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72 Cards in this Set

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loss of e
loss of H
gain of O (double bond is added)
Gain of e
Gain of H
Loss of O
Sequence of enzyme catalyzed reactions called....
metabolic pathways
In catabolism, nutrients are broken down to produce...
reducing power (H atoms)
precursor molecules for anabolism
Catabolism ______ energy
Anabolism combines the precursors created in catabolism(monosacc or amino acids) and joins them together to make....
Macromolecules, such as proteins or sugars

Cell components
Anabolism _______ energy
uses or absorbs
Humans and bacteria are what kind of C and energy user?
The 2 possible catabolic pathways in chemotrophs are...
respiration and fermentation
Inorganic molecule is final e acceptor stripped from chemical nutrients in which pathway
Organic molecule is the final e acceptor in which pathway?
i.e. acids produced in phenol red glucose when fermented; acid is organic
The 1 catabolic pathway in phototrophs are...
What three things are needed to make ATP?
Inorganic Phosphate
Energy is stored in high energy bonds between what two molecules?
The phosphates in ATP;
*A lot of energy is released when this bond breaks.
You end up with an inorganic phosphate, and ADP.
Organic cofactor of enzymes are called....
Many are made from vitamins in food
What 3 coenzymes are used in respiration?
NAD, FAD and CoA
What is NAD made from?
What is NAD's job?
It transfers H from here to here.
What is the oxidized form of NAD?
What is the reduced form of NAD?
What if FAD made of?
What is the function of FAD?
It transfers H AND protons from here to here
What is the oxidized form of FAD?
What is the reduced form of FAD?
What is CoA made of?
Pantothenic acid
What is the function of CoA?
To transfer short pieces of C atoms from 1 compound to another.
What is the reaction for aerobic respiration?
C6H12O6 + 6CO2 + 38 ADP= 6H2O + 6 CO2 + 38 ATP
1 glucose produces how much ATP?
What are the 4 stages to take sugar to ATP?
Kreb's Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
How much of the energy that is created when sugar is combusted is actually used to make ATP?
The rest is lost as heat
What is the most common way to get energy from sugar?
Where does glycolysis take place in pro and eukaryotes?
In the cytoplasm
Glucose and fructose are isomers, which means....
They have the same chemical formula, but different structures
What are the products of glycolysis?
2 pyruvic acids

2 net ATP (4 were produced, but 2 were used)

2 NADH + H (reduced form)
Where does transition take place in pro and eukaryotes?
Prokaryote- cytoplasm

Eukaryote- Mitochondria
What are the products of transition?
2 acetyl CoA (which have 2 C each)

2 CO2

2 NADH + H+
How does CoA start the Kreb's cycle?
The CoA bonds the active acetate to oxaloacetic acid
What determines if a cell can run the Kreb's cycle?
It's genetic makeup
What are the products of the Kreb's cycle?

4 CO2


6 NADH + H+

*This is from 2 turns of the cycle
In what stage are the initial 6 C from glucose used up?
Halfway through Kreb's cycle
Where is the ETC in pro and eukaryotes?
Prokaryote- Cell membrane

Eukaryote- Mitochondria (all along the inner membrane)
Which lab test did we do to see if the bacteria had an ETC?
The Oxidase test
Where do the e come from that are used in the ETC?
From the NAD products in the first three steps;
2 from electrolysis, 2 from transition and 6 from kreb's
Where is the periplasmic space?
Between the cell membrane and cell wall in the prokaryote
Where is the proton pump in eukaryotes?
intermembrane space in the mitochondria
What happens when all the protons go through the pump?
They are all going to repel each other and build up a lot of potential energy.
Which has more energy, O2 or NAD?
Which enzyme creates the channel for the proton pump?
ATP Synthetase
How many ATP does NADH produce?
How may ATP does FADH2 produce?
Why can't we just raise the temperature to activate energy producing reactions in cells?
The higher heat would denature the proteins and evaporate the liquids
What happens overall, in replication?
DNA makes new DNA
What happens overall, in transcription?
DNA makes mRNA; Which is the first step of protein synthesis
What happens overall, in translation?
mRNA links AA together to form protein.
What happens overall, in replication?
DNA makes new DNA
What happens overall, in transcription?
DNA makes mRNA; Which is the first step of protein synthesis
What happens overall, in translation?
mRNA links AA together to form protein.
How many types of fermentation are there?
4; homolactic
mixed acid
What is homolactic fermentation?
Pyruvic acid is turned into lactic acid
Ex. Pediococus (pickle fermentation) and lactobacillus (yogurt)
What is alcoholic fermentation?
Pyruvic acid is turned into ethanol and CO2

The VP test (for acetoin) tests for this
Ex. Saccharomyces (sweet fungus) wine, beer, spirits and bread
What is heterolactic fermentation?
Combo of homolactic lactic acid production and alcoholic alcohol and CO2 production.
Ex. Some lactobacillus
What is mixed acid fermentation?
Produces mixture of acids, alcohol, and pyruvic acids. Many different types of acids are produced.

MR test tests for this
Ex. Shigella, Salmonella and E. Coli
How are lipids and carbs catabolized?
They are converted into compounds which are part of the respiratory pathway.
Ex. proteins -----> oxaloacetic acid in krebs
Respiration AND fermentation get their energy from where?
Chemical compounds
If the arrow is flipped in photosynthesis, it is .....
aerobic respiration
What are the two basic groups in the phases of photosynthesis?
light reactions = light dependent
dark reactions = light independent
What do light reactions of photosynthesis produce?
ATP and NADPH (reduced form of NADP)
What do the dark reactions of photosynthesis produce?
The ATP and NADPH are used to "fix" or make into solid the CO2 from atmosphere, which is then converted into glucose and goes through aerobic respiration
What is rRNA?
Structural part of the ribosome....it makes it
What is mRNA?
Carries information from DNA to ribosome, where a protein is synthesized
What is tRNA?
Found in the cytoplasm, where they pick up amino acids and transfer them to mRNA
-tRNA has cloverleaf structure, with anticodon to match the codon on mRNA
Where are okazaki fragments found (In which stage?)
DNA replication