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228 Cards in this Set

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Absolute poverty

Poverty wherein people do not have enough resources to acquire basic life necessities such as shelter, food, clothing, and water

Absolute threshold

The minimum of stimulus energy needed to activate a sensory system.


Process by which existing schemata are modified to encompass new information


A neurotransmitter associated with voluntary muscle control. It is found in both the central and peripheral nervous system.

Achieved status

A status gained as a result of direct, individual action


In classical conditioning, the process of taking advantage of reflexive responses to turn a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus.


In perception, a decrease in stimulus perception after a long duration of exposure; in learning, the process by which new information is processed; consists of assimilation and accommodation

Adaptive value

The extent to which a trait benefits a species by influencing the evolutionary fitness of the species.


Prejudice of discrimination on the basis of a person's age

Alcohol myopia

The inability to think about consequences and possible outcomes of one's actions due to alcohol intoxication


State of consciousness in which one is aware, able to think, and able to respond to the environment, nearly synonymous with arousal.

Aligning actions

An impression management strategy in which one makes questionable behavior acceptable through excuses


An impression management strategy in which one imposes an identity onto another person


A form of helping behavior in which the person's intent is to benefit someone else at a cost to him or herself


A CNS stimulant that increases activity of both dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain


A portion of the limbic system that is important for memory and emotion and fear. In order to effect the Amygdala, a therapist might put a patient under systematic desensitization treatment.


A state of normlessness; anomic conditions erode social solidarity by means of excessive individualism, social inequality, and isolation.

Anxiety disorders

Disorders that involve worry, unease, fear, and apprehension about future uncertainties based on real or imagined events that can impair physical and psychological health

Appraisal model

A similar theory to the basic model, accepting that there are biologically predetermined expressions once an emotion is experienced; accepts that there is a cognitive antecedent to emotional expression


In Jungian psychoanalysis, a thought or image that has an emotional element and is part of the collective unconsciousness


A psychological and physiological state of being awake or reactive to stimuli; nearly synonymous with alertness

arousal theory

A theory of motivation that states there is a particular level of arousal required in order to perform actions optimally; summarized by the Yerkes Dodson law

Ascribed status

A status that one is given at birth, such as race, ethnicity, or sex


In psychology, the process by which new information is interpreted in terms of existing schemata; in sociology, the process by which the behavior and culture of a group or an individual begins to merge with that of another group

Associative learning

the process by which a connection is made between two stimuli or a stimulus and a response; examples include classical and operant conditioning.

Attribute substitution

A phenomenon observed when individuals must make judgements that are complex but instead substitute a simpler solution or perception

Attribution theory

A theory that focuses on the tendency for individuals to infer the causes of other people's behavior

Authentic self

Who someone actually is, including both positive and negative attributes.

Automatic processing

The brain process most closely resembling autopilot, enabling performance of multiple activities at the same time

Autonomic nervous system

The involuntary branch of the PNS that controls involuntary functions such as heart rat, bronchial dilation, temperature, and digestion


The ethical tenet that the physician has the responsibility to respect patient's choices about their own healthcare

Availability heuristic

A shortcut in decision making that relies on the information that is most readily available, rather than the total body of the information on a subject.

Avoidance learning

A form of negative reinforcement in which one avoids the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen

Back Stage

In the dramaturgical approach, the setting where players are free from their role requirements and not in front of the audience; back stage behaviors may not be deemed appropriate or acceptable and are thus kept invisible from the audience


A drug that acts as a CNS depressant; often used for anxiety, insomnia, and as an antiseizure medication

Basal ganglia

A portion of the forebrain that coordinates muscle movement and routes information from the cortex to the brain and spinal cord

Basic model

First established by Charles Darwin, a theory that states that emotional expression involves number of systems: facial expression as well as behavioral and physical responses; claims that emotions are universal and should be similar across cultures


An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists


The ethical tenet that the physician has a responsibility to act in the patient's best interest


A CNS depressant that is often used to reduce anxiety or promote sleep

Biomedical approach

an approach to psychological disorders that considers only pathophysiological causes and offers pharmaceutical and medical solutions for symptom alleviation

Biopsychosocial approach

An approach to psychological disorders that considers conditions and treatments to be dependent on biological, psychological, and social causes

