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68 Cards in this Set

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Arachidonic acid
Found in plasma membrane, "stored" in membrane phospholipids; cleaved out by PLA; converted either by cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase and cell-specific synthases to other end-products
Derivatives of arachidonic acid
Short-lived "local" hormones (autocrine or paracrine)
Found in all tissues
Involved in gastric maintenance, platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction or dilation, smooth muscle contraction or relaxation, inflammation, fever, and allergic response
Types include: prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes
Inhibition of platelet aggregation
Promotion of platelet aggregation
Promote vascular permeability (edema of inflammation) and are bronchoconstrictors (mediators of allergic response)
Anti-asthmatic drugs
Anti-asthmatics inhibit leukotriene synthesis
or Leukotriene receptor antagonists
Get relaxation of bronchi
Phospholipase A2
Releases arachidonic acid precursor from phospholipids in cell membrane
Inhibited by SAIDs
COX-1 and COX-2, for example
Convert arachidonic acid precursor into a precursor that is destined to become prostaglandin or thromboxane
Enzyme that converts arachidonic acid into leukotrienes
Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Inhibit PLA2, preventing release of arachidonic acid
Don't get lipoxygenase or cyclooxygenase activity
Ex. hydrocortisone
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Inhibit cyclooxygenases (COX 1 and/or COX 2)
Have pros and cons; COX1 protects stomach lining and COX2 has anti-heart attack effects
Include: aspirin (irreversible inhibition), acetaminophen (Tylenol- not a strong anti-inflammatory), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin - anti-inflammatory), naproxen (Aleve)
COX-2 inhibitors
Eg. Vioxx, Celebrex, Meloxicam, Bextra
Irreversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase
Requires new protein synthesis for recovery of prostaglandin activity
Other COX1/2 inhibitors are reversible
Bile salts
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic surface = amphipathic
Made from cholesterol in the liver and stored in the gall bladder
Secreted into gut after a meal
Form mixed micelles with dietary fats that allow attack by water-soluble enzymes (lipases)
Provide transport vehicles for less-soluble lipids (cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins ADEK)
Pancreatic lipase
Hydrolyzes dietary fats to free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols
Bile salts emulsify, and pancreatic lipase frees up FA and MAGs in intestinal lumen
Medium chain fatty acids
Less than or equal to 12 C
Absorbed directly into portal circulation
Longer chain fatty acids
Greater than 12 C
Converted back to TGs in intestinal mucosal cells
Incorporated into chylomicrons
Enter lymphatic system, then blood
Globs of dietary TG + cholesterol + phospholipids
Transport of longer chain fatty acids that have been broken down from dietary fats
Leaves gut, enters lymphatic system, then blood; adipose for storage, muscle for energy
Lipid metabolism: Fed State
Insulin present
Dietary TG emulsified by bile salts and hydrolyzed to FFA and MAG in intestine by pancreatic lipase
TG resynthesized in mucosal cells and exported to lymph as chylomicrons
TGs cleared from chylomicrons by lipoprotein lipase
FFAs released can be used as energy by exercising muscle, converted to fat by adipose tissue, or converted to TG and exported as VLDL by liver (remodeling)
TG also cleared from VLDL by lipoprotein lipase
Excess glucose and AAs also converted to TGs
Lipoprotein lipase
Clears TGs from chylomicrons as enters fat, muscle or liver
Also clears TGs from VLDL from liver
Very low-density lipoprotein
Fatty acids that have been remodeled from dietary fats in liver are carried to other tissues as VLDL
Lipoprotein lipase clears TGs from VLDL
Lipid metabolism: Fasting state
Glycogen breakdown in liver and protein breakdown in muscle coupled with gluconeogenesis in liver provide blood glc for brain and RBCs
Glucagon (fasting) and epinephrine (exercise) stimulate HSL in adipose tissue; used for energy by most tissues except brain and RBCs (fat, muscle, liver)
Glycerol released by adipose tiss can be converted to glucose by liver (minor)
Acetyl-coA from FFA degradation in liver can be converted to ketone bodies during starvation
Hormone sensitive lipase
Stimulates breakdown of TGs to FFA for use by adipose tissue and release to blood for liver and muscle
Insulin: lipid metabolism
Inhibits HSL (HSL acts in fasting state)- no FFA released from adipose
Stimulates glycolysis; some acetyl-coA used to generate E, most converted to fat
Stimulates FA and TG synthesis
Stimulates lipoprotein lipase (frees TG from VLDL for storage in adipose and from chylomicrons to be converted to FA in liver)
Fed state: resting muscle
+ GLUT 4 (glucose uptake)
+ Glycogen synthesis (glycogen synthase)
+ Protein synthesis

Glycolysis driven by mass action
Fasting and starvation: adipose and liver
Glucagon: +HSL, +TG breakdown
FFA released to blood

