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60 Cards in this Set

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a ____________ group is "an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior".

reference group

the capacity of one person to alter the actions of others

social power

influence over others because they are motivated to imitate or affiliate with a person or group

referent power

influence over others due to the possession of inside knowledge;;designer magazines

information power

influence over others due to a position conferred by a society or organization;;white coat

legitimate power

influence over others due to specialized knowledge about a subject

expert power

a person or group with the means to provide positive reinforcement;;survivors;;american idol;;

reward power

influencing someone because of social or physical intimidation cohesiveness

coercive power

______-______ effect is all things equal we like others who share our names or even initials better than those who don't

name-letter effect

the process in which a reference group helps to set and enforce fundamental standards of conduct;;parents on marriage and college

normative influence

the process whereby a reference group influences decisions about specific brands or activities

comparative influence

a ________ community is a group of consumers who share a set of social relationships based on usage of or interest in a product;;halo launch;;harley;;dont necessarily live near each other

brand community

a corporate-sponsored event intended to promote strong brand loyalty among customers


the process whereby brand community members work together to develop better ways to use and customize products;;

______________ value creation

collective value creation

similar to the idea of brand community; it is a group of people who share a lifestyle and can identify with each other because of a shared allegiance to an activity or a product;;

consumer ______

consumer tribe

linking a product's identity to an activity-based "tribe" such as basketball players;;

_______ marketing strategy

tribal marketing strategy

_____________ reference group are ordinary people whose consumption activities provide information social influence;;people we know

membership reference group

_______________ reference group are high-profile athletes and celebrities used in marketing efforts to promote a product

aspirational reference group

as physical distance between people decreases and opportunities for interaction increase, they are more likely to form relationships. We all this physical nearness ___________


we come to like persons or things if we see them more often. social scientists call this tendency the _____ ___________ phenomenon

mere exposure phenomenon

______________ refers to the degree to which members of a group are attracted to each other and how much each values his or her membership in this group;;strict membership increases value


reference groups that exert a negative influence on individuals because they are motivated to distance themselves from group members

avoidance groups

the process whereby individual identities get submerged within a group, reducing inhibitions against socially inappropriate behavior


the tendency for people not to devote as much to a task when their contribution is part of a larger group effort;;social __________

social loafing

The _______ shift effect refers to the observation that group members tend to consider riskier alternatives after the group discusses an issue than they would if each member made his or her own decision without talking about it with others

risky shift effect

the process whereby individuals' choices tend to become more extreme (polarized), in either a conservative or risky direction, following group discussion of alternatives;; decision _______________

decision polarization

***what do social loafing and decision polarization have in common?

both are examples of how individuals and groups of people behave differently within larger groups than they would behave as individuals.

***which of the following is an example of utilitarian influence?

an individual's decision to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preference of family members.

a selling format where a company representative makes a sales presentation to a group of people who gather at the home of a friend or acquaintance;;home _________ party

home shopping party

a change in beliefs or actions as a reaction to real or imagined group pressure


the informal rules that govern what is right or wrong


according to the principle of _______ interest, the person who is least committed to staying in a relationship has the most power because that party doesn't care as much if the other person rejects him

principle of least interest

like one of the Japanese office lades, this individual is an _________ leader, a person who is frequently able to influence others' attitudes or behaviors;;people who are knowledgeable about products and whose advice others take seriously.

opinion leader

***Whichof the following statements most accurately defines homophily?

Homophilyis the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education,social status, and beliefs.

_____ _____ flow model of influence proposes that a small group of influencers disseminate information since they can modify the opinions of a large number of other people

two step flow model of influence

a two-way dialogue between participants in a social network and opinion leaders;;

influence __________

influence network

an online communication process where one piece of information triggers a sequence of interactions;;avalanche;;

information ________

information cascades

ex;; the alaskan woman Vaseline found is a market _______ - she is a person who likes to transmit marketplace information of all types

market maven

a professional who is retained to evaluate and/or make purchases on behalf of a consumer;;ie: interior decor, stockbrockers,consultants

surrogate consumer

the techniques for measuring group dynamics that involve tracing communication patterns in and among groups;;ie vaseline campaign in alaska to find the recommender.

_____________ methods

sociometric methods

the nature and potency of the bond between members of a social network;strong primary & weak secondary; strength of weak ties ie tennis referral buddy

tie strength

In online groups, opinion leaders sometimes are called ________ users.

power users

_________ impressions are brand-specific mentions on social media posts

influence impressions

highly influential members of social media networks;; ______ connectors

mass connectors

an accelerating diffusion of a message in social media due to the contributions of influential members;ie: influencer publish message on blogs, friends share with friends who shares with friends;; _____________ effect

momentum effect

product information transmitted by individual consumers on an informal basis;more credible than ads;often comes with social pressure to conform to these recommendations;more powerful that ads

Word of Mouth (WOM)

the passing on of negative experiences involved with products or services by consumers to other potential customers to influence others' choices

negative word of mouth

the strategy of getting customers(to a website) to sell a product on behalf of the company that creates it

viral marketing

an online posting system where users categorize entries themselves rather than relying upon a pre-established set of labels


__________ in a digital context, a group of people who engage in supportive and sociable relationships with others who share one or more common interests


an online social community


_______ multiplexity;; in a social media context, when flows of communication go in many directions at any point in time and often on multiple platforms.

media multiplexity

_______ object theory proposes that social networks will be more powerful communities if there is a way to activate relationships among people and objects within them

social object theory

_______ sociality is the extent to which an object (text,image,video) is hared among members of online social networks

object sociality

members of a social network share an intense interest in some topic;WoW


the effect that people experience when they interact with a computer-mediated environment


in social media context, a term that refers to rule by the people; community leaders are appointed or elected based on their demonstrated ability to add value to the group


in a social media context, members of social communities, not traditional media publishers like magazines or newspaper companies, control the creation, delivery, and popularity of content;;

Media _________________

media democratization

most users are _________; they absorb content that others post, but they don't usually contribute their own


a perspective that argues under the right circumstances, groups are smarter than the smartest people in them; implies that large numbers of consumers can predict successful products;ie: tshirt at Threadless;;

_________ of crowds

Wisdom of crowds