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36 Cards in this Set

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EQUATION: Boyle's Law
P = 1/V
Explain Boyle's law qualitatively.
pressure and volume are inversely related
Which of the 3 following forces causes a) contraction of the lungs and b) expansion of the chest cavity during a pneumothorax? Compliance, elasticity, surface tension.
Ans: elastic recoil causes both
transmural pressure, def
the pressure across a structure (in Wilson's class, specifically the pressure accross the lungs (outside air or airway minus intrapleural pressure)
transpulmonary pressure, def
pressure accross the lungs (ie. pressure difference between the alveolar pressure and the intrapleural pressure); subtype of transmural pressure
collapse of the upper respiratory tract occurs only during the combination of what 2 conditions?
only in patients with loss of elastance (elastin) during forced expiration. Dynamic compression has the greatest effect on the bronchioles.
Describe the 4 phases of a pressure-volume loop for a patient that is inspiring deeply.
1 Difficult to overcome surface tension that keeps airways closed, 2 airway recruitment, surface tension is overcome, 3 further decrease in Pip (intrapulmonary pressure) opens additional airways, 4 lungs fully distended. IMAGE
hysteresis, def
inflation of the lungs follows a different curve than deflation of the lungs in a graph of V over P
Why is ventilation greatest at the base of the lungs?
Because the transmural pressure is most negative at the base (difference between intrapleural pressure and airway/outside pressure is greatest at the base). This is due to the accordian effect.
In which zone of the lung is alveolar ventilation the highest? BLood flow?
Both are highest in Zone 3 (base), but the difference in blood flow (Q) is greater between Zones 1 and 3 than the difference in alveolar ventilation (V)
Describe the changes in intrapleural pressure and alveolar pressure during the normal breath cycle
What is the physiological basis for hysteresis (difference in compliance between inspiration and expiration)?
water-water interactions are stronger than water-air interactions; the surface tension decreases compliance at the beginning of inspiration and increases compliance at the end of expiration
What allows surface tension to be overcome during phase 1 of the Pressure-Volume loop in order to allow inspiration?
dispersion of surfactant molecules
What are the breathing patterns associated with fibrosis and COPD?
FIBROSIS: short shallow breaths (low compliance, stiff lung). COPD: long deep breaths (high compliance)
What is the effect of increased airway resistance on the time required for inspiration? On the tidal volume (volume of a normal inspiration)?
Increased airway resistance increases the amount of time required for inflation, but only slightly decreases the end inspiratory volume (tidal volume)
What is the effect of respiratory rate on tidal volume?
increased respiratory rate decreases tidal volume
Which contribute more to overall resistance, large airways or smaller airways?
large airways contribute more to resistance (smaller airways have greater cross-sectional area)
Which have greater turbulence, larger airways or smaller airways?
larger airways have greater turbulence
What is the effect of COPD on airway resistance at low volumes? At high volumes?
increased resistance at all volumes, due to collapsed conducting airways
What is the effect of parasympathetic vs. sympathetic stimulation on the lungs? What are the adrenergic/catecholaminic receptors involved? What are their respective mechanisms?
PARASYMPATHETIC: bronchoconstriction (M3, inc IP3/Ca). SYMPATHETIC: bronchodilation (β2, inc cAMP).
CLINICAL APPLICATION: What receptors in the lung do asthma inhalers work on?
agonist for β2 adrenergic receptors.
In addition to the ANS, what system regulates the resistance of the lungs?
Effect of histamine on the lung?
What is the effect of changes in compliance on TLC? On RV?
decreased compliance reduces total lung capacity, increased compliance increases residual volume
Name some factors that could compromise respiration (
weak respiratry muscles, pain, decreased skeletal flexibility, dec compliance, posture
What is the effect of laying down on respiration?
impedes ventilation
rate of air movement between 25% and 75% of vital capacity, term? volume of air moved, term?
forced expiratory flow (FEF), forced expiratory volume (FEV)
What are the two components of RV?
residual volume: 1 anatomical dead space, 2 physiological dead space
anatomical dead space vs. physiological dead space, def
ANATOMICAL: airway volume. PHYSIOLOGICAL: part of lungs not participating in gas exchange
4 methods to measure FRC? What specific value is measured by each?
1 helium gas dilution (ventilated only), 2 whole body plethysmography (ventilated and unventilated), 3 Fowler's method (measures dead space), 4 Bohr's method (measures physiologic dead space)
Describe the flow-volume relationship
beginning part is effort dependent, later part is effort independent (effort increases flow at the beginning of expiration, but at the end of expiration no matter how hard you push, air will flow out at the same rate)
2 general categories of pulmonary disorders?
1 restrictive (ex. fibrosis), 2 obstructive (ex. COPD)
CLINICAL APPLICATION: pulmonary fibrosis, physiological cause and effect on the following: compliance, TLC, max rate of expiration, degree of dynamic compression
CAUSE: inhalation of particles (ex. anthracosis) causes inc fibrous connective tissue. EFFECTS: dec compliance, dec TLC, dec max rate of expiration, normal degree of dynamic compression
What is the effect of fibrosis on a Flow-Volume curve?
truncates it (dec lung volume)
What is the relationship between elasticity, elastic recoil, and elastance?
give more detail on each of the methods for measuring FRC