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132 Cards in this Set

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alimentary (canal)

pt the digestive tract

digestive tract


Latin- a ring

terminal opening of the digestive tract through which feces are discharged



treatment of obesity


(to break down)(action)


(to break down)(nature of)

breakdown of food into elements suitable for cell metabolism


Greek- gullet

tube linking the pharynx and the stomach




(stomach)(intestine)(study of)


(stomach)(intestines)(one who studies)

pt the stomach

medical specialty of the stomach and intestines

medical specialist in gastroenterology


Latin- intestine, gut

the digestive tube from stomach to anus


(abdomen in general)(to view)


(abdomen)(instrument for viewing)

examination of contents of abdomen using an endoscope

instrument (endoscope) used for viewing abdominal contents



(nourishment)(nature of)




(nourishment)(action)(specialist in)

Latin- to nourish

a substance in food required for normal physiologic function

providing nourishment

the study of food and liquid requirements for normal function of the human body

certified professional in nutrition science


Greek- lump

a single mass of a substance


(to swallow)(action)

the act of swallowing





to chew

the process of chewing



waves of alternate contraction and relaxation of the intestinal wall to move food along the digestive tract


(tooth)(pt, substance)

dense, ivory-like substance located under the enamel in a tooth



a qualified practitioner in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the oral-facial complex


(in)(enzyme, fermenting)

protein that induces changes in other substances


Old English- mouth

external opening of a cavity or canal



region of the pharynx at the back of the nose and above the soft palate



pt the mouth

Latin- palate

roof of the mouth


Latin- small pimple

any small projection


(beside)(ear)(having a particular quality)

the parotid gland is the salivary gland beside the ear

Latin- flesh

dental pulp is the connective tissue in the cavity in the center of the tooth



secretion in mouth from salivary glands



underneath the tongue



underneath the mandible


Latin- tongue

mobile muscle mass in the mouth; bears the taste buds


Latin- grape

fleshy projection of the soft palate


Greek- ulcer

painful small oral ulcers (canker sores)


Latin- crab

nonmedical term for aphthous ulcer


Latin- dry rot

bacterial destruction of teeth


(gingiv)(it is)



(gum)(surgical excision)

Latin- gum

tissue surrounding the teeth and covering the jaw

inflammation of the gums

surgical removal of diseased gum tissue



bad odor of the breath









around a tooth

branch of dentistry specializing in disorders of tissues around the teeth

specialist in periodontics

inflammation of tissues around a tooth


French- plate

patch of abnormal tissue



purulent discharge

Latin- crust on wine casks

calcified deposit at the gingival margin of the teeth


infection with Candida albicans





w/out any symptoms or abnormalities experienced by the patient

pt the symptoms of a disease



difficulty in swallowing


Greek- to vomit





Greek- gullet

tube linking pharynx to stomach

inflammation of the lining of the esophagus




Latin- rupture

protrusion of a structure through the tissue that normally contains it

repair of a hernia


Latin- an aperture

an opening through a structure



following a meal



backward flow


Greek- a band

a band of muscle that encircles an opening; when it contracts, the opening squeezes it


Latin- dilated vein

dilated, tortuous vein


Greek- juice

semifluid, partially digested food passed from the stomach into the duodenum



the first part of the small intestine; approximately 12 finger-breadths (9-10in) in length


(stomach)(substance, chemical compound)

hormone secreted in the stomach that stimulated secretion of HCl and increases gastric motility

(hydro)(chlor)(ic) acid


the acid of gastric juice

(intrins)(ic) (factor)

(on the inside)(pt) (maker)

makes the absorption of vitamin B12 happen



Latin- slime

sticky secretion of cells in mucous membranes

protein element of mucus




Greek- to digest

enzyme produced by the stomach that breaks down protein

converted by HCl in the stomach to pepsin



exit area of the stomach


(to swallow)(action/condition)

uptake of nutrients and water by cells in the GI tract



w/out an appetite; or an aversion to food



blind pouch that is the first part of the large intestine



"upset stomach"; epigastric pain, nausea, and gas



inflammation of the lining of the stomach



pt the stomach and esophagus


(stomach)(instrument for viewing)


(stomach)(to examine)

endoscope for examining the inside of the stomach

endoscopic examination of the stomach





third portion of small intestine

pt the junction of the ileum and cecum


(in)(to break down)(action)

symptoms resulting from difficulty in digesting food



segment of small intestine b/w the duodenum and the ileum



relating to the stomach and duodenum


(bore through)(action)

a hole through the wall of a structure

Latin- draw tight

narrowing of a tube


bile acids

Latin- bile

fluid secreted by the liver into the duodenum

steroids synthesized from cholesterol


(bile)(rust colored)

bile pigment formed in the liver from hemoglobin



extensive fibrotic liver disease



the body's principal carbohydrate reserve, stored in the liver and skeletal muscle





pt the liver

inflammation of the liver


French- yellow

yellow staining of tissues with bile pigments, including bilirubin


Old English- liver

body's largest organ, located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen

(provision)(al) (dia)(gnosis)

