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36 Cards in this Set

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the process of acquiring information and entering it into the memory
the process of maintaining information in memory over time
the process of recalling information stored in memory
Information Processing Model
suggest that in order for information to become firmly embedded in memory, it must pass through three stages of mental processing: sensory, short term and long term
Sensory Memory
a type of memory that hold large amounts of incoming information long enough to connect one impression to the next
Short-Term Memory
the maintenance component of working memory, which holds unrehearsed information for a limited time
Working Memory
the part of the memory system allows us to mentally work with information being held in short term memory
Maintenance Rehearsal
repeating information over and over to keep active in short term memory
Elaborative Rehearsal
a memorization method that involves thinking about how new information related to information already stored in long term memory
stimuli that are perceived as one unit or as meaningful groupings of information
Long Term Memory
a relatively long-lasting stage of memory whose capacity to store new information is believed to be unlimited
Episodic Memory
memory of an event that happened while one was present
Semantic Memory
a type of memory containing generalized knowledge of the world
Procedure Memory
memory containing information about how to do things
Explicit Memory
process in which people intentionally try to remember something
Implicit Memory
the unintentional influence of prior experiences
show the chances of recalling words appearing in a list
Primacy Effect
remembering the beginning of the list
Recency Effect
remembering what was last heard
Retrieval Cues
something the helps you to remember something else in your memory
Encoding Specificity Principle
states that the ability of a cue to aid retrieval depends on the degree to which it taps into information that was encoded at the time of the original learning
Context-Depending Memory
memory that can be helped or hindered by similarities or differences between the context in which it is learned and the context in which it is recalled
State-Dependent Memory
memory that is aided or impended by a persons internal state
Constructive Memory
memory that is affected by what we experience and also by what we already know about the world
mental representations of categories of objects, events and people
the process through which either the storage or the retrieval of information is impaired by the presence of other information
Retroactive Interference
a cause of forgetting in which new information placed in memory interferes with the ability to recall information already in memory
a cause of forgetting in which information already in long term memory interferes with the ability to remember new information
False Memory
distortions of actual events and recall of events that didn't actually happen
Anterograde Amnesia
a loss of memory for any event that occurs after a brain injury
Retrograde Amnesia
a loss of memory for events prior to brain injury
Korsakoff's Syndrome
a disorder that usually occurs in chronic alcoholics
strategies for placing information in an organized context in order to remember it
Distributive Practice
studying for an hour a day for a week
Massed Practice
cramming information in one night
Flashbulb Memories
vivid recollections of personally significant events that, like a snap shot, seem to preserve the details of the moment