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94 Cards in this Set

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What 3 types of molecules allow for communication between cells?
(1) neurotransmitters (nervous system)
- rapid, direct, specific
(2) local mediators (paracrine system)
(3) hormones (endocrine system)
- slower, spread throughout body, affect different cells & tissues in different ways
paracrine system
releases local mediators into interstitial fluid & acts on neighboring cells; includes proteins, amino acid derivations, or fatty acid derivatives (e.g. prostaglandins)
- fatty acide derivative local mediators
- affect smooth muscle contraction, platelet aggregation, inflammation & other reactions
- synthesis inhibited by aspirin
nervous system
- allows for rapid & direct communication b/t specific body parts
- changes in muscular contractions or glandular secretions
- brain, spinal cord, nerves, neural support cells, sense organs (eye, ear)
- specialized cell that can transmit electrical signal from one cell to another via electrical or chemical means
- cannot divide
- depends almost entirely on glucose for chemical energy
- not dependent on insulin to transport glucose into cytosol
- consists of dendrites, cell body, axon + branches
receive signal to be transmitted in a neuron
axon hillock
electrical signal transferred here from cytosol (which is highly conductive); generates action potential in all directions, including down axon
carries action potential to synapse
unipolar neuron
sensory only
bipolar neuron
retina, inner ear, olfactory area of brain
multipolar neuron
most neurons of the brain
action potential
disturbance in electric field across membrane of neuron
resting potential
- equilibrium b/t passive diffusion of ions across membran & Na+/K+ pump
- pump moves 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in, increasing positive charge along membrane outside cell
- electrochemical gradient of Na+ increases, so force pushing it back into cell increases until rate in = rate out (same for K+)
- at equilibrium, inside of membrane has negative potential difference (voltage) compared to outside
voltage-gated sodium channels
- integral membrane proteins in neurons that change configuration when membrane voltage is disturbed to allow Na+ to flow through membrane into cell
- positive feedback mechanism as more and more Na+ flows into cell, changing voltage & causing more channels to open
Na+ concentration moves toward equilibrium & K+ concentration remains higher in cell, so membrane reverses polarity to be positive on the inside & negative on the outside
voltage-gated potassium channels
less sensitive to voltage changes than sodium channels, so don't start to open until sodium channels are closing; allow K+ to flow out of the cell
when K+ flows out of cell through voltage-gated potassium channels, causing the inside of the cell to become more negative again
voltage-gated potassium channels are slow to close, so for a fraction of a second during repolarization, the inside membrane becomes even more negative than the resting potential
steps of an action potential
1. Membrane is at rest ~ -70mV. Na+ and K+ channels are closed.
2. Na+ channels open and cell depolarizes.
3. K+ channels open as Na+ channels start to inactivate.
4. Na+ channels inactivated & open K+ channels repolarize membrane.
5. K+ channels close & membrane equilibriates to resting potential.
threshold stimulus is reached, but very slowly & an action potential does not occurr
absolute refractory period
short period of time in which no stimulus will create another action potential
relative refractory period
time during which only an abnormally large stimulus will create an action potential
What is the slowest part of nervous system cellular communication?
transmission of signal from one cell to another through a synapse
electrical synapses
composed of gap junctions b/t cells in cardiac muscle, visceral smooth muscle & a few neurons in CNS; transmit signals much faster than chemical synapses & in both directions; uncommon
chemical synapse
- more common than electrical synapses
- unidirectional
- vesicles w/ NT lie inside presynaptic membrane
- Ca(2+) voltage-gated channels in membrane are activated by AP arriving at synapse & open, letting Ca(2+) flow into cell, causing NT vesicles to be released into synaptic cleft through exocytosis
- NT diffuse across cleft via Brownian motion
- NT receptor proteins on postsynaptic membrane causes it to become more permeable to ions, which move across it through ionophores (proteins) & complete transfer of neural impulse
- method prevents attenuation of electrical resistance from one cell to the next
- slowest step in the transfer of a nervous signal
neural fatigue
can occur if a cell is fired too often and cannot replenish its NT vesicle supply
How does a cell deal with a neurotransmitter released back into the synaptic cleft?
- destroy NT with enzyme in matrix of synaptic cleft & recycle parts in presynaptic cell
- presynaptic cell directly absorbs NT through active transport
- NT may diffuse out of synaptic cleft
Can a single synapse be both inhibitory & excitatory?
