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61 Cards in this Set

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How long must Schizo be present for to count?

>6 months

Positive symptoms of schizo



Disorganized speech

disorganized behavior

Negative Symptoms of Schizo

5 A's

•Flat Affect –the absence or near absence of any signs of affective expression, as well aspoor eye contact.

•Apathy – feelings of indifference towardpeople, events, activities, and learning.

•Avolition – aninability to pursue and persist in goal-directed activities; oftenmisinterpreted as being lazy or unwilling to support themselves which affectsthe ability of friends/family to stay involved in relationships with theclient.

•Anhedonia –the inability to experience pleasure.

•Alogia – brief, empty verbal responses; povertyof speech; thought to be symptomatic of diminished thoughts and is differentthan a refusal to speak.

communication issues with Schizophrenia

*problem really is started from thought process

-Associative looseness: go from topic to topic without relation to question asked

-Neologisms: Made up words that have meaning to them, but not us

-Concrete thinking: literal thinking

-Clang associations: Rhyming (words chosen for related sounds rather than logical connection)

Word Salad: Not making sentences, random words, similar to aphasia

Circumstantiality- includes irrelevant details, eventually answers questions

Tangentiality: goes off on tangents and doesnt answer questions

Mutism: doesnt talk

Perseveration- repetition of response (word, phase, gesture)

associated looseness
go from topic to topic without relation to question asked


Made up words that have meaning to them, but not us
concrete thinking

Literal thinking

Clang associations

Rhyming (words chosen for related sounds rather than logical connection)
word salad
Not making sentences, random words, similar to aphasia
includes irrelevant details, eventually answers questions


goes off on tangents and doesnt answer questions

Doesnt talk


repetition of response (word, phase, gesture) to different questions


Repeats what interviewer says


More than listing train of thought and not being able to come back to it

Magical thinking

Delusional thinking

nursing diagnoses schizo

-Social isolation (feeling uncomfortable with people around them, lack of apathy for others, no goal directed behavior)

-Risk for violence (self or others)

-Impaired verbal communication

-Self-care deficit

-Disabled family coping

-Ineffective health maintenance

-Impaired home maintenance

First generation/Conventional antipsychotics

-Mostly to control positive symptoms

Reserved for patients who are:

-using them successfully and can tolerate adverse effects

-Violent or particularly aggressive

Second-generation /atypical anti-psychotics

-preferred over the conventional anti-psychotics because there are fewer adverse effects.

-Med of choice for:

-patients recieving inital treatment

Side effects for 2nd generation/atypicals

D: diabetes/ uncontrolled blood glucose

A: anticholenergic effects

W: weight gain

H: hypercholesterolemia, HTN

O: orthostatic hypotension

E: EPS (slight tremor)

S: Sedation, agitation, sleep disruption, dizziness

Symptoms of Anxiety

Subjective and actual physical symptoms

(heartburn, epigastric distress, diarrhea, constipation)

Anxiety disorders are characterized by a mixture of physiological, psychological, behavioral, and cognitive symptoms: a common theme is__________________________________

excessive, irrational fear, dread, and or worry

How long do panic attacks last?


S/S of panic attack

-Palpitations, nausea, diarrhea, dyspnea, rapid HR, feeling of suffocation/choking, flushed face, faint/dizziness, impending doom, death

panic attacks can mimic _____________ &____________


-Mitral valve prolapse

when is panic attacks usually diagnosed?

Adolescence/early adulthood


-Fear of leaving the safety of home, worrying they might develop an incopacitating symptoms (dizziness, loss of bowels, or bladder control/cardiac distress)
Ex.) public transportation, open spaces, crowded spaces, lines, being alone

Social phobia

social anxiety

-persistent fear and avoidance of situations in which the person might be exposed to scrutiny by others

-Overwhleming anxiety/ self-conciousness

-onset in early adolescences or late childhood

Specific Phobia:

-Isolated fear focused on one situation or object, such as darkness, heights, or animals

-Many phobias disappear as one ages


4 types of specific phobias

1. Animal

2. natural environment

3. blood injection injury type

4. situational type

GAD-generalized anxiety disorder

-Pervasive, persistent anxiety that lasts at least 6 months duration without phobias, obsessions, panic attacks and compulsions

-Chronic nervousness and apprehnsion for no apparent reason. Cannot control worry

S/S: muscle tension, dizziness, irritability


Obsession: recurring thought that cannot be dismissed from conciousness.

