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58 Cards in this Set

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get this when exposed to specific pathogens and develop immunity to it

recognizes the shape, makes antibodies or uses T cell against it (memory B cells and T cells)

natural immunity

get a vaccination for certain pathogens

exposed to weakened pathogen and built immunity for it

artificial immunity

if enough people in a population are immune, then the whole population is protected

bc it makes it hard or impossible for the pathogen to spread

herd immunity

B Cells and T cells in action

actively making antibodies

can get through natural or artificial

last long time

active immunity

given immunoglobulins through other sources

artificially given antibodies

just rapid/ short term

passive immunity

1976, inspired by dairymaid

tested on his son by injecting human cowpox in him

Edward Jenner

the transfer of antibodies from donor

Passive immunotherapy

2 sources of passive immunization

maternal- get it from mom

artificial- injected

immunoglobulin extracted from the pooled blood of many donors

given to immunosuppressed patients

artificial- Gamma Globulin

if someone has HIV or is a baby and can't make these antibodies we give them antibodies artificially

what is it called when someone cant make antibodies


very affective type of vaccination

types: Live/attenuated (but weakened)

killed/ inactivated (not viable)

whole cell vaccines

takes a little piece of pathogenand exposes immune system to it

not as affective as whole cell, but safer

subunit vaccines

cut head off and put it on something else that stimulates an immune response, makes subunit a little more effective

subunit vaccine- conjugated vaccines

take DNA from bacteria that codes for protein of an outer structure and put it in us and we make the bacteria protein (of just the outer structure) and build an immune response

DNA Vaccines

vaccine safety

not 100% safe but lesser of 2 evils

can cause serious neurological issues in FEW people

national Superfund for this



what is fungus


harder to treat bc similar to our cells

few are pathogenic

soil fungus

causes Darling's disease

found in moist areas (South Central US)

prefers chicken feces, cave (bat feces)

soil high in nitrogen

resp inhalation

enveloped by macrophages and use them to move throughout body

anemia, flu like symptoms, but most infections do not produce disease

histoplasma capsulatum

most species can not harm humans

can be pathogenic though

causes zygomycosis- so does other fungi

mucor sp.

seen in HIV patients/ immunocompromised people

small tail/ coil, when gets into small intestine the tail comes out and resides in microvilli


cramping nausea diarrhea

enteroctyozoon Bieneusi

can cause halucenations

infects grain/ rye

Salem Witch Trials

ergot's poisioning/ St Anthony's Fire

has medical relevance- toxin can be a pain reliever, lower blood pressure

claviceps pupurea

rose picker's disease

resides in rose thorns

subcutaneous fungal infection

usually enters body through plants

can be problem with florists

midwestern US/ MS valley

sore/ lesion at site of rose thorn prick

(rare) can spread to lymphatic system and affect other organs- lungs

wear gloves..

sporothrix schencki

grow on decaying vegetation

typically enters via the lunngs


opportunistic threat- AIDS leukemia transplant patients

grows and colonizes in lungs

can be cause by other types of this genus

aspergillus fumigatus

causes coccidioidomycosis

southwestern US

people who dig- lives in alkaline soils

transmits- spores inhaled from dust, colonizes in lungs

thick cell wall/ hard to treat

amphotericin B treatment- causes sever side affects

coccidioides immitis

affects skin and internal organs

dimorphic- inhaled spores convert to yeasts and multiply in lungs

cough and fever, chronic cutaneous, bone, nervous system complications

blastomyces dermatids

flakiness on skin caused by fungus; skin disease

superficial mycoses


nodules that form on your hair of hyphae and spores

superficial mycoses


fungus that causes blothciness of pigment f skin

causes Tinea versicolor

superficial mycoses

malassezia furfur

superficial mycoses

nodules form on hair

whitish masses or black masses

S. america, warmer temps, tropics

scalp and pibic areas

white piedra/ black piedra

ringworms, jock itch, athletes foot are all what?

