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85 Cards in this Set

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system in which all factors of production are controlled by the government in an effort to equally distribute wealth
founders of communism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
most well-known founder of communism
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was what ethnicity?
3 stages of Communism:
1 - ______ Revolution (Coup D'Etat) - killing everyone in charge
2- Dictatorship of the __________ - small group of people teach everyone how great communism is
3- _________ Society - Government disappears, No country ever got to this stage.
Bloody, Proletariat, Classless
The stage of communism that consists of killing everyone in charge
Bloody Revolution (Coup D'Etat)
The stage of communism where the small group of people teach everyone how great communism is. This stage can last a long time, so eventually all social classes disappear.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat
The stage of communism where there are none too rich, none too poor, people wear same clothing; government disappears
Classless Society
Famous Quote from the Communist Manifesto
"Working men of the world unite!"
The Communist Manifesto is a book written by _____ & _______. It detailed the ____ vs. _______.
Marx, Engels, Proletariat, Bourgeoisie
the working class (communism)
the factory owners (communism)
a multi-volume book about Communism written by Marx as a response to Wealth of Nations
Das Kapital (In German) -> Capital
Das Kapital was a 3 volume book. ____ finished volume 1 (1867), but died while Vols. ___ (1885) and ___ (1894) were in draft form. They were finished by _______. Volume 1 is considered the most important because it was all _____, while volume 3 is almost all _____.
Marx, 2, 3, Engels, Marx, Engels
Some of the problems with Communism are: ________ of goods (especially essentials). Government planning, not _____, determined what was produced, and most of these plans were really bad. There was trouble with _____ & ______. Government _____ kept most of the wealth for themselves. Lack of a profit motive encourages _______. Limited personal _______.
Shortages, markets, starvation, famine, bureaucrats, inefficiency, freedoms
system in which the government runs all important industries, but individuals may own less important business
Socialism acknowledges the benefit of ______ (wealth, creation) but believes the government should help distribute wealth more equally. They wanted to have a wealth _______.
capitalism, redistribution
Some of the problems with socialism: high _______, ______ owned industries are often inefficient
taxes, government
In the U.S. in the 1700s, the first U.S. economic base was _______.
In the 1800s, the __________ occurred.
Industrial Revolution
In the 1800s, the north was mainly _____, while the south was mainly _____.
industrial, agricultural
The _____ War occurred from 1861-1865.
In the 1800s, ________ greatly increased interstate commerce.
In the 1800s there was very little government regulation of _________ (no min. wage, environmental regulations, etc.)
In the 1900s, the abuse of power by large businesses led to _____ laws and the growth of _______.
anti-trust, labor unions
During ________ (war) (1914-1918), there was lots of economic activity because things were being made for the sole purpose of fighting the war.
World War I
After WWI ended, the economy was strong. The 20s were also known as the "______" 20s.
In the 1920s, the ______ (automobile) was created.
Model T
In the 1920s, the ______ was opened to more people, but was a unregulated, corrupt mess.
stock market
2nd worst period in American history, behind Civil War
The Great depression
The Great Depression lasted from ?
Contributing Factors to the Great Depression: Downturn in the ____ industry, Too much ______ capacity, Decline in _______ construction, Poor management of the _______ supply, _______ crash in Oct 1929, Lack of _______ response, Collapse of _____ system, The _____ Bowl
automotive, manufacturing, home, money, stock market, government, banking, dust
During the Great Depression, the president was _________.
Herbert Hoover
severe drought in the midwest during 20s
dust bowl
The Dust Bowl caused a migration of farmers to ________ and shortage of ______.
California, food
The unemployment rate in 1933 was _______ (highest ever).