Compulsion: uncontrollable, persistent urge to perform certain acts or behaviors in order to relieve an otherwise unbearable tension, most compulsive acts are attemps to control or modify obsessions

What people with OCD fear the most

-Harming someone or something

-rely heavily on avoidance to control themselves

-OCD males>females

Benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic anxiolytic prototype

Alprazolam (Xanax)

others: Valium, Ativan

Atypical anxiolytic/Nonbarbiturate anxiolytics prototype

Buspirone (BuSpar)

List a few antidepressants that are used for anxiety




Use for benzodiazepine anxiolytics




-Muscle spasms

-Alcohol withdrawl


Side Effects for Benzodiazepine anxiolytics


P: Paradoxical response (opposites)

A: Amnesia

C: CNS depression (sedation, light headed, ataxia , decreased cognition)

A: Acute toxicity
W: Withdrawal effects (anxiety, insomnia, diaphoresis, tremors, and lightheaded)

PO benzo toxicity SE

Drowsy, lethargy, confusion

*Use gastriv lavage to correct & activated charcoal

IV toxicity benzo SE

-Respiratory depression, hypotension, cardiac arrest

Benzodizepine contraindications

-Substance abuse history

-Liver disease

-Sleep apnea

-Resp. depression


Benzodiazepin patient teaching

-Eat with meals if GI upset

-Do not crush tablets

-take as prescribed

-Avoid abrupt discontinuation

-Notify is s/s of withdrawal occur

Atypical anxiolytic/nonbarbiturate anxiolytic prototype

Buspirone (BuSpar)

Why atypical> benzodiazepine

-Less risk for dependency

-no sedation!

-Doesnt potentiate the effects of other CNS depressants

Therapeutic use for atypical anxiolytics

Panic disorder


Social anxiety


BuSpar SE

-CNS effects (dizzy, HA, light headedness, agitation)


Contraindications for Buspirone (atypical anxiolytic)

-breast feeding

-use cautiously in OA

-Cautiously use in liver/renal dysfunction

-CONTRAINDICATED with concurrent MAOI use or 14 days after MAOIs

Buspirone (atypical anxiolytic) med/food interactions


-St. johns wort

-Grapefruit juice

Teaching about atypical anxiolytics

-take with meals

-Effects do not immediately occur

-Take on regular basis (NOT PRN)

-Withdrawal doesnt occur

When do effects kick in for atypical anxiolytics

-week for first few effects. and 3-6 weeks for full effects

First generation/conventional antipsychotic prototype

Chlorpromazine (thorazine)

Others: haldol, "Zines"

SE of conventional/1st gen antipsychotics

"Always ask extra nerdy nerds or start studying soon stupid dummy"

A: anticholenergic effects

A: Agraulocytosis


N: neuroendocrine effects

N: neuroleptic malignant syndrome

O: orthostatic hypotension


S: sexual dysfunction

S: seizures

S: skin effects

D: dysrhtymias

List the diff EPS's:

Acute dystonia, parkinsonism, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia

acute dystonia medication


Bentropine (Cogentin)

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)

Parkinsonism Medication

Amantadine (symmetrel) =anticholenergic

Akathesia medication


-Beta blockers

-Benzos (Xanax)

TD Medication

-Stop antipsychotic medication

-wait two weeks before starting up again (switch to atypical)

Abnormal Involuntary Movement scale (AIMS)

Screen for EPS

Dyskinesia Identification condnsed users scale (DISCUS)

-monitor for tardive dyskinesia

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome s/s

"Surely boys do make cocoa cola"

S-sudden high fever

B-blood pressure fluctuations


M-muscle rigidity

C- Change in LOC

C- Coma

Interventions for Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

-Stop med

-Monitor VS

-Cooling blanket

-antipyretics (aspirin/acetaminophen)

-increase fluid intake

-Administer dantrolene (Dantrium) and bromocriptine (Parlodel) for muscle relaxation

-wait 2 weeks before resuming therapy (may want to switch to atypical)