dermatomycoses- fungal skin diseases

cutaneous mycoses

fungal infection of scalp

hair loss

rindworm of scalp

favus-crust on scalp

cutanoues mycoses

tinea capitis

cutanoues mycoses

fungus on face

ringworm of bear affects beard and chin of adult males

get from animals, small lesions to large growths

tinea barbae

cutanoes mycoses

fungal infection of feet

red raised lesions around toes and soles of feet

fungal infection of feet

contagious- shower shoes, don't share socks

tinea pedis

cutanous mycoses

fungal infection of body

red ringed lesions anywhere on smooth skin

not an actual worm

tinea corpus

cutaneous mycoses

jock itch

ring worm of groin

tinea crursis

cutaneous mycoses

ringworm of the hands

tinea manuum

ringworm of the nails

fungal infection of the nails

distorts nail

cutanous mycoses

tinea unguium

cause thrush and yeast infections- white pasty material

normal flora- but may overgrow-> infection

cutaneous candidiasis- on skin

candida albicans

Roundworms (11)
parasitic filarial nematode
central Africa, rare in US
vector- mosquito
clogs lymph system
Wucheria bancrofti
hook worm, round worm, parasite
causes hookworm
causes flu like symptoms and anemia
not common
necator americanus
round worm
looks like you pooped spaghetti
giant round worm
do not see in US
common in poor countries
10-15% of population affected
ascaris lumbricoides
tail will stick out of skin
if pulled fast it can cause a lot of pain- fire worm
slowly pull it out each day
medical symbol?

dracunculus medinensis
round worm
the African eyeworm
spread by the bite of small flies
can see on eye
Loa Loa
roundworm, parasite
paretns look for this in children
use tape
scratching anus- part of life cycle, how it is spread
fecal/ oral, worms in poop
resides in intestine
no vector, only human
enterobius vermicularis
carried by black fly- Africa
can cause blindness- river blindness
cause a little darkness of skin
onchocerca Vulvulus
round worm
found in water supply
intestinal pathogen
infects a variety of mammals, birds, and reptiles
causes massive GI issues
AIDS/ HIV patients may have chronic diarrhea
most people pass it and are rid of it
no affective drugs
cryptosporidium sp.
"beaver fever"
diplomonad- double cells with 2 nuclei
beavers carry it in feces and swim in rivers
via water bc river rats and beaver poop in it
get it by drinking water in streams
explosive, foamy, diarrhea
giardia lamblia
pregnant women shouldn't clean cats bc they carry it in their feces
very common hazard to pregnant women with cats, can cause miscarriage
some think that depression or bipolar disorder could be caused by this-correlation
toxoplasma gondii
very common STD
men are commonly asymptomatic (carrier)
women show symptoms- discharge
untreated can cause cancer or inability to concieve
trichomonas vaginalis
5 features of adaptive immunity
specificity, inducability, clonability, self recognition, memory
antibody generators
3 types of antigens
exogenous, endogenous, and auto-antigens
5 mechanisms of antibodies/ humoral immunity
neutralization, opsonization, oxidation, agglutination, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
grows in stagnant water
goes in through nose and lodges and grows in brain
amebic infections of brain
ultimately causes death
naegleria fowler
like a zombie
a misshapen protein that when interact with other proteins it causes them to misshape which changes their function
stops normal function of proteins affected
locates in brain
hard to detect
can make another ____ or a non functioning protein
BSE or mad cow disease

caused by parasite
gets in red blood cells
undulant fever
caused by anopheles-small mosquito only females cause
in Africa this is like the flu
parts of Africa death rate is high
can NOT be transmitted person to person only mosquito
shivering- feel like you're cold compared to temp outside bc your body temp is so high
sufa drug- itchy
pain relievers/ fever reducers
prevention- bug nets, bug spray
malaria/ plasmodium
fungal skin diseases
named for their location (tinea capitis)