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8 Cards in this Set

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"This is ____ ____. It's a good ____. Until the ____-____ come to ____ us we'll have ____."
out island; island; grown-ups; fetch; fun

I was ignorant. All I thought about at the start of this hell was how much fun we would have. I had so much confidence in the grown-ups, but they are in as much of a hell as us. This journey was anything but fun.
"____. Don't we ____ ____? Every day. ____ a day. We ____."
Meetings; love meetings; Twice; Talk;

The meetings, where a good idea, but slowly they devolved into a worthless thing, something we had no need for, because we stop thinking of things in terms of votes. I should have realised then, to make meetings more important. If I had maybe we would have had a different outcome.
[I] ____ a piece of ____-____ ____ and ____ it like a ____.
Accepted; half-raw meat; gnawed; wolf

That was the point that me and the other boys had started to become more animalistic. We had become desperate for our old lives, and it was killing me from the inside. This was the point I knew that we had started going down hill.
[I] found [myself] ____ the ____ of this life, where ____ path was an ____ and a ____ part of ____ ____ ____ was spent watching ____ ____.
understanding; wearisomeness; each; improvisation; considerable; one's waking life; one's feet;

At this point, I was changing my vision on life. It was no longer a kind thing, full of adventure, but instead one full of corruption, and it was tiring me out. I can't stand this life any more. It's nothing like what I thought it would be like, and I'm hating every moment of it.
"If I ____ the ____ and they don't ____ back; then we've had it. We shan't keep the ____ ____. We'll be like ____. We'll ____ be ____."
blow; conch; come; fire going; animals; never; rescued;

I saw the consequence, for once. I knew that if I blew the conch, Jack wouldn't come back, because of our fight, and then everyone would see the conch as powerless. I hope it gave us a little bit more time, until we descended into the savagery that we did.
"____ ____ ____."

After killing Simon
That was murder.

That's it. We have no innocence left. We are all savages. Even me. We killed another, another who was properly trying to help us. Our friend. We killed our friend. We are not human. We are animals.
"I'm ____. Of ____. I ____ to go ____. O ____ I ____ to go ____."
Frightened; us; want; home; God; want; home.
[I] ____ for the ____ of ____, the ____ of ____ ___ [, and my] ____ friend called ____.
wept; end; innocence; darkness; man's heart; wise; Piggy.

I recognise it now. I see it. Mankind's true nature. We are all nothing but corruption and evil. There is no coral island.