Birth rate

The number of births per population in a period of time; usually the number of births per 1000 people per year


A sexual orientation wherein individuals are attracted to members of both sexes


The most primitive portion of the brain, which includes the midbrain and hindbrain; controls the autonomic nervous system and communication between the spinal cord, cranial nerves, and brain

Broca's aphasia

Loss of the motor function of speech, resulting in intact understanding with an inability to correctly produce spoken language

Broca's area

A brain region located in the inferior frontal gyrus of the frontal lobe (usually in the left hemisphere); largely responsible for the motor function of speech


A formal organization with the goal of performing complex tasks as efficiently as possible by dividing work amount a number of bureaus

bystander effect

The observation that, when in a group, individuals are less likely to respond to a person in need

Cannon-Bard theory

a theory of emotion that states that a stimulus is first received and is then simultaneously processed physiologically and cognitively, allowing for the conscious emotion to be experienced


Loss of muscle control with intrusion of REM during waking hours, usually caused by an emotional trigger. Sometimes associated with narcolepsy.


Disorganized motor behavior characterized by various unusual physical movements or stillness

Central Nervous System

The portion of the nervous system composed of the brain and spinal cord


A portion of the hindbrain that maintains posture and balance and coordinates body movements

Cerebral cortex

The outermost layer of the cerebrum, responsible for complex perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive processes

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

an aqueous solution in which the brain and spinal cord rest; produced by cells lining the ventricles of the brain


A portion fo the brain that contains the cerebral cortex, limbic system, and basal ganglia

Characteristic institution

The social structure or institution about which societies are organized

Circadian rhythm

the alignment of physiological processes with the 24- hour day, including sleep-wake cycles and some elements of the endocrine system. Regulated by the Superchiasmatic Nucleus

Circular reaction

A repetitive action that achieves a desired response, seen during Piaget's sensorimotor stage

Classical conditioning

A form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus such that the neutral stimulus alone produces the same response as the unconditioned stimulus; the neutral stimulus thus becomes a conditioned stimulus.

cognitive dissonance

the simultaneous presence of two opposing thoughts or opinions

Collective unconscious

In jungian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that is shared among all humans and is a result of our common ancestry


Two structures in the midbrain involved in sensorimotor reflexes; the superior colliculus receives visual sensory input (and is responsible for the coordination of eye movement), and the inferior colliculus receives auditory sensory input


A change of behavior of an individual at the request of another

Conduction aphasia

A speech disorder characterized by the inability to repeat words with intact spontaneous speech production and comprehension; usually due to injury to the arcuate fasciculus.

Confirmation bias

A cognitive bias in which one focuses on information that supports a given solution, belief, or hypothesis, and ignores evidence against it

Conflict theory

A theoretical framework that emphasized the role of power differentials in producing social order


The changing of beliefs or behaviors in order to fit into a group or society


Awareness of one-self; can be used to describe varying levels of awareness that occur with wakefulness, sleep, dreaming, and drug-induced state


Concept seen in quantitative analysis performed by a child; develops when a child is able to identify the difference between quantity by number and actual amount, especially when faced with identical quantities separated into varying pieces

Context effect

A retrieval cue by which memory is aided when a person is in the location where encoding took place


On the opposite side of the body, relative to something else

Controlled (conscious) processing

Processing method used when a task requires complete attention

Correspondent inference theory

A theory that statements that people pay closer attention to intentional behavior than accidental behavior when making attributions, especially if the behavior is unexpected

Critical period

A time during development during which exposure to language is essential for eventual development of the effective use of language; occurs between two years of age and puberty

Crystallized intelligence

Cognitive capacity to understand relationships or solve problems using information acquired during schooling and other experiences

Cultural relativism

The theory that social groups and cultures must be studied on their own terms to be understood

Cultural sensititivy

Recognizing and respecting the differences between cultures

Cultural syndrome

A shared set of beliefs attitudes, norms, values, and behaviors organized around a central theme and found among people who speak the same language and share a geographic region

Deductive reasoning

A form of cognition that starts with general information and narrows down that information to create a conclusion

Defense mechanism

In Freudian psychoanalysis, a technique used by the ego that denies, falsifies, or distorts reality in order to resolve anxiety caused by undesirable urges of the id and superego