__________ was the president from 1933-1945. He was responsible for the ________.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, New Deal
_____ was credited for getting the U.S. out of Depression.
FDR issued a _______ reform and regulation of the ________.
banking, stock market
The FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) was created (New Deal) to get people confident in the ______ system again
The Government initiated the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) for the _______ as part of the New Deal
stock market
FDR was also responsible for government employment: _______ benefits, laws protection ________ unions, ______ wage and _____ pay, social ______
unemployment, labor, minimum, overtime, social security
Fears about the cost of the New Deal led to cutbacks (especially in the WPA) and tax increases in 1938. As a result, the ______ quickly returned. In response, most of the ______ spending was restored & the economy improved.
depression, New Deal
Works progress administration
The US entered ___________ (war) which lasted from 1939-1945 on December 7, 1941, when Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan.
In 1942, the unemployment rate was ______ (lowest ever).
In the 1940s there were shortages of many _________ goods due to the war.
After WWII (1940s), the was new ______ and growth of _______, a ______Boom, The _____ Bill (opened up college to the middle class)
housing, suburbs, baby, G.I.
a bill that allowed soldiers coming home to go to college for low/no cost
G.I. Bill
In the 1950s, the _______ became a permanent part of American Life. The __________ was built, which as a result increased interstate commerce, created jobs, made travel easier, opened up tourism. The overall economy struggled as production shifted from _____ to ________ goods.
New Deal, Federal Interstate Highway System, military, consumer
During the 1960s, there were ____ cuts (by which US PRES) -1964- and the escalation of the _______ War that helped the economy.
tax, Kennedy, Vietnam
In the 1960s, there was the dominance of the _______ industry, spending on ______ programs greatly increased (medicare, medicaid, food stamps).
automotive, social
High war spending + high domestic spending + tax cuts = A _____ and ______ economy according to pres. johnson
guns, butter
In the 1960s all of this additional spending led to ________.
an overall increase in the price of goods
The 1970s began with a slowdown in economic growth and worsening _______ due to the ________ War.
inflation, Vietnam
In the 1970s there was the ______ Shock, where the president froze all ______ and ______ for 90 days.
Nixon, prices, wages
The Nixon Shock also involved removal of the U.S. from the _____ standard, which meant U.S. dollars could no longer be exchanged for ______ and there was a floating _____ rate.
gold, gold, exchange
President ________ (1974-1977) developed WIN (WHIP INFLATION NOW).
Gerald Ford
President Gerald Ford developed _______.
Win (Whip Inflation Now)
The _______ Embargo was retaliation for U.S. military support of Israel.
The OPEC Oil Embargo cause the price of oil to ______, gas was _____. It ended when Israel agreed to withdraw ___ from disputing territories.
quadrupled, rationed, troops
The OPEC oil embargo was during what time period?
The OPEC oil embargo put the U.S. into a _______ that lasted from 1973 to 1975.
a period when nation income, employment, and production fall
In the 1970s there was the decline of the U.S. _______ sector. There was growth of ______ (especially Japanese) and the last trade _______, 1975.
manufacturing, imports, surplus
President Jimmy Carter was in office when?
President Carter was in office the time of the _____ Hostage ___ and _______, where students & militants took over the U.S. embassy in ____ and held 444 Americans hostage.
Iranian, Crisis, Revolution, Tehran
The Iranian Hostage Crisis and Revolution was in response to U.S. support of the _______, who was placed in power by a U.S. led coup in 1953. Overthrew a democratically elected government.
In the 1970s ____ prices went up and ____ shortages returned due to panic buying.
oil, gas
By 1979, inflation was at __% and unemployment was at ____%.
highest ever inflation rate on annual basis (1979)
high inflation + high unemployment= _________
When was the Communist Manifesto written?
The Industrial Revolution took place in the early _____.
time period of the Civil War
World War I time period
Great Depression time period
President Franklin D. Roosevelt's time in office?
Unemployment rate highest ever in what year?
1933, 25%
World War II time period
time period when the new deal became a permanent part of American life
tax cuts were made by kennedy in what year?
food stamps came about by johnson in what year?
big stock market crash contributing to great depression in what year?