutaneous
Description of *Bacillus anthracis*
large nonmotile/ facultative/ sporulate in soil
pulmonary anthrax epidemiology
spore inha-lation
pulmonary anthrax pathogenesis
bacilli in lungs release toxins/ cause blood clots/ CV shock/ septicemia
pulmonary anthrax host response
pneumonia; high fever/ difficult breathing/ chest pain
cutaneous anthrax epidemiology
paren-teral/ cuts
cutaneous anthrax pathogenesis
cutaneous anthrax host response
papule/ necrotic/ ruptures fatal septicemia if body fails to localize infection
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium perfri-ngens*
gas gang-rene
gas gang-rene epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
gas gang-rene pathogenesis
spores germinate/ cells grow/ release
gas gang-rene host response
death of soft tissue (necrosis) from loss of blood supply resulting in anaerobic conditions/ positive feedback
Name a disease of *Clostri-dium tetani*
Tetanus epidemiology
paren-teral deep wound
Tetanus pathogenesis
neurotoxin blocks relaxation pathway
Tetanus host response
muscle spasms spastic paralysis death
Name a disease for *Clostri-dium botulinum*
Botulism description
Note: botox treatment
Botulism epidemiology
oral/ in-gestion from canned food/ honey/ others
Botulism pathogenesis
toxins block release of acetylcholine in synapse invoving skeletal muscles; in infants/ immature intestinal microbiota allows spores to germinate
Botulism host response
nausea/ blurred vision/ difficulty in swallowing/ dizziness/ weaknessflaccid paralysisdeath
Name a disease of *Propioni-bacterium acnes*
Acne epidemiology
Acne pathogenesis
sebum accumulates/ ruptures blocked hair follicle;
Acne host response
inflammatory lesions and acne scars
Name a disease for *Myco-bacterium tuber-culosis*
tuber-culosis epidemiology
airborne contact droplet respira- tory secretions
tuber-culosis pathogenesis
pathogen reproduce in phagocytes/ “tubercles” lumps & lesions in alveoli
tuber-culosis host response
weight loss/ violent coughing with blood/ low-grade fever/ anorexia/ extreme fatigue/ night sweats & chest pain
Name the disease for *Mycobac-terium leprae*
Hansen’s disease (leprosy)
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) epidemiology
contact discharge from lesions/ nasal; not easily conta-gious; arma-dillos carry the bacteria
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) pathogenesis
nerves are damaged; effective T cell immune res-ponse in in-fected skin cells
Hansen’s disease (leprosy) host response
if tuberculoid/ shallow skin lesions/ loss of sensation in skin/ no skin nodules
Name the three diseases for *Pseudo- monas aeruginosa*
UTI / abscess / septi-cemia (blood poisioning)
UTI epidemiology
urethra (noso-comial)
UTI pathogenesis
infect lining of urinary tract
UTI host response
painful urination/ urine may be cloudy/ light bloody
Abscess epidemiology
Abscess pathogenesis
colonize lesions
Abscess host response
localized collection of pus
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) epidemiology
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) pathogenesis
invade blood/ endotoxin LPS
septi- cemia (blood poisioning) host response
lymphangitis/ may lead to septic shock
Name a disease of *legionel-losis (pneu- monialike)*
Legionella pneumo-phila
Legionella pneumo-phila description
fastidious/ aerobic/ in warm-water supply & air conditioning
Legionella pneumo-phila epidemiology
airborne by spas/ showers/ fountain/ noncommunicable
Legionella pneumo-phila pathogenesis
survive within phagocytes and amoeba/ infect lungs
Legionella pneumo-phila host response
high fever (41oC)/ cough/ pneumonia-like (fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty)
Name four diseases of *Escheri-chia coli*
UTI / cystitis /septi-cemia/ gastro-enteritis
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI pathogenesis
infect urinary tract lining
*Escheri-chia coli* UTI host response
painful urination/ cloudy urine/ light blood/ chills/ fever
*Escheri-chia col* cystitis epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis pathogenesis
infect urinary bladder
*Escheri-chia coli* cystitis host response
dysuria (painful urination)/ pyuria (leukocyte in urine)
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia epidemiology
*Escheri-chia coli*septi- cemia pathogenesis
infect blood
*Escheri-chia coli* septi- cemia host response
pain/ ache/ soreness
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis description
#1 enterotoxi-genic strain #2 enteroinvasive
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral (raw milk ham-burger)
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
#1 enterotoxin #2 invade intestinal wall
*Escheri-chia coli* gastro-enteritis host response
#1 watery diarrhea (traveler’s & infant) #2 inflammation/ fever/ *Shigella*-like dysentery #3 hemorrhagic colitis (inflammation of colon with blood)
What does (nc) stand for? (only for these study cards)
Name one disease of Salmonella *typhi* (nc)
typhoid fever
typhoid fever (nc) epidemiology
water or food contami-nated by human feces
typhoid fever (nc) pathogenesis
Invade small intestine mucosa/ may multiply in lymphatic & CV systems
typhoid fever (nc) host response
high fever (40oC)/ headache/ diarrhea abdominal pain/ may cause ulceration of small intestine
Name one disease of *Salmonella spp*(nc) .