The idea that people will lose a sense of self-awareness and can act dramatically differently based on the influence of a group


Fixed, false beliefs that are discordant with reality and not shared by one's culture, and are maintained in spite of strong evidence to the contrary

Demographic transition

The transition from high birth and mortality rates to low birth and mortality rates, seen as a country develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system


The statistical arm of sociology, which attempts to characterize and explain populations by quantitative analysis


Any substance that reduces nervous system function

Depressive episode

A period of at least two weeks in which there is a prominent and persistent depressed mood or lack of interest and at least four other depressive symptoms


The violation of norms, rules, or expectations wtihin a society

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)

The guide by which most psychological disorders are characterized, described, and diagnosed; currently in its fifth edition


A portion of the prosencephalon that becomes the thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior pituitar gland, and the pineal gland

Disconfirmation principle

the idea that states that if evidence obtained during testing does not confirm a hypothesis, then the hypothesis is discarded or revised


In Classical Conditioning, the process by which two similar but distinct conditioned stimuli produce different responses; in sociology, when individuals of a particular group are treated differently than others based on their group


A sudden increase in response to a stimulus, usually due to a change in the stimulus or addition of another stimulus; sometimes called resensitization


A defense mechanism by which undesired urges are transferred form one target to another, more acceptable one

Display rules

Cultural expectations of how emotions can be expressed

Dispositional (internal) attributions

attributions that relate to the decisions or personality of the person whose behavior is being considered

Dissociative disorders

Disorders that involve a perceived separation from identity or the environment

Distant networks

Networks that are looser and composed of weaker ties


The stress response to unpleasant stressors

Divided attention

The ability to attend to multiple stimului simultaneously and to perform multiple tasks at the same time

Dominant hemisphere

The side of the brain that provides analytic, language, logic, and math skills; in most individuals, the left hemisphere


A neurotransmitter associated with smooth movements, steady posture, the reward pathway, and psychosis (a severe disorder where thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality)

Dramaturgical approach

An impression management theory that represents the world as a stage of individuals as actors performing to an audience

Drive reduction theory

A theory that explains motivation as being based on the goal of eliminating uncomfortable internal states


Deficiencies that activate particular behaviors focused on a goal


A sleep disorder which one has difficulty falling asleep, staying awake, or avoiding sleep


Common name for MDMA; a CNS stimulant with effects similar to both amphetamines and hallucinogens


In Freudian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious mind that mediates the urges of the id and superego; operates under the reality principle


Self-centered view of the world in which one is not necessarily able to understand the experience of another person; seen in Piaget's preoperational stage

Elaboration likelihood model

A theory in which attitudes are formed and changed through different routes of information processing based on the degree of deep thought given to persuasive information

Elaborative rehearsal

The association of information in short-term memory to information already stored in long-term memory; aids in long term storage


A test used to study the electrical patterns of the brain under varying conditions; consists of multiple electrodes placed on the scalp


A feeling and state of mind derived from circumstances, mood, or relationships

Emotional support

Listing to, affirming, and empathizing with someone's feelings as part of social support


The ability to vicariously experience the emotions of another


The process of receiving information and preparing it for storage; can be automatic or effortful


Natural painkillers produced by the brain


A neurotransmitter associated with the fight-or-flight reponse

Errors of growth

Misuse of grammar characterized by universal application of a rule, regardless of exceptions; seen in children during language development

Escape learning

A form of negative reinforcement in which one reduces the unpleasantness of something that already exists

Esteem support

Affirming qualities and skills of the person as part of social support


A social construct that sorts people by cultural factors, including language, nationality, religion, and other factors. These factors can be changed or perceived differently by someone else, unlike race


The practice of making judgements about other cultures based on the values and beliefs of one's own culture


The stress response to positive conditions

Explicit memory

Memory that requires conscious recall, divided into facts (semantic memory) and experiences (episodic memory); also known as declarative memory


In classical conditioning, the decrease in response resulting from repeated presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the presence of the unconditioned stimulus


In trait theory, the degree to which an individual is able to tolerate social interaction and stimulation

Extrinsic motivation

Motivation thats external, or outside the self, including rewards or punishments

Family group

A group determined by birth, adoption, and marriage rather than self-selection (as in a peer group)

