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86 Cards in this Set

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what did leeuwenhoek do?

first to observe cells using a microscope

what did pasteur do?

deferred cell theory

what did koch do?

established causation of disease by microorganisms

what did lister do?

aseptic techniques

what did jenner do?

create smallpox vaccine

what does biogenesis state?

living things come from living things

what does spontaneous generation state?

living things come from non-living things

why was spontaneous generation supported?

only explanation for how things came to be

what is the coccus shape?


what is the bacillus shape?


what is the spiral shape?


what is the strepto- arrangement?

chain of circles

what is the staphylo- arrangement?

grape-like cluster

what is the sarcina arrangement?

circles shaped into a cube

describe prokaryotes (7)

1. no nucleus

2. no organelles

3. unicellular

4. cell is a capsule

5. all are bacteria

6. divide by binary fission

7. have small ribosomes

describe eukaryotes (7)

1. nucleus

2. organelles

3. uni or multicellular

4. cytoskeleton

5. not bacteria

6. divide by mitosis

7. have large ribosomes

how are prokaryotes and eukaryotes similar (6)?

1. ribosomes

2. DNA

3. cytoplasm

4. cell membrane

5. flagella

6. cell division

what does it mean to be gram-positive?

thicker wall, more PG, stains purple

what does it mean to be gram-negative?

thinner wall, less PG, stains red, outer membrane

what is a prokaryotic cell membrane made up of?

phospholipid bilayer / carbs and proteins

what does the prokaryotic cell membrane secrete?


what does a eukaryotic cell membrane contain that a prokaryotic membrane does not?


describe a cell membrane (5)

1. selectively permeable

2. covered by cell wall

3. in all cells

4. lipid bilayer

5. flexible

describe a cell wall (5)

1. permeable

2. outer-most layer

3. only in plant and bacteria cells

4. made of chitin or glycoproteins

5. fixed shape

what is diffusion?

movement of molecules from high to low concentration

what does facillitated diffusion use?

carrier proteins

what is osmosis?

diffusion of water

what is active transport?

uses ATP to cross membrane

what is endocytosis?

taking in materials

what is exocytosis?

materials leaving cell

what are archaea?

unicellular organisms that inhabit extreme environments

do archaea have cell walls?


what is the main difference between archaea and bacteria?

archaea do not have PG in their cell walls

what is taxonomy?

the science of classifying organisms

why is taxonomy good?

provides a universal language and allows for organization

put the classifications in order from broad to specific









what was scientific nomenclature created by?


what is a dichotomy tree?

used to identify unknown organisms by running tests and observing results

what is normal flora?

bacteria that are always on skin and don't cause disease

what is E.coli? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

rod, negative, aerobic, intestinal flora, food poisoning/UTI

what is P.aeruginosa? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

rod with flagella, negative, aerobic, soil and water, infections in burn patients (nosocomial)

what is H.pylori? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

vibroid, negative, microaerophillic, stomach lining, ulcers/cancer

what is B.anthracis? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

rods, positive, aerobic or facultative, sheep, anthrax poisoning

what is S.aureus? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

grape clusters, positive, facultative, flora, infections/food poisoning

what is S.mutans? (shape, gram, air, location, causation)

cocci chains, positive, anaerobic, teeth, plaque

what is M.tuberculosis? (shape, cell wall, air, causation)

macrophages, atypical cell wall, aerobic, fever/fatigue/cough blood

describe multicellular fungi (4)

1. live on dead organic matter

2. reproduce sexually or asexually

3. made of hyphae

4. low temp

describe unicellular yeast (4)

1. live off of dead or living matter

2. reproduce by budding or fission

3. single celled

4. high temp

what is mycosis?

a disease caused by a fungus

what is dimorphism?

fungi that exist as either yeast or mold (can be both)

what is brown algae?

kelp, cellulose wall, multicellular

what is red algae?

red, cellulose wall, multicellular, agar

what is green algae?

green, cellulose wall, uni or multicellular

what is the intermediate host?


what is the definitive host?


where do sporozoites divide?


where do merozoites divide?

red blood cells

where does sexual reproduction occur?


where does asexual reproduction occur?


are all viruses living?


are all viruses bad?


describe where viruses attack

either a specific cell or entire body

describe the make up of viruses (3)

1. DNA or RNA, single or double stranded

2. capsid protein coat to enclose DNA

3. phospholipid envelope

what is catabolism?

breaks down large molecules to make ATP

what is anabolism?

uses ATP to build molecules

what is exergonic?

energy lost as heat, some stored

what is energonic?

energy stored

what is the structure of ATP?

adenine, 3 phosphate groups, ribose

what is the formula for cellular respiration?

glucose + O2 + ADP --> H2O + CO2 + ATP

what are the 3 steps of cellular respiration?

glycolysis, kreb's cycle, electron transport chain

describe enzymes (4)

1. speed up chemical reactions

2. recyclable

3. should not be changed

4. active sites

what is substrate-level phosphorylation?

phosphate group is added to a substrate

why are 2 ATP needed for glycolysis?

to activate glucose

what are the end products of glycolysis?

2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, 2 ATP

what is pyruvate?

pyruvic acid; product of glycolysis

what is decarboxylation?

carbon removed as CO2

what does acetyl CoA do?

merge with oxaloacetate to form citrate

what do NAD+ and FAD+ do?

transport electrons to mitochondria

how many ATP does NADH produce?


how many ATP does FADH produce?


how many ATP does cellular respiration produce?


how many ATP does the electron transport chain produce?


how many ATP does glycolysis produce?


how many ATP does the kreb's cycle produce?


where does NADH enter the ETC?

first protein complex

where does FADH enter the ETC?