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42 Cards in this Set

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Are Repoting Services WMIs backwards compatible?
Does SSRS 2008 use IIS services?
no, but previous versions did
What's an ISAPI filter for?
Web security/filtering on IIS services, like that in SSRS 2005 or earlier. Not needed in SSRS 2008, so you have to create new HTTP modules instead.
What's the relationship between RSWebApplication.Config and RSReportServer.config?
RSWebapplication.Config is for SSRS 2005. Everything in it besides ReportServerVirtualDirectorty and MaxAvtiveReqForOneUser are automatically upgraded/migrated to RSReportServer.config.
Define roles: Browser, content Manager, Publisher, Report Builder
Browser views reports, content manager manages content in the report server, publisher publishes reports to report server, report builder may view report definitions
Can you give a windows login Administrator permissions for a database?
No. You cannot directly give database permissions to a Windows user account. You must grant the permissions to a role in the database.
Where must SSAS stored procedures be registered?
Analysis services server or a SSAS database, not the GAC. You can use SSMS to register the assembly in the Assemblies folder of the SSAS server.
Partitioning of a data mining structure requires what?
SQL Server 2008. SQL Server 2005 won't do it.
What does MSRS 2008 Web Service and Windows service monitor respectively?
MSRS 2008 Web Service monitors report server performance for interactive reports. MSRS 2008 Windows Service monitors scheduled operations and report delivery.
What product is the Resource Govenor for?
Database engine instances of SQL Server 2008--not SSAS or others.
How do you monitor SSAS performance?
$system.discover_object_activity_dynamic managment view
What do you do with credentials for reports that are distibuted via a data-driven subscription?
Check Credentials stored securely in the report server
If you want to retain interactive veatures in a delivered report, how should you deliver it?
Email delivery, not file share delivery
If you want to reset the symmetric key and the encypted dayta in SSRS 2008 what do you do?
Set the IsWebServiceEnabled property in the rsreportserver.config file to false, issue the rskeymgmt -s command, set the IsWebServiceEnabled property to true and restart SSRS
What does the -s switch of rskeymgmt do?
-s Resets the symmetric key
What does the -e switch of rskeymgmt do?
-e Creates a backup
Whats the difference between SCD transformation type 1 and type 2?
Type 1 SCD transformation will update the columns in a dimension row, but will not preserve any change history. Type 2 slowly changing dimensions transofrmation will preserver the change history and create a new row when new changes occur
What's the difference between parent-child dimensions and conformed dimensions?
Conformed dimensions are dimensions that is shared across facts, such as customer, time, or geography across multiple fact tables. Parent-child dimensions are based on two columns that have a relationship to each other, such as employee and manager.
What is a fact dimension relationship?
Represents a relation between the attributes of a fact table; removes duplication from the table if values are stored multiple times
When can you use a regular dimension relationship?
When a key column of the dimension is directly joined with the fact table
If you want to configure logging in a package or task, what format should you use to store the configuration?
XML file. databases cannot store the logging configurations.
If indirect configuration is used, packages deployed to different servers and location of configuration variables are subject to change, how should you store configuration?
Paramater markers for executive SQL tasks?
@<parameter name> for ADO.NET, ? for everything else
Name an advantage of using SQL Server Log Provider over XML file provider?
Multiple logs from multiple packages can all be stored in the same place
If you want a dimension talbe to include columns with some null values, what do you need to enable?
Inferred member support.
Give an example of a semiadditive measure:
Inventory (anything that is additive, but not by time)
What happens when you configure the processing mode of the cube to LazyAggregations?
The Analysis server automatically build bitmap indexes and aggregations for dimensions and partitions in the background
If you need to provide support for different languages on cubes and dimensions, what should you do?
Use translations for all Analysis Services objects.
If you want logging to generate SQL traces, what logging provider should you use?
SSIS log provider for SQL Server Profiler
Where should you save Report Definition Language (.rdl) files?
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\common7\ide\privateassemblies\projectitems\reportproject
Data-driven subscriptions in SharePoitn integrated mode require what SQL Server?
SQL Server 2008 developer, standard, or enterprise
What versions of MOSS 2007 support SharePoint integrated mode?
WSS 3.0, MOSS 2007 Standard, or MOSS 2007 Enterprise. The Small Business edition of MOSS 2007 won't do.
What setting must you configure in order to allow Table Analysis Tools Add-in Excel 2007?
Allow temporary mining models
What version of SQL Server 2008 do you need for Data Mining Add-ins for Office 2007?
Standard edition will do
If you Encrypt with User Key can a group of user use the item?
No! If a group needs access, use a password
What does the "DontSaveSensitve" protection level do and when might it be used?
It suppresses values of sensitive properties when the package is saved, such as the password in the connection string. If a different user is getting errors when trying to access someone else's package, not saving sensitive might be good
What statement would dyou use to find SSIS packages stored on a server?
SELECT name id, description FROM VMSQL01.msdb.dbo.sysssispackages
Do you use an XML element or a script to back up an SSAS database to file?
XML script
What kind of volume must reporting data be on in a scalable shared database?
Do clustered databases improve query performance?
What must be defined in order to perform currency conversion in a cube?
At least one currency dimension, at least one time dimension, and at least one rate measure group
If an SSAS data source table name changes, what command should you use?
Replace Table