Fertility rate

The average number of children born to a woman in her lifetime in a population


In Freudian psychoanalysis, the result of overindulgence or frustration during a psychosexual stage causing a neurotic pattern of personality based on that stage

Flat affect

Behavior characterized by showing virtually no signs of emotion or affective expression

Fluid intelligence

Ability to quickly identify relationships and connections, and then use those relationships and connects to make correct deductions


The act of searching for and exploting food resources


A portion of the brain that is associated with complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral processes such as emotion and memory


A long projection from the hippocampus that connects to other nuclei in the limbic system

Front stage

In the dramaturgical approach, the setting where players are in front of an audience and perform roles that are in keeping with the image they hope to project about themselves

Frontal lobe

A portion of the cerebral cortex that controls motor processing, executive function, and the integration of cognitive and behavioral processes

Functional fixedness

The inability to identify uses for an object beyond its usual purpose


A theoretical framework that explains how parts of society fit together to create a cohesive whole

Fundamental attribution error

The general bias toward making dispositional attributions rather than situational attributions when analyzing another person's behavior

Game theory

A model that explains social interaction and decision-making as a game, including strategies, incentives and punishments

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

A neurotransmitter associated with stabilizing and quelling brain activity


Collections of neuron cell bodies found outside the CNS

Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft

Theory that distinguishes between two major types of groups: communities (Gemeinschaft), which share beliefs, ancestry, or geography; and societies (Gesellschaft), which work together toward a common goal


The set of behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated wtih a biological sex


In classical conditioning, the process by which two distinct but similar stimuli come to produce the same response


The genetic makeup of an individual

Gestalt principles

Ways for the brain to infer missing parts of a picture when a picture is incomplete


The process of integrating the global economy with free trade and tapping of foreign labor markets


A social entity that involves at least two people, usually those sharing common characteristics

Group conformity

Compliance with a group's goals, even when the group's goals may be in direct contrast to an individual's goals

Group polarization

The tendency toward decisions that are more extreme than the individual inclinations of the group members


The tendency for groups to make decisions based on the ideas and solutions that arise within the group without considering outside ideas and ethics; based on pressure to conform and remain loyal to the group


A ridge of the cerebral cortex


A decrease in response caused by repeated exposure to a stimulus


Perceptions that are not due to external stimuli but have a compelling sense of reality


A group of drugs that cause distortions of reality in users, including LSD and mushrooms

Halo effect

A cognitive bias in which judgments of an individual's character can be affected by overall impression of the individual


A sexual orientation wherein individuals are attracted to members of the opposite sex


A rule of thumb or shortcut that is used to make decisions


A portion of the brain that controls balance, motor coordination, breathing, digestion, and general arousal processes


A portion of the limbic system that is important for memory and learning


A sexual orientation wherein individuals are attracted to members of the same sex

Hypnagogic hallucinations

Hallucinations that occur when going to sleep; seen in narcolepsy

Hypnopompic hallucinations

Hallucinations that occur when awakening from sleep; seen in narcolepsy


An altered state of consciousness in which a person appears to be awake, but in fact, in a highly suggestible state in which another person or event may trigger action by the person


A portion of the forebrain that controls homeostatic and endocrine functions by controlling the release of pituitary hormones


In Freudian psychoanalysis, the part of the unconscious resulting from basic, instinctual urges for sexuality and survival; operates under the pleasure principle and seeks instant gratification

Ideal self

The person one would optimally like to be


A piece of an individual's self-concept based on the groups to which that person belongs and his or her relationships to others

Immediate networks

Networks that are dense with strong ties; generally overlap with distant networks

Implicit memory

Memory that does not require conscious recall; consists of skills and conditioned behaviors

Implicit personality theory

A theory that states that people tend to associate traits and behavior in others. and that people have the tendency to attribute their own beliefs, opinions, and ideas to others

Impression management

Behaviors that are intended to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object, or event


A reward intended to motivate particular behaviors


The number of new cases of a disease per population at risk in a given period of time; usually, new cases per 1000 at-risk people per year

Inclusive fitness

A measure of reproductive success; depends on the number of offspring an individual has, how well they support their offspring, and how well their offspring can support others