(provide)(pt) (complete)(knowledge of an abnormal condition)

a temporary diagnosis pending further investigation

the determination of the cause of a disease




(bile)(bladder)(surgical excision)

inflammation of the gallbladder

surgical removal of the gallbladder


(common bile duct)(stone)(condition)

presence of a gallstone in the common bile duct




(bile)(stone)(surgical incision)

condition of having bile stones

surgical removal of a gallstone





a gland that produces an internal or hormonal substance and secretes it into the bloodstream

a gland that secretes substances outwardly through excretory ducts




(bitter)(Old English- receptacle)

hard mass of cholesterol, calcium, and bilirubin that can be formed in the gallbladder and bile duct

receptacle on the interior surface of the liver for storing bile


(glucose, sugar)(to fight)

hormone that mobilizes glucose from body storage


(island)(chemical compound)

pancreatic hormone that suppresses blood glucose levels and transports glucose into cells




Greek- sweetbread

lobulated gland, the head of which is tucked into the curve of the duodenum

(celi)(ac) (dis)(ease)

(abdomen)(pt) (apart)(normal function)

disease caused by sensitivity to gluten



abnormally frequent and loose stools


(inside, w/in)(to examine)


(inside, w/in)(instrument for viewing)

the use of an endoscope

instrument used to examine the interior of a tubular or hollow organ



(excessive gas)(forming)

Latin- blowing

gas or air expelled through the anus

excessive amount of gas in the stomach and intestines


Latin- glue

insoluble protein found in wheat, barley, and oats


(sugar)(to produce)

the body's principal carbohydrate reserve, stored in the liver and skeletal muscles



inadequate gastrointestinal absorption of nutrients

portal vein

Latin- gate

Latin- vein

the vein that carries blood from the intestines to the liver


Anglo-Saxon: stiffen

complex carbohydrate made of multiple units of glucose attached together


Latin- shaggy hair

thin, hair-like projection, particularly of a mucous membrane lining a cavity

(amino) acid

(nitrogen containing)

acid- Latin: sour

the basic building block for protein


Greek- juice

a milky fluid that results from the digestion and absorption of fats in the small intestine


(suspend in a liquid)(to become)


(suspend in a liquid)(condition)

break up into very small droplets to suspend in a solution

the system that contains small droplets suspended in a liquid



a lymphatic vessel carrying chyle away from the intestine



enzyme that breaks down fat


Greek- fat

general term for all types of fatty compounds



inorganic compound usually found in the earth's crust


(press together)(process)

hard, infrequent bowel movements

Crohn disease (regional (enter)(itis))


Burrill Crohn- New York gastroenterologist 1884-1983

narrowing and thickening of terminal small bowel


(w/out)(water)(a process)

process of losing body water


(bad)(condition of the intestine)

disease w/ diarrhea, bowel spasms, fever, and dehydration



inflammation of the stomach and intestines




Latin- milk sugar

the disaccharide found in cow's milk

enzyme that breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose



inadequate nutrition from poor diet or inadequate absorption of nutrients


(ano)(rect)(al) (junct)(ion)

(anus)(rectum)(pt) (joining together)(condition)

Latin- ring

terminal opening of the digestive tract through which feces are discharged

the junction b/w the anus and the rectum





(appendix)(surgical excision)

Latin- appendage

small blind projection from the pouch of the cecum

inflammation of the appendix

surgical removal of the appendix






Greek- colon

the large intestine, extending from the cecum to the rectum

spasmodic, crampy pains in the abdomen

inflammation of the colon




Latin- dregs

undigested, waste material discharged from the bowel

evacuation of feces from rectum and anus


Latin- bend

a bend in a structure


(ileo)(cec)(al) (sphincter)

(ileum)(cecum)(pt) (Greek- band)

Latin- roll up/twist

3rd portion of the small intestine

band of muscle that encircles the junction of ileum and cecum


Latin- straight

terminal part of the colon from the sigmoid to the anal canal


Greek- letter S

sigmoid colon is shaped like an S


Latin- sausage

another name for intestine







a pouch-like opening or sac from a tubular structure

presence of a number of small pouches in the wall of the large intestine

inflammation of the diverticula


Latin- slit

deep furrow or cleft


Latin- pipe, tube

abnormal passage




(blood)(flow)(surgical excision)

dilated rectal vein producing painful anal swelling

surgical removal of hemorrhoids


(w/in)(to take up)(action)

the slipping of 1 part of bowel inside another to cause obstruction


Greek- black

the passage of black, tarry stools

occult blood

Latin- to hide

blood that can't be seen in the stool but is positive on a fecal occult blood test


(stretch over)(structure)


(stretch over)(inflammation)

membrane that lines the abdominal cavity

inflammation of the peritoneum





(polyp)(surgical excision)

Latin- foot

mass of tissue that projects into the lumen of bowel

presence of several polyps

excision or removal of a polyp





inflammation of the lining of the rectum

a surgical specialist in diseases of the anus and rectum


(provide a mouth)(condition)

a surgically made union b/w two tubular structures

Greek- injection

an injection of fluid into the rectum


(mouth)(new opening)

artificial opening into a tubular structure


Greek- mouth

artificial opening