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22 Cards in this Set

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What is hardenability?

Depth up to which a material is hardened as a result of heat treatment

What three things does the hardenability of steel depend on?

Composition of steel

Grain size

Quenching medium/method

What are examples of liquid and gaseous quenchants.

Liquid - Oil, Water/Brine

Gaseous - Air, Helium, Argon

Quenching has 3 stages - what are these?

A - Vapour Blanket Stage (Slow Cooling)

B - Nucleate Boiling Stage (Fast Cooling)

C - Convective or Liquid Cooling Stage

What mechanical properties do fine grains affect?

Increase impact toughness

Improve machining finishes

Mitigate quenching cracks

What mechanical properties do course austenite grains affect?

Raise hardenability

Raise Tensile Strength

Improve rough machinability

What 6 factors affect grain size?

Nature/Extent of Deoxidizers

Chemical Composition of Steel

Method of Manufacture

Alloying Elements

Metallic/Non Metallic Inclusions

Heat Treatment Processes

What does increasing %C do to hardenability?

Increases it

Do any other alloy additions increase hardenability?


Cr, Mn, Mo, Si, Ni, B

Best way of increasing strength?

Placing obstacles in paths of dislocations

Why are polycrystalline materials stronger?

Slip directions vary from crystal to crystal - some grains unfavourably oriented.

Dislocations cant easily cross grain boundaries.

What are 3 types of strengthening mechanisms?

Solid Solution Strengthening

Grain Size Reduction

Strain Hardening

There are two types of grain boundries (low angle and high angle) which are more effective at improving strength?

High Angle

What equation shows that reducing grain size increases strength?

Hall Petch

How does solid solution strengthening work? (How do impurities work too?)

Interstitial/Substitutional Impurites cause lattice strain and interact with dislocation strain field.

Impurities diffuse and segregate around dislocation - reduces strain energy and anchors dislocation

Why surface hardening?

What can be done by surface hardening?

Can improve a lot of properties of material

Can form hard wear resistant surface, fracture resistant cores etc.

What is wear resistance influenced by?


Volume fraction/distribution of high hardness precipitated (high volume and uniform distribution is preferred)


What are the two main surface hardening mechanisms?



What is carburising (the process)?

Introducing carbon into layer of steel.

Steel heated and held at temp above upper critical temperature

Quenched rapidly to produce hardened surface layer

Steel tempered

What three types of carburising processes are there?

Pack carburising

Gas carburising

Liquid carburising

Why is nitriding carried out on the finished product?

Because it is a low temperature process

What elements are common in nitriding steels?

Cr, Al, V and Mo