Individual discrimination

One person discriminating against a particular person or group

Inductive reasoning

A form of cognition that utilizes generalizations to develop a theor


An impression management strategy that uses flattery to increase social acceptance


A social group to which a person experiences a sense of belonging or one in which he or she identifies as a member

Innate behavior

A behavior that is genetically programmed or instinctive


Sleep disorder characterized by either an inability to fall asleep or difficultly staying asleep


An innate behavioral response to stimuli

Instinctive drift

The tendency of animals to resist learning when a conditioned behavior conflicts with the animal's instinctive behaviors

Institutional discrimination

Discrimination against a particular person or group by an entire institution

Intelligence quotient

Numerical measurement of intelligence, usually accomplished by some form of standardized testing

Interaction process analysis

A technique of observing and immediately classifying the activities of a small group


A retrieval error caused by the learning of information; can be proactive (old information causes difficulty learning new information) or retroactive (new information interferes with older learning)

Inter neuron

A neuron found between sensory and motor neurons involved in the reflex arc

Interpersonal attraction

The force that makes people like each other

Intrinsic motivation

Motivation that is internal or that comes from within


Perceptions about a situation that may or may not be supported by available evidence, but are nonetheless perceived as information that may be used to make a decision


On the same side of the body, relative to something else (usually a side of the brain)


A theory of emotion that states that a stimulus results in a physiological arousal, which then leads to a secondary response in which emotion is consciously experienced

Just-noticeable difference (jnd)

The minimum difference in magnitude between two stimuli before one can perceive this difference; also called a difference threshold

Just-world hypothesis

The cognitive bias that good things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people


In medical ethics, the tenet that the physician has a responsibility to treat similar patients with similar care, and to distribute healthcare resources fairly


Spoken or written symbols (verbal and nonverbal symbols), which are regulated according to certain rules of conduct or social norms and used for communication

Language acquisition device (LAD)

An innate capacity for language acquisition that is triggered by exposure to language; part of the nativist (biological) perspective of language acquisition

Learned helplessness

A state of hopelessness and resignation resulting from being unable to avoid repeated negative stimuli; often used as a model of depression

Learning (behaviorist) theory

A theory that attitudes are developed through forms of learning (direct contact, direct interaction, direct instruction, and conditioning)


In Freudian psychoanalysis, the sex or life drive

Limbic system

A portion of the cerebrum that is associated with emotion and memory and includes the amygdala and hippocampus

Linguistic relativity hypothesis

A hypothesis suggesting that one's perception of reality is largely determined by the content, form, and structure of language; also known as the Whorfian hypothesis

Locus of control

The characterization of the source of influences on the events in one's life; can be internal or external

Long- term potentiation

The strengthening of neural connections due to rehearsal or relearning; thought to be the neurophysiological basis of long-term memory

Maintenance rehearsal

Repetition of a piece of information to either keep it within working memory or to store it

Managing appearances

An impression management strategy in which one uses props, appearance, emotional expression, or associations with other to create a positive image

Manic episode

A period of at least one week with prominent and persistent elevated or expansive mood and at least two other manic symptom

Master status

A status with which a person is most identified

Mate choice

The intersexual selection of a mate based on attraction and traits

Material culture

The physical items one associates with a given cultural group

Material support

Providing economic or other physical resources to aid a person as part of social support

Mating system

The way in which a group organizes its sexual behavior and sexual relationship


A state of consciousness entered voluntarily, characterized by a decreased level of physiological arousal and a quieting of the mind

Medulla oblongata

A portion of the brainstem that regulates vital functions, including breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure


A serotonin derivative secreted by the pineal gland that is associated with sleepiness


A think layer of connective tissue that covers and protects the brain; composed of the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater

Mental set

A tendency to repeat solutions that have yielded positive results at some time in the past


A society in which advancement up the social ladder is based on intellectual talent and achievement


The embryonic portion of the brain that becomes the midbrain


The embryonic portion of the brain that becomes the pons and cerebellum


A portion of the brainstem that manages sensorimotor reflexes to visual and auditory stimuli and gives rise to some cranial nerve

Misinformation effect

A phenomenon in which memories are altered by misleading information provided at the point of encoding or recall


A technique that aids in memory recall