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162 Cards in this Set

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Prior to the Industrial Revolution most people lived and worked in _________.

small farming villages
Rapid Industrial growth that began in England in the mid 1700s
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in _______. (location)
Great Britain
The Industrial Revolution began during the middle of the ________.
18th Century/1700s
The Industrial Revolution brought on a rapid concentration of ________.
people in cities
Changed the nature of work for many people
Industrial Revolution
Rise of urban industrial economies during 1700s & 1800s
Industrial Revolution
Public lands where farmers gathered wood grazed livestock, and raised crops
Village commons
Practice of fencing off land formerly open to common grazing and cultivation
Ended small farmers use of public lands
Enclosure movement
The enclosure movement displaced farmers who became a ________.
labor supply
New tools & techniques result in greater crop & livestock production
Agricultural Revolution
The agricultural revolution helped Great Britain lead the ___________.
Industrial Revolution
The enclosure movement both displaced farmers and increased _______.
agricultural production
Improved agricultural techniques (agricultural revolution) increased the ____.
food supply
An increased food supply increased the ______.
Population growth & the enclosure movement resulted in a larger __________.
labor supply
The industrial revolution was also triggered by new technologies and new sources of ______.
energy & materials
One vital source of energy in the Industrial Revolution was coal which was used to power the _________.
steam engine
Inventor of the first practical steam engine.
James Watt
Enabled factories to run without the need of water power.
Steam Engine
Coal was a vital source of fuel in the production of __________
His technique of smelting iron (separating iron from its ore) led to less expensive & better quality iron.
Adam Darby
Capital, natural resources, & labor supply were key elements in Britain’s _______.
industrial success
Money to invest in labor, machines, & raw materials
Large scale farming, overseas commerce, & the slave trade helped the British produce ____.
Industry provided the aristocracy and the middle class a chance to _______.
Water power, Iron & coal were British _____.
raw materials
A growing population in Great Britain (and later elsewhere) also increase the _________ for goods.
System where raw cotton was given to peasant families and made into cloth in their homes.
putting-out system
Risk-taking people who set up industries by bringing together capital, labor, & new industrial inventions.
First industry to be industrialized
Fabric industry
Enabled cotton weavers to outpace cotton spinners.
flying shuttle
Enabled cotton spinners to produce enough thread to keep up with the weavers.
spinning jenny
The flying shuttle and the spinning jenny made it difficult for America to produce enough ____.
The bottle neck in the production of cotton.
cleaning out the seeds
Developed the Cotton Gin
Eli Whitney
Cleaned the seeds out of cotton.
Cotton Gin
The mechanization of the textile industry came about through a series of _______.
Organized method of production; brought workers and machines together under control of managers.
factory system
Individuals own the means of production
Factories, farms, and mines, railways & other businesses.
Means of Production
Individuals decide what is produced and how money is spent. (free enterprise)
If supply goes up prices go ____.
If demand goes up prices go ____.
Continually expanding factories or investing in new businesses.
Industrial Capitalism
As production increased people needed a way to get raw materials to the factories, and finished products to the markets faster, this resulted in a ________.
transportation revolution
Turnpikes, canals, the steam locomotive, & the railroads were all part of the _______.
transportation revolution
As the Industrial Revolution progressed one change led to _______.
The mass movement of people from the countryside to the cities as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Grew up around both mines and factories.
The new middle class created by the Industrial revolution was made up of ________.
As urbanization took place THEY lived in nice neighborhoods.
middle and upper class
As a result of urbanization most of the poor lived in ________.
Multistory buildings divided into apartments.
Often had no running water and no sewage or sanitation system.
The lack of a sewage system often resulted in contaminated drinking water and the _______.
spread of diseases
Factory work was often monotonous and _____.
Shifts in the factories often lasted ________.
12 to 16 hours 6 or 7 days a week
Children often started working in the factories at the ages of _______.
7 or 8
Workers organizations which eventually won the right to ask for better wages, hours and working conditions.
labor unions
They believed that a free market would help everyone not just the rich.
Business leaders/entrepreneurs
A completely free market economy with no government interference.
Owners of railroads, factories & mines advocated ___________ economies.
He believed the poor would always suffer because the population would always grow faster than the food supply.
Thomas Malthus
Malthus did not want the government to help the poor because he believed if it did they would continue to _________.
have more children
Developed the concept of utilitarianism.
Jeremy Bentham
Every action should be judged by its contribution to human happiness or the reduction of human misery.
Measuring an action by its usefulness.
He rejected laissez-faire economies on grounds of utilitarianism.
John Stuart Mill
Argued for legislation against monopolies & for the protection of individual liberties
John Stuart Mill
Community ownership of the means of production.
No competition, share the wealth.
Wanted to create small separate socialist communities.
Utopian Socialists
Attempted to create socialist communities in Scotland & New Harmony, Indiana.
Robert Owen
Scientific Socialism
Intellectual founder of Communism.
Karl Marx
Marx's partner and co-author of the Communist Manifesto.
Friedrich Engel's
Marxism along with other socialist ideologies grew out of a reaction to the harsh conditions imposed on workers by the _____.
