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60 Cards in this Set

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Which type of organism belongs to prokaryotes


Penicillin was called a “miracle drug” because it doesn’t harm human cells. Why doesn’t it?
Human do not have cell wall. Penicillin only target and disrupt bacterial cell wall
The universal entity for all prokaryote?
No nucleus and no membrane-bound cell organelles

What is the difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

prokaryotes: no nucleus no membrane bound organelle.

Eukaryotes nucleus membrane bound organelles

What are structure of the prokaryotic cell


Cell envelope: Glycocalyx, cell wall, cell membrane

Internal structure: Nucleoid, cytoplasm, ribosome, plasmid,granule, actin cytoskeleton


What is a flagellum and function

a tail like appendage

confer motility and guide bacteria in response to external stimulus

What are the 2 stimuli for the flagellum

chemical stimuli-chemotaxis

light stimuli-phototaxis

What is the Fimbriae and function

small bristle-like fiber

-enable cells to attach to each other to objects

What is the Pilus and function

an elongate rigid tubular projection

involved in mating process

What are the types of flagellum

monotrichous:single at one end

Lophotrichous: small branches at one end

Amphitrichous: single or branchesat both end

Peritrichous: all around the cell surface

What makes up the bacterial cell envelope

Glycocalyx: out most

Cell wall:middle layer

Cell membrane: most inside layer

Which cell structure of the bac. cell wall would prevent the cells from rupturing if bacteria living in salty seawater were displaced to a freshwater environment?
Peptidoglycan which is the brown region

What are the types of Glycocalyx

Slime layer: a loose glycocalyx

capsule: a Firm glycocalyx

What are the functions of the glycocalyx

Protect cells from dehydration and nutrient loss – Avoid phagocytosis by white blood cells – Attachment - formation of biofilms
What is the function of capsule from virulent standpoint?
Avoid phagocytosis

What are some Pathogenic Bacteria

-Bacillus anthracis (cause of anthrax)

• Haemophilus influenzae (cause of meningitis)

• Streptococcus pneunoniae (cause of pneumonia)

-have capsules

What is the peptidoglycan

is primary component – Unique macromolecule composed of carbohydrate

What is function of Peptidoglycan

Determine the shape of bacteria – Keep a bacterium from burst

What is the difference between gram positive and negative

Gram-positive: thick peptidoglycan, teichoicacids

Gram negative: Thin peptidoglycan

outer membrane

What is the gram stain

Differential stain that distinguishes cells with a gram-positive cell wall from those with a gramnegative cell wall

What to stains do we see?

Gram-positive - retain crystal violet and stain purple –

Gram-negative - lose crystal violet and stain red from safranin counterstain

Why is the gram stain so important

• Important basis of bacterial classification and identification

• Practical aid in diagnosing infection and guiding drug treatment – E.g. Penicillin G for gram-positive and streptomycin for gram-negative bacteria

Do all have cell walls

Some bacterial groups lack typical cell wall structure

– E.g. Mycobacterium and Nocardia: acid-fast bacteria with mycolic acid cell wall

– E.g. Mycoplasma: have no cell wall

– E.g. Archaea: no peptidoglycan in the cell wall

What is important about mycoplasma

lack cell walls

sterols in plasma membrane

smallest known bacteria that can grow outside of host

can pass through bacterial filters

What is mycoplasma pneumoniae?

the most important medical species which causes atypical pneumonia
Why are mycoplasmas resistant to antibiotics that interfere with bacterial cell wall synthesis?
because mycoplasmas do not have cell wall.

What is Acid-Fast bacteria

have mycolic acid in the cell wall

What is Archaea

have no peptidoglycan in the cell wall

What do mycoplasma lack

a cell wall

Antibiotic isoniazid inhibits synthesis of mycolic acid component of cell wall in bacteria. This antibiotic must be effective to against
, because acid-fast bacteria contain mycolic acid in the cell wall

What makes up the plasma membrane

Phospholipid bilayer

• Peripheral proteins

• Integral proteins

• Transport proteins

What is the function of the cell membrane

Energy reaction - ATP production

• Nutrient processing - transport

• Synthesis - enzyme systems located in the membrane

What makes up the internal structures


• Nucleoid

• Ribosomes

• Mesosomes

• Granules/Inclusions

• Plasmids

• Actin cytoskeleton

What makes up the cell Cytoplasm

dense gelatinous solution of sugars, amino acids, and salts – 70-80% water

-serves as solvent

What makes up the prokaryotic ribosome

50s+30s subunit

important in protien sythesis

What makes up the Mesosomes and its function

The cell membrane extends inwardly into coiled sacs

Function: increase internal surface area for membrane activity

What are the Granules and inclusion and their function

Intracellular storage bodies

Function: support bacterial requirement when environmental source of nutrients becomes depleted

What are nucleoids and their function

DNA not enclosed by a nuclear membrane

Function:source of genetic information

What are chromosomes

Single, circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that contains all the genetic information required by a cell
How many chromosome does bacterium have?


Bacterial chromosome is in diploid or haploid state?


What is a plasmid

Acircular, tiny extrachromosomal DNA which are not essential for growth and metabolism

What is the function of the plasmid

1) sources of genetic information, 2) confer protective traits, 3) vehicle for genetic engineering

What are bacterial endospores?

Dormant bodies formed when exposed to adverse environmental conditions

What are bacterial endospores function?

protection of genetic material during extreme or harsh conditions

What are endospores

the hardest of all life forms

What is the purpose to form endospore
to resist adverse environment

What are Actin cytoskeletons

Fine protein fibers within cells that contribute to structure and support

What are the different shapes of bacterias

Coccus,basillus, spirrllum, irregular

Similarities between Archaea and bacteria?
– Both have cell wall – both have no nucleus and membrane bind organelle
Differences betweenArchaea and bacteria?
– Cell wall of archaea lack peptidoglycan – Archaea often live in extreme conditions

What are the major taxonomic groups

• Division I-Gram-negative bacteria

• Division II-Grampositive bacteria

• Division III-Bacteria lacking cell wall

• Division IV - Archaebacteria: with atypical compounds in the cell wall (no peptidoglycan) and membrane,

What are species?

a collection of bacterial cells which share an overall similar pattern of traits in contrast to other bacteria whose pattern differs significantly

What is a strain or variety

a culture derived from a single parent that differs in structure or metabolism from other cultures of that species

What is a type

a subspecies that can show differences in antigenic makeup (serotype) , susceptibility to bacterial viruses (phage type) and in pathogenicity (pathotype)
These are smallest bacteria which used to be considered as viruses because they can pass through bacterial filters except ?
Which cell organelles most closely resembles a prokaryotic cell
chloroplast & mitochondria

What is genus ricketsias and its characteristics

typhus & spotted fever

1. tiny size

2.obligate pracite

3.require alternative hhost

What is genus Chlamydias and its characteristics

atypical pnuemonia

1.tiny size

2. obligae parasite

3.no need alternate host

What is genus mycoplasmas and its characteristics

atypicl pnuemonia

1.tiny size

2. not obligate parasite

3. lack cell wall