Can a single neurotransmitter be both inhibitory & excitatory?
Yes. (e.g. acetylcholine - inhibitory on heart, excitatory on visceral smooth muscle of intestine)
In what 2 ways might receptors act?
(1) ion channel itself (opened when respective NT attaches)
(2) act via second messenger system (preferred for prolonged changes, such as those involved in memory)
second messenger system
- activates another molecule in the cell to make changes
- often initiated by G-proteins attached to receptor protein along inside of postsynaptic membrane
- when activated by NT, alpha-subunit breaks free & can:
(1) activate separate specific ion channels
(2) activate a second messenger (e.g. cyclic AMP/GMP)
(3) activate intracellular enzymes
(4) activate gene transcription
postsynaptic potentials
- firing of one or more synapses creates a change in neuron cell potential
- can be excitatory (EPSP) or inhibitory (IPSP)
- usually requires 40-80 synapses firing on same neuron for an EPSP to create an action potential
glial cells (neuroglia)
- outnumber neurons 10:1
- can divide (fill space during TBI)
- 6 types: microglia, ependymal cells, satellite cells, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes & neurolemmocytes (Schwann cells)
type of neuroglia; arise from monocytes & phagocytize microbes & cellular debris in CNS
ependymal cells
type of neuroglia; epithelial cells that line space containing CS fluid
ependymal cells
type of neuroglia; use cilia to circulate CS fluid
satellite cells
type of neuroglia; support ganglia (groups of cell bodies in PNS)
type of neuroglia; star-shaped neuroglia in CNS that physically support neurons & help maintain mineral/nutrient balance in interstitial space
type of neuroglia; wrap around axons in CNS to create electrically insulating sheathes of myelin
Schwann cells
type of neuroglia; produce myelin in PNS
myelinated neurons
- faster rate of conduction d/t myelin
- appear white (neuronal cell bodies appear gray)
- tiny gaps b/t myelin called "nodes of Ranvier"
- AP "jumps" from node to node in "saltatory conduction"
sensory (afferent) neurons
receive signals from receptor cell that interacts w/ environment & transfers signal to other neurons (99% of sensory info is discarded by the brain); located dorsally from spinal cord
transfer signals from neuron to neuron (account for 90% of human neurons)
motor (efferent) neurons
carry signals to muscles or gland called "effector"; located ventrally from spinal cord
toward the back
toward the front/abdomen
bundles of neuron processes (axons & dendrites) [called "tracts" in CNS)
simple reflex arc
receptor --> dorsal root ganglion --> sensory neuron --> interneuron --> motor neuron --> effector
central nervous system (CNS)
- interneurons & support tissue w/in brain & spinal cord
- integrates nervous signals b/t sensory & motor neurons
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
- connects CNS to peripheral parts of the body
- cranial & spinal nerves project to brain & SC
- sensory & motor functions
- divided into somatic & autonomic nervous systems
somatic nervous system
- responds to external environment
- sensory & motor functions
- motor neurons only innervate skeletal muscle, cell bodies located in ventral horns of spinal cord, synapse directly on effectors & use acetylcholine as NT [conscious, voluntary control]
- sensory neuron cell bodies located in dorsal root ganglion
autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- sensory portion receives signals from viscera (organs in central body cavity)
- motor portion conduct visceral signals to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle & glands
- generally involuntary function
- divided into sympathetic & parasympathetic systems (most internal organs have both acting antagonistically)
- pathways mainly controlled by hypothalamus
sympathetic ANS
"fight or flight"
- increase heart rate & stroke volume
- constricts blood vessels around digestive & excretory systems to increase blood flow around skeletal muscles
- signals originate in neurons w/ cell bodies in SC
parasympathetic ANS
"rest & digest"
- slows heart rate
- increases digestive & excretory activity
- signals originate in neurons w/ cell bodies in both brain & SC
a group of cell bodies located in the CNS
a group of cell bodies located outside the CNS
preganglionic neurons
neurons with cell bodies in CNS
postganglionic neurons
- neurons with cell bodies outside the CNS
- cell bodies of sympathetic are far from effectors in paravertebral ganglion (parallel to SC) or in prevertebral ganglia (in abdomen)
- cell bodies of parasympathetic lie in ganglia inside/near effectors
Where is acetylcholine used?
