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33 Cards in this Set

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Who published the first article on mammography in 1930?

Stafford Warren, MD

In the ____’s, the father of mammography, ____ MD, began teaching his mammographic technique.

1960’s, Robert Egan

From mammography’s advent in 1924 until the early 1980’s, mammograms were only done on what kind of patients?

Symptomatic patients who were referred to radiologists before surgery

Who lauded the efforts of the ACR in his 1971 paper?

Franklin Alcorn

During the 1970’s, who pioneered a three country mammography screening trial of asymptomatic women?

Dr Lazlo Tabar and his colleagues in Sweden

Who were the moderators for a 1978 medical conference that featured papers and reports on early studies to detect breast disease in asymptomatic patients?

Dr Philip Strax and Dr Ferris Hall

Who were the doctors that pioneered magnification?

Dr Logan-Young and Dr Edward Sickles

Who published the 1977 book “Breast Carcinoma: The Radiologist’s Expanded Role”?

Dr Wende Westinghouse Logan-Young

Who produced his initial breast images in 1924 using the only xray machine in his facility?

Doctor Warren

Who created xeroradiography?

John Wolfe, MD

What kind of plates are used to capture the latent image in xeroradiography?


What year did xeroradiography become commercially available?


Who developed the first dedicated mammography machine in France along with the CGR company?

Charles Gros, MD

The dedicated mammmography unit introduced in 1969 had what kind of target?


What type of imaging surpassed xeroradiography in 1972?

Screen film (analog)

What are the 3 instances in which the nipple must be in profile?

Spontaneous unilateral nipple discharge, male mammograms, and to determine the ROI for a procedure

Xeroradiography compensated for the nonvisualization of posterolateral breast tissue on the lateral view by including it on what view?

Laterally exaggerated CC view

Scandinavian mammographers in the mid-1970s created what view?


What percentage of the skin line is visualized in tangent on a mammogram?


Why is it necessary to image the breast with high contrast methods?

To detect smaller lesions hiding within the glandular tissue

How many shades of grade do digital systems record and display?


How many shades of gray do analog systems capture?


What percentage of primary breast cancers have mammographically detectable calcifications?


Screening mammograms account for approximately what percentage of all mammograms done in the US?


Approximately what percentage of breast cancer occurs in women with none of the known risk factors?


What percentage of breast cancers occur in women below the age of 50?


If the average malignancy is detected 2 to 4 years before it becomes palpable, what is the cure rate?


By the time a non-palpable .5 cm lesion increases in size to a palpable 1 cm, its mass has increased how many times?


What percentage of invasive cancers are invasive ductal carcinoma?


What percentage of invasive cancers are invasive lobular carcinoma?


What percentage of in situ cancers are DCIS?


What percentage of in situ cancers are lobular carcinoma in situ?


What percentage of women who died of breast cancer are diagnosed in their 40s?
