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43 Cards in this Set

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The Pelvis is directed which ways?
Downwardly and Outwardly
What ligament is centered within the Acetabulum?
Ligamentum Teres
The femoral head has an angle inclination at what? in the frontal plane?
125 degrees
Angle Greater then 125 in pelvis is What?
Angle Less than 125 in pelvis is what?
Coxa Valga
Coxa Vara
In the transverse plane, the angle of torsion in the pelvis is normally at what?
15 degrees
Increased Angle of Pelvis is?
Decreased angle of pelvis is?
Anteversion (feet make an "A"
What is the Pubic Symphysis?
Interpubic disk separates the two pubic bones.
Sacroilliac joint is made up of what?
Each innominate bone that articulates with the sacrum at the posterior side.
The limits the ROM of the Coxofemoral joint?
Deep acetabulum
Strength of ligaments
Strong muscular support
Dense synovial Capsule
What does the Iliofemoral Ligament (Y) do and where is it found?
It works with the capsule to prevent hyperextension and allows support for us to stand upright with little muscular support.
Found at the AIIS, it splits to insert distal intertrochanteric line and the inserting on the femoral neck
Pubofemoral ligament is found where and limits what movements?
Found on the pubic ramus and limits abduction and hyperextension
Ischiofemoral ligament is found where and limits what movements?
originates at the posterior acetabular rim attaching to the joint capsule and greater trochanter
Limits hip extension
Ligamentum teres supports what?
medial and lateral cicumflex arteries
Inguinal ligament is found where and what is its importance?
originates off ASIS and inserts at the pubic symphysis
holds down the soft tissues of the anterior hip as they move from trunk to leg.
Serves as superior border of the femoral triangle
Extrinsic muscles of Hip?
Instrinsic Muscles of Hip?
1. Generate a great force to allow for flexion, extension, and internal rotation
2. only externally rotates hip
Iliopsoas muscle group?
Made up of the psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus muscles
They are the primary hip flexors with knee extended
Rectus femoris, iliacus and sartorius work to do what?
Anteriorly rotate the pelvis on the sacrum.
What is the adductor Group?
Adductor longus, magnus, and brevis
What muscles besides the adductor group adduct the hip?
pectineus and gracilis
Gluteus medius?
Prime abductor of hip and maintains horizontal position of the pelvis and the torso's upright posture during gait.
Trendelenburg test
Stand on affected leg if the non affected legs hip drop then the affected legs gluteus medius is weak
Tensor fasciae latae?
an abductor and internal rotator of the hip.
External rotators of hip (instrinsic)
Piraformis, quadratus femoris, obturator inturnus
Gluteus Maximus?
Extensor of hip
Extend hip and decelerating knee extension and hip flexion during running
Femoral Triangle?
Inguinal ligament, Sartorius, and adductor longus (SALI)
What is located within the femoral triangle?
Femoral nerve, artery, vein and lymph nodes
Trochanteric Bursa
Gluteofemoral Bursa
Ischial Bursa
1. lubricates area between gluteus maximus and greater trochanter
2. seperates gluteus maximus and the origin of vastus lateralis
3. serves as weight bearing structure when seated.
Complete eval of hip consists of what?
assessment of lower extremity, spinal column and posture
Direct blow to the iliac crest is also known as a?
hip pointer
Fall on buttock can lead to what?
coccyx or ischium pathology or sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
Legg-calve-perthes disease?
Slipped Capital femoral epiphysis?
1. avascular necrosis occuring in children 3 to 12
2. displacement of the femoral head relative to femoral shaft common ages 10 to 15
Angle of inclination?
angular relationship of the femoral head and femoral shaft
angle of torsion?
in transverse plane; the relationship between the femoral head and femoral shaft; normally about 15 degrees
anteverted and retroverted
1. increases greater than 15 degrees
2. decrease less than 15 degrees
Nelatons line?
Pilonidal Cyst?
1. quick screen to determine the presence of coxa vara (draw line from asis to ischial tuberosity, greater tuberosity superior indicates coxa vara, inferior could indicate coxa valga.)
2. an infection over the posterior aspect of the median sacral crests
Trochanteric Bursitis
caused by an acute blow but generally caused by tight IT band.
Iliopsoas Bursitis?
Usually caused by rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis of the hip
Leading factors for Degenerative Hip changes?
Age, repetitive trauma, acute trauma, or improper bony arrangement
Piriformis syndrome MOI and S/S
1. Tight, spasm or hypertrophic piriformis placing pressure on sciatic nerve
2. burning pain, numbness
Hip Pointer
result in disproportionate amount of pain, swelling, discoloration, loss of function
Quad Contusion Care?
First 24 hours are critical to long-term management and rehab. Immediate Ice and knee flexion as pain tolerates.
Hip dislocations occur when?
hip is in flexion and adduction and an axial force is delivered to the femur. Displacing posteriorly