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205 Cards in this Set

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Purpose of aseptic technique

Insures no contamination of microorganisms into work place, cultures you are working with, or to others present.

Loops and needles need to be ..

Sterilized until they are red hot

Why do we flame tools after using them?

To kill left over organisms


Tryptic Soy Agar

Tryptic soy


Tryptic Soy Broth

Tryptic soy

Label all sterile media with..

Your name, media type, organisms used, dateand lab hour. Label on bottom of lid

Smear prep is what is determined?

Prepares org for staining. Used to determine 1. cell shape, 2. Cell arragemnet and 3. internal structures.

Most stains we do utilize ?

Smear prep to place orgs on slide

The key to successful smear..

Make sure smear is not too thick, too many cells make it hard to see shape or arrangement of cells

Organisms in solid media clump together and can be dispersed how?

By adding a few loopfuls of water

When taking from a solid media do u take a lot or a lil dab?

Less is better. U take a small dab

A solid media may need to be mixed with a little ______ on smear prep

Deionized Water

This experiment ties in with many other experiments

Smear prep

What is the purpose of heat fixing the slides?

Kills organisms and adheres them to the slide so they r not washed off during staining

Simple staining

Makes it easier to visualize bacterial cells on slide by using dyes

Simple staining has 2 types of dyes

1. Basic dye (+)charged chromophore

-Works Well with bacteria cells

-Stains inside of cell

2. Acidic dye (-)charged chromophore

-REPELLED by bacteria

-stains outside of cell

Bacteria has what charge ?

Bacteria is negatively charged

Simple stains are used to determine?

Bacterial cell morphology (cell shape)

3 common bacteria shapes

Bacilli (rods)

Cocci (spherical)

Spiral or curved

Dye used in simple stain

Methylene blue

Negative staining

Determines size, and shape of bacteria

Neg stains are ___?

Acidic dyes & r repelled by bacteria

Negative stains stain___?

The background of cell. The bacteria itself will appear transparent against dark background.

India ink is (-) and is used in

Negative staining

Acidic dye is?

Neg charged chromophore

Chromophore is?

A molecule that gives dye its’ color.

India ink is used in which experiment?

Negative stain

In a negative stain why does it stain outside the cell?

Because of their charge

Capsule stain is what kind of stain and dye?

It is a differential stain. It uses acidic and basic dye

2 distinct Layer tht surround some bacterial cells


2. Slime or biofilm

Capsule is?

-Distinct gelatinous layer

-Attached tightly to bacteria

-Most capsules are made of polysaccharides aka glycocalyx

Slime or biofilm

-A diffuse n irregular layer of extracellular matrix

-Loosely attached to bacteria, and can be washes off

Do we heat fix capsule stain?

No, it will melt capsule n we wont b able to dye or see ut

What function do capsules have?

They protect the bacteria from being engulfed or destroyed. Also helps them attach to solid surfaces

How does capsule stain differ from other stains?

-We use negative staining for the first part

-there's no heat fixing

-all the sides are air-dried

What would heat fixing a capsule stain do?

It would destroy her shrink the capsule we will be unable to view it

What is the purpose of gram staining?

To provide identification of the unknown bacteria

Gram staining is an example of what staining technique? And what does that technique mean?

Differential stain: to tell the difference between cell or cell structures due to dissimilar staining

What is the cell wall feature in a gram positive cell?

90% peptidoglycan 10% techoic acid

What is the cell wall feature in a gram positive cell?

90% peptidoglycan 10% techoic acid

What is the cell wall feature for a gram negative cell?

90% outer membrane 10% peptiodoglycan

Gram positive will show what color and why?

Purple because of the thicker peptidoglycan layer( cell wall)

What color will the gram negative be and why?

Pink/red because of the thinner peptidoglycan layer(cell wall)

If the reagent is just heat fixed, what will gram positive and gram negative look like?


If the reagent is crystal violet what color would gram positive and gram negative be? And what is crystal violet?

