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22 Cards in this Set

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All Living cells share

cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA chromosomes, ribosomes, protein, metabolism

characteristics of life

reproduction and heredity (asexual/sexual)

growth and development




transport of nutrients and waste


transmission of genetic material to the next generation in the form of carrying DNA

prokaryotic cell (external)

appendages, flagella, pili, fimbriae, gylcocalyx (capsule/ slim layer),

prokaryotic cell (cell envelope)

cell wall and cell memebrane

prokaryotic cell (internal)

cytoplasmic matrix, ribosomes, inclusions, nucleiod/ chromosomes, actin cytoskeleton, endospore


rod =bacillus

spiral - coma = vibrio / spirilla, spirachete

round = cocci

star = stella

square = haloarcula


strepto - chains

pairs - diplo (2)

staphylo - cluster

tetrad - groups of 4


provide the power of motility (allows cell to swim freely)

arrangement of flagella

polar - cell is attached at 1 or both ends of the cell

monotrichous- 1 flagella

lophotrichous- small bunches on same side

amphitrichous- flagella emerging on both sides

peritrichous- emerging all around random sides

flagella responses

chemical stimuli - chemotaxis

light stimuli - phototaxis

other appendages

fimbriae - fine hairlike bristles made up of protein, stick to other cells and surfaces

pili- rigid tubes of protein, only on gram-negative cells, DNA transfer called conjugation


coating of external cell wall made of sugar and protein, protect cells from dehydration and nutrient loss, inhibit killing by white blood cells and attachment

slime layer - loosely organized and attached

capsule - highly organized and tightly attached

functions of cell wall

hold shape, prevents bursting, attaches outer layer, contains peptidoglycan

gram stain negative cell wall

periplasmic space with thin peptidoglycan layer,

outer membrane contains lipopolysaccharides, lipid - toxic when released during infections, function as receptors and blocking immune response, contain porin- transport proteins

gram positive cell wall

thick peptidoglycan, teichoic acids, may have small periplasmic space, stains easily, no LPS

nontypical cell wall

acid fast

gram positive plus lipid mycolic acid

pathogenicity, resistance to certain chemicals and dyes

some have no cell wall

pleomorphic - variable in shape

sterols in membrane

cell membrane

phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins called fluid mosaic

providing site for energy reaction, nutrient processing and synthesis


single, circular, double stranded DNA molecule

contain all the genetic information of the cell


free small circular, double stranded DNA

not essential to bacterial growth and metabolism

used in genetic engineering

bacterial internal structures

inclusions and granules - storage bodies, some are magnetic to align with earth's geomagnetic field to help swim downward towards low oxygen area.

cytoskeleton- internal network.

endospores- to survive on harsh climates, resistant to extreme heat, freezing, drying, radiation, chemicals and more

prokaryotes with unusual characteristics

free living nonpathogenic- gliding fruiting bacteria

photosynthetic bacteria- use photosynthesis

cynobacteria - photosynthetic chlorophyll, ancestor of chloroplast of eukaryotes

green and purple sulfur bacteria - photosynthetic, anaerobic (don't give off oxygen)