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56 Cards in this Set

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Define innate immunity
form of immunity that exist before exposure to pathogens; hard wired, rapid, and recognizes conserved patterns on pathogens called PAMPS
4 major characteristics of innate immunity
1. Limited repertoire of receptors 2. Ancient system 3. Intimately intertwined with the adaptive immune system 4.Invariant and constant
What is the major cellular response of innate immunity?
Inflammation or the Inflammatory response
The 4 players that participate in the generation of inflammation
Tissues, Early soluble mediators, cells, other soluble mediators
What are the barriers to pathogen entry
Physical (External skin and internal mucosa) & Chemical (Fatty acids, Mucus and saliva, Cationic antimicrobial peptides)
What are the early soluble inflammatory mediators released from local cells?
from plasma?
- Bradykinin, Histamine, serotonin, Platelet activating factor, lysosomal enzymes
- Complement (vasodilatation, edema, opsonization)
What does bradykinin do
Stimulates neutrophil migration, macrophage release of cytokines; induces histamine release; activates complement; vasodilation, pain, edema
What does histamine do?
Bronchoconstriction, vasodilation, pruritis
What does complement do?
Vasodilation, edema, opsonization
What do lipid mediators do?
Cell activation
What does platelet activating factor do?
Neutrophil recruitment and activation
What are the three major C' mediated pathways?
Where do all pathways of complement activation converge?
What cells are activated during the innate immune response?
- 1. Alternative pathway (pathogen surface) 2. Lectin pathway (mannose-binding lectins bind to pathogen surface) 3. Classical (Antibody binds to pathogen antigen)
- C3b covalently bound to surface components of pathogen -> innate immune mechanisms
- neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages, mast cells, NK cells
Where are two places C' receptors are found?
How does CR1 (complement receptor 1) stimulate phagocytosis?
- Neutrophils and macrophages. These facilitate uptake by phagocytosis
- bacterium coated w/complement by alternative and MBL pathways -> C3b binds to CR1 -> C5a activate macrophages -> phagocytose via CR1 (complement receptor =CR)
What is def of complement (C')?
What are the two major biologic functions of C'?
- a set of plasma proteins that act together to help eliminate extracellular forms of pathogens
- Opsonization and Chemotaxis
Which host cells are involved in innate immunity?
Neutrophils, Tissue macrophages, mast cells, immature dendritic cells, NK cells, lymphocytes
What is the role of neutrophils in innate immunity?
Most abundant phagocytes, first cells recruited, relatively short lived
What is the role of tissue macrophages in innate immunity?
Mature form of monocytes, can undergo division at inflammatory sites, dominant effector cells of the second stage of the innate immmune response, set the stage for adaptive immunity
Discuss Mast cells in innate immunity?
Located on surfaces (skin, GI tract, respiratory tract, connective tissues); preformed granules of cytokines and histamine; after activation secrete TNF-a, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8
Which cells are usually first to interact with antigen in the skin and mucosa?
Immature dendritic cells
What do NK cells express?
Inhibitory receptors that recognize MHC class 1. They are thus activated by target cells lacking MHC class 1
What do macrophages and mast cells do upon phagocytosis of pathogens in the tissues?
Synthesize and secrete a panel of soluble mediators that play a role in the local stimulation of the localized inflammatory response and also have systemic effects
What are the major cytokines?
IL-1B, TNF-a, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, Type 1 interferons
What does IL-1b do?
Activates vascular endothelium, induces the acute phase
What does Il-8 do?
Chemotactic cytokine
What does TNF-a do?
Activates vascular endothelium, induces the acute phase response
What secretes IL-6?
What does IL-6 do?
- macrophages
- Activates lymphocytes;inc Ab production -> fever, induces acute phase ptn prod
What secretes IL-12?
What does IL-12 do?
- macrophages
- Activates NK cells, induce diff of CD4 T cells into TH1 cells
- IL-12 activates NK cells -> cause NK cells to IFN-gamma production
What do Type 1 and a/B interferons do?
Activate NK cells to kill virus-infected cells
What three cytokines induce the acute phase response?
IL-1B, TNF-a, IL-6
What are acute phase proteins (ACP)?
Soluble plasma proteins secreted by hepatocytes in the liver in response to acute infection
What two acute phase proteins enhance the fixation of C' at the pathogen surface?
C-Reactive protein (binds PC on bacteria) & Mannose-binding protein (MBP)(initiates lectin-binding C' pathway)
The process of leukocyte migration to sites of infection is initiated by?
Activated tissue macrophages and mast cells at the site of infection
Activated macrophages and mast cells at the site of infection causes?
Increased vascular permeability, increases in adhesion molecule expression, secrection of cytokines and chemokines
What is the multi-step model of leukocyte migration?
Rolling of leukocytes on the endothelium, activation of leukocytes, stable adherence to the endothelium, transmigration
The process of leukocyte migration to sites of infection is stimulated by?
Cytokines, especially TNF-a
What are Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPS)?
Conserved molecules produced only by microbes and not by the host organism
What are Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR)?
A set of germline encoded receptors that recognize PAMPS and thus are specific for non-self structures
Name two common PRRs?
Toll-like Receptors and Seven transmembrane a-helical receptors
Name 4 phagocytic receptors?
Mannose receptors, Scavenger receptors, Fc receptors, Mac-1 (integrin)
What are two chemicals used to kill microbes?
Reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and Nitric oxide (NO)
How is NO created in macrophages?
The inducible Nitric oxide (iNOS) system
What are the four characteristics of inflammation?
What are the chemicals produced by the skin to act as barriers to pathogens?
- Lysozyme in tears and other secretions, fatty acids, gastric acid
The mucosa is an extension of what?
lines the?
primarily composed of?
- the skin
- digestive tract from mouth to anus
- Epithelial cells
- Physical barrier
How are the epithelial cells in the small & large intestine organized?
- as villi
How do antigens enter the intestine?
- through M cells
- M cells interspersed between enterocytes and in close contact w/ subepithelial lymphocytes and dendritic cells -> M cells take up antigens from gut lumen by endocytosis -> antigens released beneath M cells -> taken up by APC (dendritic cells)
How is the classical pathway initiated?
by the binding of either IgM or IgG antibodies to a microbial surface
How is the lectin-mediated pathway initiated?
by mannose-binding lectin of plasma, which binds to carbs found on bacterial cells
How is the alternative pathway initiated?
by the local physicochemical environment created by the constituents of some bacterial surfaces.
What are the two main MOAs when complement cleaved products (C3a, C4a, C5a) act on blood vessels?
- increased permeability -> inc fluid leakage from blood vessels and excavasation of Ig and complement molecules
- inc cell-adhesion molecules -> migration of macrophages, PMNs, and lymphocytes -> microbicidal action of macrophages and PMNs
What activates opsonization of neutrophils and macrophages?
What activates chemotaxis of neutrophils and macrophages?
- C3b
- C3a, C5a
What are usually the first phagocytes that migrate to sites of inflammation?
- Neutrophils
- phagocytosis and activation of bactericidal mechanisms.
What is the difference between monocytes and macrophages in terms of location and activity?
Monocytes are in the blood and are circulating; macrophages are in the tissues and are phagocytosing and killing microorganisms, and activating T cells and initiating immune responses
What are the sentinel cells?
mast cells and macrophages
What is the function of mast cells?
expulsion of parasites from body through release of granules containing histamine and other active agents
What is the function of NK cells?
releases lytic granules that kill some virus-infected cells