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36 Cards in this Set

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marginal benefit
additional benefit gained from consuming one more unit of a good.
Marginal cost
the additional cost of producing one more unit of a good
occurs when marginal benefit=marginal cost and the sum of consumer and producer surplus is maximized
consumer surplus
the difference between the maximum price someone is willing to pay and the actual price he or she does pay.
producer surplus
the difference between the market price and the minimum price a seller is willing to accept.
occurs when marginal benefit does not equal marginal cost and there is a misallocation of resources.
1. price ceilings/floors
4. externalities
5.public goods
impact on efficiency
taxation results in a deadweight loss
deadweight loss
reduction in consumer and producer surplus that results when production is inefficient
price ceilings
maximum legal price set by gov. below the equilibrium price
price floors
a minimum legal price set by gov. above the equilibrium price.
a cost or benefit that affects someone who is not directly involved in the production or consumption of a good or service. ex: spillover effect, 3rd party effect
negative externality
positive externality
vaccinations, education
goods that generate negative externalities are overproduced.
solutions to the problem of externalites
1. public policy solutions
a. tax negative externalities (pigorian tax)
b. subsidize positive externalities
c. regulation (envir. protection
2. Private solution
a. coase theorem- emphasizes the need for clearly defined property rights.
public good
good or service that is non rival and non excludable
ex. national defense, law enforcement, uncongested highways.
a good who's consumption by one person does not diminish it's availability for others
ex. watching movie at theatre doesn't take away from other people watching.
a good hat is very difficult or costly to exclude non payers from consuming; once provided everyone can enjoy the benefits.
ex. free rider
common resource
a resource that is non-excludable but rival.
ex. congested highways, fish/whales/wildlife
short run
a period of time in which at leas one resource is fixed in amount
long run
a period of time in which all resources are variable.
the process of converting resources into output
average production (AP)
output per worker
marginal product (MP)
additional output produced when one more worker is hired
Law of diminishing Returns
as the amount of a variable resource increases relative to fixed resources after a certain point the marginal product of the variable resource will decrease.
total fixed cost (TFC)
costs that do not vary or change with the level of output produced.
total variable cost (TVC)
costs that do vary or change with the level of output produced.
average fixed cost (AFC)
fixed cost per unit of output
average variable cost (AVC)
total fixed cost per unit of output
average total cost (ATC)
total cost per unit of output
economies of scale
cost per unit decrease as output increases and doubling inputs will more than double outputs
constant returns to scale
costs per unit remain constant as output increase and doubling inputs will double output.
diseconomies of scale
costs per unit increase as output increases and doubling inputs will less than double output.
perfect competition
market structure made up of many firms producing identical products.
-no barriers to entry- long run more firms aloud to enter
-price takers- a firm that has no control over $ of its output.
marginal revenue
additional revenue that is earned from selling one more unit of output
shut down rule
if price is above average variable cost then continue to operate.
if price is below average variable cost then shut down