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12 Cards in this Set

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objective of human resource management (HRM)

-human resource management: process of finding, developing, and keeping the right people to form a qualified work force



1. the right people

2. in the right jobs

3. at the right time

employee turnover/replacement chart

-employee turnover: loss of employees who voluntarily choose to leave the company

-functional turnover: encouraged, the loss of poor-performing employees.

-dysfunctional turnover: discouraged, the loss of high-performing employees.

employment legislation laws (don't memorize just understand their impacts)

-Federal Employment Laws: equal pay act, civil rights act, age discrimination, and pregnancy discrimination

-Adverse Impact: protects against unlawful or un-logical hiring and firing practices to give equality for all applying

-Sexual Harassment:

quid pro quo: being hired because you forced someone into a sexual position

hostile work environment: demeaning sexual work environment

job analysis/job specification
-Information Collected

*work activities

*tool and equipment used to do the job

*context in which job was performed

*personnel for performing the job

-Job Analysis and Recruiting

*job description: written description of the basic tasks, duties, and responsibilities required of an employee holding a particular job

*Job Specification: a written summary of the qualifications needed to successfully perform a job


(what, why, sources of applicants)

-Recruiting: the process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants

-Internal Recruiting: a pool of applicants who already work for the company

-External Recruiting: advertisements, referrals, walk-ins, internal job sites, etc....

Selection Process

(application forms, background checks, interviews)

-Selection: gathering all the needed information to decide who is best qualified for the job

-Application Blank: desired information for the employer (resume and cover letter) (must adhere to EEO or must be BFOQ)

-Background Checks: used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided by the applicants.


*unstructured: free flow of questions

*structured: standardized sets of questions

*semi-structured: some structure with some unstructured questions based of interviewers interests

***Halo Effect: sometimes what you see during the interview isn't always what you get

Performance Appraisals

(purposes, 3 types, rating errors, 360 compensation and its purpose, "component parts"

-Performance Appraisals: process of assessing how well employees are doing their jobs

-Purpose/Areas of Impact

*performance measurement

*performance motivation




"I Love Me Files": putting examples of the good things you have done to prove to management you are an asset, also managers can have their own files for their employees

3-Types of Performance Appraisals
1. Critical Incident Files: "I love me files"

2. Graphic Rating Scale: 1-5 scale, 1=low, 5=high to determine how well one is doing their work who is being critiqued by their peers or managers

3. MBO (management by objectives):

-360 Degree Feedback: feedback is obtained by bosses, subordinates, peers, and employees themselves

-Rating Errors:

*central tendency: all workers get rated as average

*halo: all rated as performing the same at all levels of their jobs

*leniency error: all workers rated as performing at a high level

-the financial and non-financial rewards that organizations give employees in exchange for their work

-items include: commissions, profit sharing, employee stock ownership, stock options, early retirement incentive programs, psychic pay, perks, bonuses

Training and Development - types
-OJT (on the job training): most common, experienced workers train new workers (problem 2 workers are underproductive)

-Orientations: introduce newcomers to the organization (purposes: reduce level of anxiety and hazing, help employee to make decision to stay, help reduce new employee "start up costs")


(terminations and discipline)

-Discipline: action taken against employee for violating company rules (must treat everyone equally)

-Progressive Discipline: verbal warning, written warning, suspension without pay, termination (document absolutely everything as a manager whether its negative or positive)


*wrongful discharge: manager must have a job-related reason to terminate employees

*downsizing: the planned elimination of jobs in a company

*outplacement services: company finding employees who are losing their jobs due to downsizing


(its meaning and impact)

-simply hiring people with different human qualities or who belong to various cultural groups