Purple and crystal violet is a primary stain.

The reagent is Gram’s Iodine, what is it’s purpose and what color will gram positive and gram negative be?

It is a mordant and both colors are purple.

What will 95% Ethanol do to gram positive and gram negative? And what is the purpose of ethanol?

Gram positive stays purple and gram negative is clear. Ethanol is a decolorizing agent.

What is the reaction of Safranin towards gram positive and gram negative? And what is the Safranin’s purpose?

Gram positive is purple and gram negative is pink/ red. Safranin is a counterstain.

Gram positive has a ______ cell wall.


Gram negative has a _____ cell Wall.


Under oil immersion capsule stains appear as

Halos around pink/red cell w a dark background

Acidic dyes are

Negatively charged

Dyes used on capsule stains

Congo red - acidic-stains background maneval- basic dye- stains the inside of cell

Basic dyes

R positively charged n stain the inside of cell

On what experiment does the cell appear to have a halo under oil emmersion?

Capsule staining

Capsule staining uses what dye?

Congo red or nigrosin

Capsule staining uses what dye?

Congo red and manevals

What are the bacteria that belong in rod (bacilli)? And what shape?

Bacilli is flat, round or tapered at the end.

1. Coccibacillus 2. Bacillus 3. Fusiform

What are the bacteria that belongs in cocci (spherical)?

1. Steptococci (chain)

2. Staphylococcus (cluster)

3. Diplococci (two cocci)

4. Tetrads (4)

What are the bacteria that belongs is spiral or curved?

1. Spirochates

2. Comma

3. Spirillum

What are the bacteria that belongs in spiral or curved?

1. Spirochates

2. Comma

3. Spirillum

What are the dyes used in capsule staining? And what are their dyes?

Mordant: Congo red- acidic dye

Counterstain: Manevels-basic dye

The total charge of a cell is posifive


Total magnification of high power

400 x

The shaettr futln method is an alternative for what lab producer?

Spore stain

Congo red


Organisms picked up thru out the day are

Transient microrganisms

Dye used in simple stain

Methadine blue

S aureus,effacilies, and b. Serious

Are all gram +

Positive result for acid fast stain


Positive spore stain has

Green spores

Who developed gram staining

Hans Christian gram

Staning technique tht differentiates bacterial cells from eukaryotic cells

Gram stain

Wich of the following was not a tropical used in the antiseptics test

95% ethinal alcohol

Dye used in acid fast stain to dye cells with myolic acid membraine

Carbo fusion

After alcohol fluds the slide in a gram stain, gram + cells remain purple and the gram -cells are


Safranin is a dye used in

Gram stain and spore stain

What dyes cells in a capsule stain


The mordant in acid fast stain is


India ink is a dye used in

Neg stain

A high % transmission value indicates

Low number of organisms

The organism used in the motility test was


Purpose of this procedure is to decrease the concentration of cells by a known volume

Serial dilution

Acid fast cells stain in the acid fast stain


The total charge of cell is neg



What i can see w my eyes


Best living conditions

What is the purpose of oil immersion

The oil replaces the air space. It prevents refraction at a glass air interface. Meaning allows less light to go thru so we see org better

What r 2 possible errors which could have occurred if u find ur subcultures had no growth after being incubated?

1. Forgetting to inoculate

2. Could have killed bacteria w heat from un-cooled needle

Four microscopic morphologies of bacteria

Cocci, coccobacilli, bacilli, and spirals

What is the real name of the white rimmed objective

Oil emmersion

Why is sheeps blood used as media?

Fastidious bacteria

Requires xtra nutrients

What is the name for the blue rimmed objective?

High dry

What is the function of the iris diagphram?

Adjustment for light thru the abee condenser , want it in the middle, light should not be blinding

5 characteristics of bacterial colonial morphologies?

