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96 Cards in this Set

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______, or ________ charged, dyes used to stain bacteria are attracted to negatively charged cell components and stain the cell making it readily visible.

Basic or positively charged.

______, or _______ charged, stains are attracted to the glass slide surface leaving the bacterial in stained in a stained background.

Acid or negatively charged stains.

True or false: The process of fixing and staining usually kills the cell.


________ stains use a single basic dye to increase contrast between the cell and the background.

Simple stains.

_________ stains are acidic dyes which color the background only and not the cell.

Negative stains.

_________ stains use a combination of dyes to distinguish between cells with different chemical properties.

Differential stains.

True or false: When creating a smear “more is better.”

False. More is not better. The smear should be barely cloudy. If this mirror is too thick, you won’t be able to see individual cells. Solid clumps will not stain properly.

Methylene Blue is a ______ dye, meaning it will stain what?

Basic dye. It is positively charged and is attracted to the negatively charged cell structures. Therefore, it will stain all the cells blue.

Nigrosin is a(n) _______ dye. It will color what?

Nigrosin is an acidic dye and stains the background (the glass slide) and not the cells.

What is the purpose of staining?

To visualize cells. Bacterial cells have the same refractive index as water which makes them almost invisible when viewed under a bright field microscope. In order to increase the contrast between the cell and the background a variety of techniques can be used, usually staining!

What is the difference between a simple stain and a differential stain?

A simple stain uses a single basic die to increase contrast between the cell and the background. A differential stain uses a combination of dies to distinguish between cells with different chemical properties.

What do negative staining and positive staining have in common?

They increase the contrast between the specimen and the background.

During staining, the slide & organism is heat fixed in order to…

Kill the organism and attach the organism firmly to the slide.

What cellular morphology features are observed after a simple stain?

Cell shape and cell arrangement.

True Or false: The purpose of simple staining is to elucidate the morphology and arrangement of bacterial cells.


Grams bacterial stains can be characterized by the amount of _________ in the cell wall.


Gram-positive bacteria have cell walls that contain thick layers of peptidoglycan (90%). These stain _____.


Gram negative bacteria have walls with thin layers of peptidoglycan, and high lipid content. These stain _______.


The performance of the Gram stain on any sample requires four basic steps that include… List the steps.

(1) apply a primary stain (crystal violet) to a heat fixed smear.

(2) add a mordant. (Grams iodine.)

(3) rapid decolorization with alcohol, acetone, or a mixture of alcohol and acetone.

(4) counterstain with safranin.

What are the three basic morphological shapes of bacteria?

Round shaped cells are cocci, rod shaped cells are bacilli, and spiral shaped cells are spirilla.

Why is Gram’s iodine called a mordant?

The iodine acts as a mordant and binds to the crystal violet.

By omitting the iodine step in the Gram-staining procedure, what color would you expect Gram+ bacteria to stain and what color would you expect Gram- bacteria to stain?

Gram+ : Red.

Gram- : Red.

True or false: The Gram stain technique is based on the different structure of the cell walls of the two groups.


Gram+ organisms contain a highly cross-linked layer of PTG that retains the primary dye, _______.

Crystal violet.

State 2 mistakes that you could make that would make a gram stain less reliable.

Over-lengthy decolorization.

Putting too much dye & leaving it on too long.

True or false: Both gram+ & gram- will be the same color purple if you forgot to use iodine.


Why do we apply more heat in endospores stain?

This extended heat fix is used to soften the endospore layer of keratin, to help the malachite green penetrate the endospore coat.

What is the counter stain, primary stain, and decolorizer in that order in the endospore stain?

Safranin, malachite green, & water.

The endospore is ___ resistant to environmental stresses ___ the vegetative cell.

More; than.

Capsule stain is similar to what other staining procedure?

Negative stain.

A few genera of bacteria form endospores, ____ & ____.

Bacillus & Clostridium.

_______ are called “resting bodies” because they do not metabolize and are resistant to heat, desiccation, nutrient deprivation, extremes in temp, chemical agents including antibiotics, & ionizing radiation. They are formed when essential nutrients or water are not available.


Endospores are impermeable to most stains, so ____ is used to drive the stain into the endospore.


True or false: bacterial stains are non-ionic, so neither acidic nor basic stains will adhere to their surfaces.


True or false: endospores will easily form when the culture is growing in a fresh medium.


Why are flagella so hard to stain?

Flagella are so think & thread-like.

True or false: fewer than 30 colonies on serially diluted and plated culture will give the correct estimate of colony forming units in original sample.


What is the objective of the serial dilution method?

To estimate the number of viable (living) cell concentration in the original sample.

What is the objective of the serial dilution method?

To estimate the number of viable (living) cell concentration in the original sample.

Certain strains of bacterial species produce capsules and slime layers. These structures are composed of layers of polysaccharide or peptide covering the surface of the cell forming a viscous coat. This structure is a ______ when it is round or oval in shape & a ______ when it is irregularly shaped and loosely bound to the bacterium.

Capsule; slime layer.

Capsule staining is a _____ stain.


To visualize flagella, we stain them. The stain coats the flagella, thereby increasing their ______.


To visualize flagella, we stain them. The stain coats the flagella, thereby increasing their ______.


2 main types of flagella: ??

Peritrichous (all around) & polar (at one or both ends).

(Special structures lab.) Enterobacter aerogenes or Serratia marcescens are the cultures used for _______ stain.

Capsule stain.

(Special structures lab.) Proteus vulgaris & Escherichia coli are used for _______ stain.

Flagella stain.

What type of stain is used for flagella staining?

Leifson Flagella Stain.

What stains are used in capsule staining?

Copper sulfate & crystal violet.

When endospore staining you counter stain with ____.


True of false: When capsule staining you need to heat fix your smear before you begin staining.

False!!! Do not heat fix your capsule stain!!!

True or false: When you are preparing your flagella stain you must heat fix your smear.

False!!! Do NOT heat fix your smear, this will destroy the flagella structure.

The ________ method involves applying a measured quantity of sample to a petri dish and counting the number of colonies that form. The number of colonies obtained is referred to as a(n) ______________ because only living cells are capable of reproducing and forming a colony.

Serial dilution; viable cell count.

(Serial dilution.) The number given by viable cell count method is called “_________”.

Colony forming units (CFU)

(Serial dilution.) To count individual colonies, it is necessary to have a sample with a low concentration, usually about _____ - _______ CFU/ml.

100 - 1000.

(Serial dilution.) on standard sized petri dishes only, plates with between ____ & _____ colonies can be counted accurately.

30 and 300

What type of stain is this? What kind of shape are the bacteria? What color dye is used?

Simple stain. Rod shaped E. coli with Methylene Blue stain.

What color/type dye is this?

Methylene blue.

See image for questions!

See image for answers!

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Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

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Front (Term)

Not normal! Decolorizing agent was left on for too long.

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Front (Term)

Not normal! Decolorizing agent was left on for too long.

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Front (Term)

Not normal! Decolorizing agent was left on for too long.

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Front (Term)

Not normal! Decolorizing agent was left on for too long.

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