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63 Cards in this Set

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Leukocytes work together with the body's organs to defend the body against antigens.

Lymph/o means lymph, -cytes means cells


Substance that the body regards as being foreign. Includes viruses, bacteria, toxins,and transplanted tissues.


Modified to perform a specific function. Changes enable these lymphocytes to act as specialized antibodies that are capable of attacking specific antigens.

B cells

Specialized lymphocytes that produce antibodies. Each lymphocyte makes a specific antibody that is capable of destroying a specific antigen.

T cells

Get the T in their name from their origin in the thymus.

Also known as T lymphocytes


Activate the immune system, fight viruses by slowing or stopping their multiplication, and signal other cells to increase their defenses.


Filters microorganisms and other foreign material from the blood.


Functions of destroying worn-out erythrocytes (red blood cells) and releasing their hemoglobin for reuse

Hem/o means blood, -lytic means to destroy


Disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of a specific antigen.

Anti- means against


Bind with specific antigens in the antigen-antibody response. Immunoglobulins which are secreted by plasma cells


Specialized leukocytes that act as part of the antigen-antibody reaction by destroying substances such as cell debris dust,pollen,and pathogens by the process of phagocytosis.

Phag/o means to eat or swallow,-cyte means cell


Type of leukocyte that surrounds and kills invading cells

Macro- means large, -phage means a cell that eats

Complement system

Group of proteins that normally circulate in the blood in an inactive form. Cells complement the ability of antibodies to ward off pathogens by combining with them to dissolve and remove pathogenic bacteria and other foreign cells.


Being resistant to a specific disease.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes known as swollen glands

Lymphaden means lymph node, -itis means inflammation


Any disease process affecting a lymph node or nodes (lymphaden/o means lymph node,-pathy means disease


Benign tumor formed by an abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels due to a congenital malformation

Lymphaden/o means lymph node, angi means lymph vessel,-oma means tumor


Swelling of the tissues due to an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid within the tissues. Caused by damage to the lymphatic system that prevents lymph from draining property

Lymph means lymph, -edema means swelling


Overreaction by the body to a particular antigen


Substance that produces an allergic reaction in an individual.


Severe response to an allergen,without prompt medical aid, the patient can die within a few minutes.

Autoimmune disorder

Large group of diseases characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues,mistaking healthy cells,tissues,or organs for antigens.

Immunodeficiency disorder

Occurs when the immune response is compromised.

Compromised means weakened or not functioning properly.

Human immunodeficiency virus

Virus damages or kills the T cells of the immune system, causing it to progressively fail, leaving the body at risk of developing many life-threatening opportunistic infections.

Kaposi's sarcoma

Frequently associated with HIV. This cancer causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin; in the lining of the mouth,nose,and throat; or in other organs.


Disease treatment that involves either simulating or repressing the immune response

Immun/o means immune, -therapy means treatment

Synthetic immunoglobulins

Used as a post-exposure preventive measure against certain viruses, including rabies and some types of hepatitis.


Treatment to repress or interfere with the ability of the immune system to respond to stimulation by antigens


Substance that prevents or reduces the body's normal immune response. Prevent the rejection of donor tissue.

Cytotoxic drug

Medication that kills or damages cells

Cyt/o means cell,tox means poison,-ic means pertaining to. Drugs are used as immunosuppressants or as antineoplastics.


Microorganism that causes a disease in humans.


One-celled microscopic organisms


Rod-shaped sporeforming bacteria

Bacilli means rod shaped


Small bacterium that lives in lice,fleas, and mites.

Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by a rickettsia that is transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick.


Spiral shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement.

Lyme disease

Transmitted to humans by the bite of a tick that has had contact with a deer infected with the spirochete.


Bacteria that form a chain

Strept/o means twisted chain,-cocci means spherical bacteria,responsible for serious illness such as strep throat meningitis.


Transferred to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms develop from 1 to 4 weeks after being infected and include fever,shaking chills,headache,muscle aches,and fatigue


Transmitted from pets to humans by contact with contaminated animal feces.


Cause defects in a developing fetus.

Known as German measles,or three-day measles

Measles,mumps,and rubella vaccination

Prevent these viral illnesses


Acute viral infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite or saliva of an infected animal.

Infected animal is said to be rabid


Found in most body fluids.

Cyt/o means cell,megal/o means large, vir means virus,-us is a singular noun ending


Highly contagious, fever and a rash consisting of hundreds of itchy,fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts.

Infectious mononucleosis

Characterized by fever,a sore throat,and enlarged lymph nodes. Swelling of the spleen or liver involvement can also develop.


Medications capable of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic bacterial microorganisms

Anti- means against, bio means life,-tic means pertaining to


Agent that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi

Anti- means against, fung means fungus,-al means pertaining to

Antiviral drug

Used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity

Anti- means against, vir- means virus, -al means pertaining to.


Study of the prevention, causes,and treatment of tumors and cancer

Onc- means tumor,-ology means study of.


Abnormal growth of body tissue

Neo means new or strange,-plasm means formation

Benign tumor

Not a form of cancer,and it is not life-threatening


Example of a benign tumor made up of muscle tissue

My means muscle, -oma means tumor


Malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue

My/o means muscle, sarc means flesh, -oma means tumor


Spread from one place to another


Describes the process by which cancer is spread to a new site. Also used to describe the tumor itself


Malignant tumor occurs in epithelial tissue

Carcin means cancer,-oma means tumor


Malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues

Sarc means flesh,-oma means tumor


Hard-tissue sarcoma that usually involves the upper shaft of the long bones,pelvis, or knee

Oste/o means bone,-oma means tumor

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Distinguished by the presence of large,cancerous lymphocytes known as Reed-sternberg cells.

Ductal carcinoma in situ

Breast cancer at it's earliest stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the milk duct.


Detect the presence of tumors or precancerous cells

Mamm/o means breast, -graphy means the process of producing a picture or record.

Cytoxic drugs

Used for both immunosuppression and chemotherapy


Radiation therapy administered at a distance from the body.

Tele- means distant,-therapy means treatment