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29 Cards in this Set

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define jaundice

excess circulating bilirubin in tissues

heme (in RBCs) -> bilirubin + albumin -> conjugated bilirubin (nonsoluble)

+ intestinal bacterial flora (deconjucates bilirubin) -> stercobilinogens (feces) and urobilinogens (urine)

causes of jaundice

abnormalities in metabolism/ increased RBC hemolysis, impaired liver uptake, decreased conjugation, impaired bilary secretion, viral infections/autoimmune, hemolytic anemias, drugs (acetaminophen, erythromycin, sulfa, antidepressants, oral contraceptives)

extrahepatic causes of jaundice

duct stone

pancreatic cancer

intrahepatic causes of jaundice


drug toxicity

alcohol liver disease

diagnosis of juandice

detailed med hx, physical exam, blood test, signs: yellowing of eye


source of dependent

define cirrhosis

scarring of liver


causes of cirrhosis

alcoholism, chronic hep B,C,D, inherited diseases, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), blocked bile ducts, drugs, toxins, infection

signs and symptoms of cirrhosis

exhaustion, fatigue, weakness, anorexia, weight loss, nausea

more sensitive to drugs bc of poor detoxification

early: none

complications of cirrhosis

edema, ascites, bruising, bleeding, jaundice, pruritis, buildup of toxins in blood/brain, sensitivity to medications, kidney, immune system dysfunction

diagnosis of cirrhosis

complete med hx, physical exam, symptoms, lab test, biopsy

treatment of cirrhosis

abstain from alcohol, low sodium/protein diet, diuretics, damage is irreversible

define hepatitis

inflammation of the liver

causes of hepatitis

infection, liver damage, overdose of acetaminophen, autoimmune

common risk factors of hepatitis

IV drug use, risky sexual behavior, eating contaminated food, alcohol abuse, AIDS, blood transfusions, mothers with hep B or C, HCW, tattooing

complications of hepatitis

acute disease with recovery

acute disease with death (fulminating)

acute disease with recovery resulting in a carrier state

hepatitis A (HAV)

vaccines: Havrix/Vaqta

hepatitis B (HBV)

vaccines: Engerix B/ REcombivax HB

heptatits D (HDV) (delta hepatitis)

have to have hep B infection

hepatitis E (HEV)

relatively rare

usually in 3rd world countries

must have recurrent HBV

no vaccine

fecal contamination - water

hepatitis C

no vaccine

high rate of heterogeneity

high rate of mutation

6 major genotypes

lasts a long time outside of the body

can live in cold temps

risks of hepatitis C

parenteral, injectable drug use, tattooing, piercing

symptoms of hepatitis C

jaundice, fever, abdominal pain, malaise, abnormal liver function test, nausea, anorexia

define glomerulonephritis

inflammation of the glomeruli (in the kidneys)

causes of glomerulonephritis

hx of cancer, strep, viral, heart infections, DM, damage to glomeruli

general signs and symptoms of glomerulonephritis

blood in urine, dark, rusty brown urine, foamy urine

chronic renal failure causes (kidney)

DM, HT, autoimmune diseases, toxic chemicals, glomerulonephritis

signs and symptoms of chronic renal failure

weight loss, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, feeling ill, fatigue, headache, pruritis, easy bruising, bleeding, decreased alertness, drowsiness, increased skin pigmentation, light skin, decreased using output

treatment for chronic renal failure

hypertension control, corticosteroids, immunosuppresive drugs, dietary restrictions (salt/fluids/protein), dialysis, kidney transplant