1. Size

2. Shape

3. Color


5. Density

Which stain makes the cell look pink

Acid fast stain

What two things shud u always do to enhance isolation of bacteria

1.Flame and cool needle

2. Firm dab , dont scoop

What r the functions of the abbe condenser?

1 collect light

2 condense light

3 alternate light source

Why are culture tunes held at an angle?

To prevent air contamination

4 places normal flira exists

1. Gi tract

2 vagina

3 throat/mouth


Purpose of inverting plates during incubation?

To prevent buildup of condensation that would ruin the culture

What and where is agar from

Solid form media

Comes from seaweed

What is total magnification for low dry


What is streaking for isolation

To break up colonies from 2 species

What group of organisms are considered acid fast?


Name of yellow rimmed objective

Low dry

Color of serratia at room temoerature


What 2 parts of microscope r used to carry or support the microscope?

Arm and base

Total magnification of scannibg onjective


Total magnification for high dry


Red color objective is called


What is media

Broth or agar used

Base" for bacteria to be added to

Parfocal lensesallow for us to b able to go between objectives w little adjustment of ...

Fine focus

What is normal flora

Grows on different mucosal surfaces of the body

Total magnification of oil immersion


3 optical parts to microscope?

Eye piece, abbe condenser, objective lense

Equation for total magnification

Objective magnification x ocular magnification

Y shud a petri dish not be left open for an extended period of time?

Air cobtamination

What r ways to tell media is sterile

Run controls

No floaters in agar

No growth in broth

Gram staining is an important way to identify...

Unknown bacteria

Gram stain

Is A differential stain

Gram + and gram - are different based on their

Cell wall , composition , and structure

Cell wall features in gram + cell is

90% peptidoglycan pkus 10% teichoi acids

Cell wall features in gram - is

10%peptidoglycan plus 90% outer membrane

Gram + cells will appear


Gram - cellz will appear


Why do gram + stain purple but not gram -

Because gram + has a much thicker peptidoglycan layer


Glue or sticky stuff in middle such as cement between brinks

Acid fast stainibg is used to

Identify mycobacterium and nocardia species of bacteria

Mycobacterium and nocardia have a

Cell wall lipids w waxy materials

What is the waxy layer on cells called?

Mycolic acid

This layer makes certain stainingvprocedures ineffective?

Mycolic acid

If it has mycolic acid

Its red

If it stains blue there is no

Mycolic acid

In acid fast stainubg carbolfusion stain red and methtlene blue

Stain blue

When mycolic acid is precent on bacteria

Certain stains r i effective

If bacteria cell is acid fast

Will stain red

On acid fast non-acid will stain


What kind of staon is an acid fast stain?

A differential stain

Why do cells w mycolic acid stay red?

Bc when decolorized w alcohol, it is ineffective bc the acid fast + bacteria are resistant to alcohol.

Mycolic acid

Protects bacteria cells

We heat fix carbofission on acid fast stain

To allow pink dye to penetrate waxy cell wall

Why do we test acid fast n non acid fast together

To differentiate which has a waxy layer

Endospores stain


Do cells sexually reproduce while in endospore state?


Certain gram + species for

Endospores when they are stressed

When r endospores formed ?

When gram + cells are stressed

What makes cells stressed

When they r faced with unfavorable conditions like low or high ph, temo too low or high, if ainething is trying to eat them, or if little nutrients are availablr

Endospores are utilized as

Resting stages tht allow bacteria to survive unfavorable conditiins

Once environmental conditions become favorable endospores can go through germination process and form

Vegetative cells

Vegetative means

Healtjy, able to reproduce , eat

Resistant to heat, radiation, acids, and chemicals


Endospores ate resistant to heat ect because they r made of

Protein coat

To destryo the hard protein coat of an endospore with heat we must

Steam at 121*c for 15 to 20 mins by heat fixing

Endospores are not easily penetrated by stainibg procedures


What needs to b applied to help stain enter endospospore?


