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23 Cards in this Set

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Chi-square tests
inferential statistical tests for non-parametric data
the process of assigning meaning to some communication behavior, message, or observation
Degrees of freedom (df)
a correction factor in inferential statistics that allows you to predict one outcome by holding another constant; (n – 1)
Descriptive research
a method of gathering information in such a way as to paint a picture of what people think or do
the study of how we come to know things. It deals with how individuals and groups come to believe what they believe. Includes tenacity, authority, intuition, and science
one of two dominant approaches to communication research, uses rhetorical-historical-critical approaches to research
Inferential statistics
statistical analysis that test if the results observed for a sample are indicative of the population; the presentation of information that allows us to make judgments whether the research results observed in a sample generalize to the population from which the sample was drawn
Median (Md)
a parametric statistic, a measure of central tendency, the 50th percentile or midpoint of all responses
Mode (Mo)
a parametric statistic, a measure of central tendency, the most frequently occurring response; a variable may be multi-modal – have more than response that is responded to equally
Operational definition
(1) defines variables with such specificity and concreteness that they make scientific research possible; (2) specifies the procedures the research uses to observe the variables; both the independent and dependent variables require operational definitions
a qualitative research method that directly involves the researcher in the research process as both participant in the communication event and observer of that event
a group of people, objects, events, or things that a researcher is interested in studying that share some characteristics; a universe in content analytic or rhetorical-critical studies
a measurement instrument that contains the exact questions and measures an interviewer uses to survey through the mail, in person, or by telephone
a parametric statistic, a measure of central tendency, the difference between high and low sources
Response rate
from survey methodology, the number of participants actually reached who complete an interview
Standard deviation
a parametric statistic, a measure of central tendency that tells us how dispersed the data points are from the mean.
the branch of applied mathematics that provides the tools to summarize, organize, and analyze the results of a quantitative study
an in-depth project, seeking to understand why people differ in their descriptions of perceptions of an event
describes how or what participants think and is usually fairly short
an attribute we can think of that is changeable, that varies
Frequency distribution
the number of responses that fall in a category in a nonparametric analysis; can be analyzed a s numbers, percentages, or proportions
Coefficient of contingency
statistic that provides a relative measure of magnitude of the relationship between variables on a 0.00 to +1.00 scale
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences – statistical program available for the personal computer, the most modern program