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76 Cards in this Set

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Cogwheel rigidity?
Parkinson's disease
Tongue fasciculations?
ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis aka motor neurone disease
Focal neurologic deficits < 1 day?
"Floppy baby history of honey ingestion?"
"Obese female with headache takes OCPs?"
Benign intercranial hypertension - also known as Pseudotumour cerebri
Headache in band-like distribution?
Tension headache
"Unilateral headache tearing (lacrimation)?"
Cluster headache
"Blurred yellowing vision headache?"
Digoxin toxicity
Kayser Fleischer rings?
Wilson's disease
Painful pharyngeal erythema with exudate?
Streptococcus throat infection
Kerley B lines?
Congestive heart failure/Pulmonary oedema
Janeway lesions/Osler's nodes
Subacute bactirial endocarditis
"Acronym for the set of slow-growing Gram negative bacteria that form a normal part of the human oropharyngeal flora. They are a frequent cause of endocarditis in children.
Haemophilus (Haemophilus parainfluenzae Haemophilus aphrophilus and Haemophilus paraphrophilus)
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans)
Cardiobacterium hominis
Eikenella corrodens
Kingella (Kingella kingae)"
Pleuritic chest pain relieved by sitting forward?
Rib notching?
Coarctation of the aorta
Irregularly irregular rhythm?
Machinery like murmur?
Mid systolic click?
Mitral valve prolapse
Crescendo decrescendo murmur?
Aortic stenosis
Diminished absent lower limb pulses?
Coarctation of the aorta
"Shipyard workers ship builders?"
"Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy/ granulomas?"
Crohn's disease
"RUQ pain/ fever / jaundice?"
Ascending cholangitis - This is known as Charcot's triad
"RUQ pain / fever / jaundice + altered mental state and shock?"
Ascending cholangitis - This is known as Reynold's Pentad
Food poisoning from reheated fried rice?
Bacilus Cerues
Positive Murphy's
Acute cholecystitis
"Alcoholic retching then haematemesis?"
Mallory Weiss tear
"Nonbilious vomiting / olive size abdominal mass?"
Pyloric stenosis
Birds beak on barium swallow?
Sail sign
Pneumomediastinum (aka mediastinal emphysema)
Abdominal pain wakes patient from sleep?
Peptic ulcer disease
Apple-green birefringence?
Night blindness leading to tunnel vision?
Retinitis pigmentosa
Ash leaf spots?
Tuberous sclerosis - White or lighter patches of skin that may appear anywhere on the body and are caused by a lack of melanin.
Shagreen patches?
Tuberous sclerosis - Areas of thick leathery skin that are dimpled like an orange peel. Usually found on the lower back or nape of the neck
"Asymptomatic shiny patches / red-brown with yellow / Diabetic?"
Necrobiosis lipoidica
Skin lesions of classic NL begin as 1- to 3-mm well-circumscribed papules or nodules that expand with an active border to become waxy atrophic round plaques centrally. Initially these plaques are red-brown in color but progressively become more yellow and atrophic in appearance. Most commonly occur on pre-tibial area.
"Obesity / amenorrhea / hirsuitism / infertility?"
Snowstorm on ultrasound?
Hydatidiform mole
Clue cells on wet mount?
Bacterial vaginosis
"Green frothy foul vaginal discharge?"
Bag of worms?

NB. Can be secondary to obstruction of left renal vein (such as with a renal cell carcinoma / a renal vein thrombus /or retroperitoneal adenopathy)"
Positive testicular transillumination?
Dinner fork deformity?
Colle's fracture?
Ascending weakness/paralysis?
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Chubby teen male with knee pain?
Slipped upper femoral epiphysis (also known as slipped capital femoral epiphysis)
Honey coloured crust?
Butterfly rash?
Target lesion on skin?
Lyme disease
Bilateral bell's palsy with target lesion on skin?
Lyme disease
Umbilicated papules?
Molloscum contagiosum
Silver scales?
Christmas tree patterned rash?
Pityriasis rosea
Herald patch?
Pityriasis rosea
Cafe au lait spots?
'Lead pipe' rigidity from antipsychotics?
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
High fever/ rigidity after anaesthesia?
Malignant hyperthermia

In susceptible individuals the drugs for general anaesthesia can induce a drastic and uncontrolled increase in skeletal muscle oxidative metabolism which overwhelms the body's capacity to supply oxygen / remove carbon dioxide and regulate body temperature eventually leading to circulatory collapse and death if not treated quickly."
"Heat intolerance / palpitations?"
"Cold intolerance / weight gain?"
Pruritus after bath/shower?
Polycythaemia (rubra) Vera
Infant on cow's milk diet?
Iron deficiency anaemia
Bronze skin?
Koplik's spots
Sandpaper rash?
Scarlet fever (disease caused by an exotoxin released by Streptococcus pyogenes)
Blueberry muffin spots?
Congenital rubella
Atypical lymphocytosis?
Rice water stool?
Black eschar on skin?
"Child with strawberry tongue / rash / fever > 5d"
Kawasaki's disease
Painless genital ulcer/chancre?
Steamy/cloudy cornea?
"Oral ulcers / genital ulcers / arthritis?"
Behcet's syndrome - a form of vasculitis that can lead to ulceration and other lesions. (Not Reiters!)
Palmar crease/simian crease?
Down syndrome
Positive C-anca?
Wegener's granulomatosis
Unilateral headache inc ESR?
Temporal arteritis