- all preganglionic neurons in the ANS
- postganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic ANS
[somatic & parasympathetic nervous systems]
Where are epinephrin & norepinephrine used?
postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic NS
cholinergic receptors
- receptors for acetylcholine
- nicotinic (postsynaptic cells of synapse b/t ANS preganglionic & postganglionic neurons; on skeletal muscle membranes at neuromuscular junctions)
- muscarinic (effectors of parasympathetic NS)
adrenergic receptors
receptors for epinephrine & norepinephrine
integrating functions of the spinal cord
- walking reflexes
- leg stiffening
- limb withdrawal from pain
lower brain parts
- medulla
- pons
- mesencephalon
- hypothalamus
- thalamus
- cerebellum
- basal ganglia
functions of lower brain
- integrates subconscious activities
- respiratory pressure
- arterial pressure
- salivation
- emotions
- reaction to pain & pleasure
higher brain parts
- cerebrum (cerebral cortex)
function of cerebral cortex
store memories & process thoughts (cannot function w/out lower brain)
What are the 5 types of sensory receptors?
(1) mechanoreceptors - touch
(2) thermoreceptors - temperature
(3) nociceptors - pain
(4) electromagnetic receptors - light
(5) chemoreceptors - taste, smell, blood chemistry
path of light through the eye
aqueous humor
vitreous humor
optic nerve
- first point on eye to be struck by light
- nonvascular & largely made of collagen
- most bending of light occurs here
anterior cavity
- light enters here after cornea
- filled with aqueous humor (fluid formed by ciliary processes that leaks out of canal of Schlemm)
can be caused by blockage of canal of Schlemm and resulting increased ocular pressure
- light enters here from anterior cavity
- spherical, but tugged by suspensory ligaments which flattent it & are connected to ciliary muscle
What happens when the ciliary muscle contracts?
opening of circle around lens decreases, allowing lens to become more sphere-like, bringing its focal point closer to the lens
What happens when the ciliary muscle relaxes?
opening of circle around lens increases, causing lens to flatten, increasing its focal distance
vitreous humor
gel-like substance that light focuses through onto the retina
- light focused through vitreous humor onto this
- image on retina is real & inverted
- covers back (distal portion) of eye & contains rods & cones (photoreceptors; light-sensitive)
- sense all photons with wavelengths in visible spectrums
- CANNOT distinguish colors
- contain pigment rhodopsin (protein bound to retinal prosthetic group derived from vitamin A)
- photon isomerizes retinal causing rod cell membrane to hyperpolarize, which creates action potential
CAN distinguish colors; 3 types, each with different pigment stimulated by different spectrum of wavelength
general characteristics of rods & cones
- tips contain pigments (light sensitive photochemicals)
- Vitamin A is precursor to all pigments in these cells
small point on retina containing mostly cones; vision is most acute on this point of retina
- colored portion of eye that creates pupil (opening)
- made of circular and radial muscles
- IN DARK: sympathetic NS contracts iris, dilates pupil & allows more light into eye
- IN BRIGHT: parasympathetic NS contracts iris, constricts pupil & screens out light
What are the 3 main parts of the ear?
(1) outer ear
(2) middle ear
(3) inner ear
auricle (pinna)
skin & cartilage flap that directs sound wave into external auditory canal
tympannic membrane
eardrum; sound carried hear from external auditory canal; begins the middle ear
3 small bones of the middle ear
(1) malleus
(2) incus
(3) stapes
act as lever system translating wave to oval window (which is smaller than eardrum, creating an increase in pressure)
fluid in inner ear
sound wave moves through this part of the inner ear; alternating increase & decrease in pressure moves vestibular membrane in and out
organ of Corti
contains hair cells (sterocilia, a specialized type of microvilli) that detect movement of vestibular membrane in & out and transduces that into neural signals sent to brain
semicircular canals
in inner ear; canal of fluid & hair cells responsible for balance - when body moves, momentum of fluid changes & impacts hair cells, causing body to sense motion; canals oriented at right angles to each other to detect movement in all directions
path of sound through the ear
auditory canal
tympanic membrane
oval window
hair cells
auditory nerve
sense of smell
olfactory (uses chemoreceptors)
sense of taste
gustatory (uses chemoreceptors)
What are the 4 primary taste sensations?
(1) bitter
(2) sour
(3) salty
(4) sweet