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) epidemiology
fecal-oral (meat/ poultry/ egg/ pet reptile)
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) pathogenesis
multiply in phagocytic cells/ spread in the body
salmone-llosis gastro-enteritis (nc) host response
diarrhea/ fever/ nausea/ vomiting
Name a disease of *Shigella*(nc)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery)
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) epidemiology
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) pathogenesis
exotoxin (Shiga toxin) damages large intestine by instigating an inflammatory response endotoxin
shigellosis (bacillary dysentery) (nc) host response
severe diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools/ fever/ abdominal cramps
Name a disease of *Yersinia pestis*(nc)
bubonic plague
bubonic plague (nc) description
cold tolerant (can grow at 4oC)
bubonic plague (nc) epidemiology
vector trans-mission: rat & squirrel fleas
bubonic plague (nc) pathogenesis
ingested by flea from blood meal/ bacteria block gut/ regurgitated into bite wound/ enters lymph/ necrosis & swelling in lymph node (buboes);
bubonic plague (nc) host response
fever chills/ headache/ nausea/ weakness/ tenderness in buboes/ bruises/ death if not treated
Name five disease of *Hemo-philus influenzae* ?
Hib mening-itis /otitis media /epiglot-titis/ bronchitis /pneumo-nia
*Hemo-philus influenzae* description
fastidious/ sensitive to drying/ heat & disinfectants/
*Hib* mening-itis epidemiology
respira-tory secre- tions
*Hib* mening-it is pathogenesis
meninges inflamed/ release of endotoxins
*Hib* mening-it is host response
fever/ vomiting/ stiff neck/ neurological impairment/ convulsions/ coma/ if not death;
otitis media pathogenesis
colonization of middle ear/ auditory tube/ pus builds up pressure against eardrum
otitis media host response
earache due to infection of the middle ear/ inflamed & painful
epiglot-titis pathogenesis
from upper respiratory tract
epiglot-titis host response
inflammation of the epiglottis
bronchitis pathogenesis
colonizing lower respiratory tract
bronchitis host response
inflammation of the bronchi
pneumo-nia host response
fever/ chest pain/ breathing difficulty inflammation in bronchi/ alveoli
Name a disease associated with * Treponema pallidum*
Syphilis description
fastidious/ fragile outside of hosts/ coiled helix/ slow-growing/ “teflon” pathogen
Syphilis epidemiology
direct/ sexual contact rarely/ via fomites
Syphilis pathogenesis
bind to epithelium/ penetrate capillaries/ circulatory system/ invade spaces around arteries/ inflammatory response
Syphilis host responses
1o- chancre at site of infection/ contagious 2o – skin rash/ loss of hair/ malaise/ fever 3o– gummas/ tissue damage/ weakened aorta/ loss of motor control/ personality changes
Name the disease associated with * Vibrio cholerae*
Cholera description
warm aquatic/ brackish water
Cholera epidemiology
fecal-oral/ water/ shellfish
Cholera pathogenesis
enterotoxin makes intestinal cells shed electrolytes into intestine
Cholera host responses
vomiting/ profuse/ watery diarrhea with flecks of mucus/ may be fatal if not treated
Name two diseases for * Helico-bacter pylori*
peptic ulcer / gastric cancer
peptic ulcer pathogenesis
immune system reacts to presence of *H. pylori*  inflammation
peptic ulcer host responses
Inflammation progressing to an ulcerated area
gastric cancer pathogenesis
NH3 may induce cancer
gastric cancer host responses
out of control cell division
Name a disease associated with * Campylo- bacter jejuni*
gastro-enteritis description
rigid/ spiral/ flagella/ micro- aerophilic
gastro-enteritis epidemiology
fecal-oral; poultry/ cattle feces/ milk
gastro-enteritis pathogenesis
invades mucosal lining
gastro-enteritis host responses
fever/ cramping/ abdominal pain/ diarrhea with blood & mucus in stools
Name a disease associated with * Rickettsia*
epidemic typhus
epidemic typhus description
rod-shaped/ coccobacilli / pleomorphic
epidemic typhus epidemiology
human lice (feces)/ paren-teral (vector)
epidemic typhus pathogenesis
subcutaneous bleeding due to invasion of blood vessel linings
epidemic typhus host responses
high & prolonged fever (up to 2 wks.) stupor/ rash of small red spots
Name two diseases associated with * Chlamydia tracho-matis*
nongono-coccal urethritis & trachoma
nongono-coccal urethritis description
trachoma strain
nongono-coccal urethritis epidemiology
nongono-coccal urethritis pathogenesis
invades epithelial cells in mucosa of eyes/ genitourinary tract & lungs
nongono-coccal urethritis host responses
painful urination watery discharge in males; cervicitis in females
trachoma description
trachoma epidemiology
contact: towels mother to baby vector: flies
trachoma pathogenesis
infection of conjunctiva & cornea
trachoma host responses
conjunctivitis  scarring of eyelids/ damages to cornea/ may result in blindness due to cornea abrasion
Name a diseases associated with * Myco-plasma pneumo-niae*
atypical pneumo-nia
Atypical pneumo-nia description
pleomorphic very small/ essentially no cell wall filaments
Atypical pneumo-nia epidemiology
respira-tory secre-tions
Atypical pneumo-nia pathogenesis
Bind to specific receptors of respiratory epithelium/ inhibits ciliary action
Atypical pneumo-nia host responses
low-grade fever/ headache/ malaise/ sore throat/ later nasal symptoms/ chest pain & earache