Industrial Revolution
According to Marx all of history is characterized by _____.
class struggle
Communism is a form of _____.
Capitalists using workers' labor for their own advantage.
Owners of the means of production. (factories)
capitalists or bourgeoisie
Exploited factory workers. (name for)
Class struggle will lead to a workers' revolt. (Marx)
Theory of History
After the workers revolt the government will wither away and there will be a _______. (Marx)
Classless Society
Pamphlet in which Marx calls for a workers' revolt.
Communist Manifesto
Both predicted and advocated a workers revolt.
Karl Marx
Marx believed it was the opiate of the masses.
Favored democratic means to implement socialist policies.
Democratic Socialists
After the Congress of Vienna, Europe experienced more than 30 years of turmoil as a result of clashes between people of different _______.
Belief systems.
Wanted to return to the way things were before 1789.
Group that included; kings, nobles, & Church leaders.
An agreement among major European powers to work to maintain the conservative order which existed before the French Revolution.
Concert of Europe
Supported a system in which lower classes respected those above them.
Backed established Churches and opposed Constitutional governments.
A church backed and supported by the state.
established church
Wanted to crush revolutionary ideas.
Leader of the Conservatives.
Conservatives were challenged by _______.
Liberals and Nationalists
Ideology generally held by business owners, bankers, lawyers, politicians, & writers.
Wanted governments based on written constitutions.
Opposed monarchies and the established churches.
Believed that Liberty, equality, and property were natural rights.
Not at the beginning of the era but eventually Liberals come to support ________.
Universal manhood suffrage
Allowing all men to vote.
universal manhood suffrage
The desire of people who have a common ancestry to have their own country.
In the 1800s, nationalist groups within the Austrian and Ottoman empires set out to ______.
create their own states/win independence
By 1830 they won autonomy within the Ottoman empire.
self rule
By 1830 they won independence from the Ottomans.
The success of the Serbs and the Greeks led to other ______.
He encouraged conservative leaders to crush revolts.
French & Austrian troops smashed revolts in ___.
Spain & Italy
The demands of the Liberals & the Nationalists were soon added to by demands from the new ________.
industrial working class
Social reformers were urging workers to support various types of ______.
Became firmly established as ruler of France after Waterloo.
He proclaimed a liberal constitution for France.
Wanted to reestablish the old order in France and punish the radicals.
Leader of the ultraroyalists, became king in 1824.
Charles X
His attempts to restore absolute monarchy in France led to revolution in 1830.
Charles X
Want to return to an earlier way.
"Citizen King" who at first won the support of the middle class, but lost it when he opposed reform.
Louis Philippe
Louis Philippe's opposition to reform led to the __________.
Revolution of 1848
Ended with rebels proclaiming France a Republic. (the Second Republic)
Revolution of 1848
Led to political uprisings in other European countries.
Revolution of 1848
Series of unsuccessful revolutionary uprisings in France, Italy, the Austrian Empire, and Germany.
Revolutions of 1848
Gained control of France at the beginning of the Revolution of 1848.
middle and upper classes.
After the Upper and Middle classes took control of the government in the Revolution of 1848 Paris workers ________.
took to the streets
Because of the Paris workers revolting in the streets during the Revolution of 1848 the new government created a constitution with ____.
Universal manhood suffrage
Elected President of France after Revolution of 1848.
Dissolved the legislature, and made himself Emperor Napoleon III.
His war with Prussia ended in his defeat, the collapse of the empire, and his exile.
Louis-Napoleon/Napoleon III
Napoleon III's defeat resulted in the election of a National Assembly dominated by ____.
After Napoleon III's defeat the National Assembly took drastic measures against the working class which resulted in a ______.
Paris Revolt
During the Paris Revolt workers established a socialist government know as the ____.
The National Assembly reasserted control over the ______.
National Assembly arrests 40,000 people and kills 20,000.
"Blood Week"
In 1875 a new constitution made France once again a republic.
Third Republic
Conflict over whether an army officer was selling secrets to the Germans.
Dreyfus Affair
The successful conclusion of the Dreyfus Affair proved it could survive in France.
Republican Government
Colonial Latin America was divided by social classes based on ______.
Colonial leaders who were born in Spain or Portugal and were at the top of the social order.
Colonial born white aristocrats.
Latin Americans of mixed Native American and European ancestry.
People of mixed African and European descent.
Mestizos, mulattoes, native Americans, & Africans slaves were at the bottom of the _____.
social order
Early 19th Century Latin American revolutionaries were inspired by the _____.
American & French Revolutions
Countries of Latin America sought independence to overthrow the _______.
rigid social order
Led revolution in Haiti.
François Tousssaint-Louverture
Sent an army which captured & imprisoned Toussaint-Louverture.
After yellow fever killed thousands of French soldiers ________.
Haiti won independence
Catholic priest led the fight against Spanish in Mexico.
Miguel Hidalgo
Father Hidalgo's goal was to bring ______.
Reform & democracy to Mexico
After both Father Hidalgo & Father Jose Morelos were killed, revolutionaries led by Agustin de Iturbide, in 1821, overthrew Spanish rule and ____.
declared Mexico independent
Spanish colonists became upset with Spanish rule because the social structure prevented ______.
non-peninsulares from participating in the government
He successfully liberated Venezuela in 1821.
Simon Bolivar
After capturing Bogotá, he moved south to free; Ecuador, Peru, & Bolivia, he then joined with Jose de San Martin, who helped Argentina & Chile win freedom.
Simon Bolivar
With the Latin American revolutions the Creoles gain control from the Peninsulares but ____.

Mestizos still lacked power