In endospore stain the vegetative (happy) cells will appear red due to seffarin and the endospores cells

Green fue to malachi green dye

What is a differential stain

Distinguishes between 2 diff organisms



Turbidity indicates the bacteria

Can move, is motile

Motility most often found in

Spirochetes and rod shaped bacteria

What is the major orgabelle used for motility


Flagella are used primarily to

Mive away from harm or move toward nutriengs

Why do we stain flagella

Bc they r so thin they r hard to see on their own

Motility can b observed by

Semisolid media, wet mount, or hanging droo

When looking at organisms on slide and u see movemement this is called

Not true motility , brownian motion

Brownina motion is when cella are under glass and they appear to move

Cells are only vibrating in straight line in 1 dirrection, this is non tru mobility

Dye in semi solid motility ex

Allows to see where bacteria moved thru

Why do cells mive

To run away from danger or get closer to trients

Which org will exhibit tru motility

P. Vulgaris

Main point of pour plate technniqu

Diluting colonies down to isolate a specific organism

2 common pure culture techniques are

pour plate and streak plate

Pure culture

Helos get a single organism from a mixed culture

B bacillis form endospores when in harsh conditions and when uv light is remived

They return to vegetative (happy) state

What is the term antimicrobial mean?

An agent that kills it inhibits antimicrobials

What does the term antibiotics mean?

Low molecular weight antimicrobials produced from microorganisms that kill or inhibit other bacteria.

What method has the term antibiotics and antimicrobials?

The Kirby bauer method

Antiseptic is?

A substance that kills or inhibits microbial growth and gentle enough to apply to living tissue

Disinfectant is?

A substance that is applied to inanimate objects that kill or reduce microorganisms but harsh on living tissue

pH and microbial growth have three groups what are they?

Neutrophiles, acidophiles, alkaphiles

pH and microbial growth have three groups what are they?

Neutrophiles, acidophiles, alkaphiles

What are the primary lethal effects of uv light?

Mutagenic properties

pH and microbial growth have three groups what are they?

Neutrophiles, acidophiles, alkaphiles

What are the primary lethal effects of uv light?

Mutagenic properties

What light is most germicidal?

260 nm UV because dna absorbs the uv light and bonds are broken at its maximum

Pure culture

Obtain single organism from a mixed culture

Two methods of pure culture

Pour plate and streak plate

Motility is often found in

Spirochetes and rod bacilli

Purpose of flagella

They move away from harmful substances and move towards nutrients. They are thin structures so they need to be stained to be viewed easier

What are they methods of motility?

Hanging drop, wet mount and semi solid media

Acid fast staining

Used to identify mycobacterium and Nocardia. These both have mycolic acid

Acid fast staining is what stain

A differential stain

Acid fast staining uses what dye


Nom acid fast staining uses what dye

Methylene blue

INITIATION begins at a specific nucleotide sequence called

The origin of replication (Ori)

Lec 3

Topoisomerase ii (aka GYRASE)

Uncoils the DNA

_________ then separates the DNA strands by breakin the hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous base pairs.


What occurs in the initiation step ?

Topoisomerase ii


Steps in Elongation (of dna replication)

1)Dna helicase opens repkication fork

2 ) On leading strand Polymerase iii followshelicase and adds on nucleotides according to 3' n 5'


More elingation steps

3) on laggin strand dna polymerase iii replicates Okazaki fragments (DISCONTINUOUS)

4) DNA ligase connects Okazaki fragments together for copy of lagging strand

Ligase means

To tie together

What happens at the end of elongation step in dna replication?

U end up w 2 interlocking circles of dna [NOW THEY NEED TO B SEPERATED]

Termination steps

Bacterial topoisomerase iv

Which is responsible for separating the chromosomes and making 2 individual ones

What enzyme is required for DNA synthesis in bacteria?

DNA polymerase iii

Wht does pol iii do?

It adds individual nucleotides according to their COMPLIMENTARY BASE a + t and c+g