FFA converted to Ac-coA; combines with OAA for energy
Glucagon: (+)gluconeogenesis (OAA to glucose); (-)TG synthesis
As gluconeogenesis depletes OAA levels, acteyl-coA can't enter CAC and ketogenesis increases
Fasting and starvation: resting muscle
No glucagon effect; insulin not produced
No glucose taken up, fatty acids are primary energy source
Protein synth not stimulated --> proteolysis and release of AAs (for gluconeogenesis)
Type 1 diabetes: general
Insulin is not produced
HSL increases (insulin normally negatively regulates) and FFAs accumulate
FFAs drive beta-oxidation in liver
Acetyl-coA accumulates
FA/TG synthesis decreases
Gluconeogenesis increases and acetyl-coA converted to ketone bodies
Net result = hyperglycemia and ketonemia
Type 1 diabetes: resting muscle
Protein synth not stimulated --> proteolysis and relase of AAs for gluconeogenesis
No glycogen synthesis (no insulin signal)
No glucose uptake via GLUT4 transporter (no insulin signal)
High blood glucose, basal uptake via GLUT 1 and GLUT 3
Glycogen stores not severely depleted
Type 2 diabetes: resting muscle
Muscle is insulin resistant, but because insulin is overproduced, can still operate reasonable well
High concentration of FA drives TG synthesis and accumulation in muscle
Pyruvate accumulates faster than it can be used for energy, so increased lactate production
So, hyperuricemia and decreased incidence of ketosis
Type 2 diabetes: liver
Tissues insulin resistant, but insulin overproduced
Gluconeogenesis increases (not as much as in type I)
Adipokines (e.g. TNFalpha) stimulate HSL causing release of FFA by adipose
Mass action--> fatty acid accumulation in liver
Beta oxidation is inhibited
TG accumulation in liver
Lactate in blood produces both OAA and acetyl-coA so that can do CAC (so no ketone bodies)
Fatty acid and TG synthesis are stimulated
Excess TGs exported as VLDL
Adipokines inhibit LPL
So dyslipidemia (TG rich VLDL) and hyperglycemia
Source of all carbons

Get acetyl-coA from proteins --> alanine --> pyruvate
Glucose --> pyruvate
CAC --> OAA --> PEP --> pyruvate (gluconeogenesis)
Biosynthesis FA: overview
Acetyl-coA + NADPH + ADP required
Occurs in cytosol
Acteyl-coA: cross mit mem?
Citrate & pyruvate shuttle
NADPH is generated in cytosol; consumption of NADH so glycolysis can continue at max rate
Key enzymes of FA synth
Acetyl-coA Carboxylase
Fatty acid synthase
Acetyl-coA carboxylase and isozymes
Converts acetyl-coA to malonyl coA "activated intermediate"
Rate limiting step, tightly regulated
Requires biotin (adding CO2) and ATP

ACC-1: liver and adipose cytosol
ACC-2: mitochondrial membrane of muscle and liver (malonyl-coA for inhibition of b-oxidation in fed state by inhibiting movement of FA into mitochon)
Fatty acid synthase
Catalyzes remaining reactions of FA synthesis (besides acetyl-coA --> malonyl-coA)

Has group similar to coenzymeA from pantothenic acid (both are high E thioester bonds)
FA biosynthesis: pathway
Acetyl-coA + malonyl-coA --> condensation (ketone) --> reduction (alcohol) --> dehydration (2x bond) --> reduction (fully reduced, + 2 C)

Gets longer on methyl end with carboxylic acid on other end

7 cycles of adding 2C --> palmytic acid (16 C)

Thiolase cleaves FA from fatty acid synthase
Palmytic acid
16C product of FA synthesis (7 cycles)
Fatty acid modification
Desaturases (require copper)

*We lack enzymes to introduce 2x bonds in the w6 and w3 positions --> must EAT them
Regulation FA synthesis: cellular, whole body
Occurs at acetyl-coA carboxylase step
Citrate activates, palmitoyl-coA inactivates (end product)

Whole body:
Insulin stimulates, glucagon inhibits

Inhibits FA synthesis (end product)

Binds to allosteric site on acetyl-coA carboxylase, decreasing its activity (partial inactivation)
Citrate regulation FA synthesis
Citrate binds allosteric site on carboxylase and partially activates

May be partial explanation for TG overproduction associated with Type II diabetes (CAC stimulated by lactate buildup)
Regulator of FA synthesis

Turns off acetyl-coA carboxylase (phosphorylates) during fasting and exercise; allows b-ox for energy

Active when AMP is high (fasting and exercise); inactive when glucose is high (fed state, type II diabetes)
Sits on enhancer, turns on synth of mRNA for acetyl-coA carboxylase, FA synthase, and gly-3-P acyltransferase

Originally in ER; moves to nucleus via golgi and protease modification

Stim by insulin and adipokines (TNF-like)

Inhibited by PPARa (PUFA, fibrate drugs turn on PPARa)
TF that inhibits maturation of SREBP getting into the nucleus

Stim by PUFA (omega-3 FA) and fibrate drugs

Up-regulates B-oxidation
Controls adipocyte differentiation
Controls insulin sensitivity
Chronic high glucose...
Increases ACC activity
Triglyceride synthesis
Liver generates glycerol from glycerol kinase; adipose and fat must make their own

Phospholipids made in fed or fasting state (phosphatidic acid, all cells)

Enzyme: glycerol-3-P acyltransferase

Turned on in fed state and inappropriately in
Key enzyme of TG synthesis
Glycerol-3-P acyltransferase

Turned on by insulin and TNF-alpha adipokines that turns on SREBP-1 enhancement
Turned off by PPAR-a (PUFA, fibrate drugs) that turns of SREBP-1 enhancement
HSL: hormones
Hormone sensitive lipase

Glucagon and epinephrine activate
Insulin inhibits
FFA are transported through the bloodstream...
bound to albumin
Transport FA into mitochondria
Transported as acyl carnitine

Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-1): rate lim

Endurance exercise incr CPT-I levels

CPT-II also important
Activation FFA
Once inside cell

Acyl-coA synthetase
B-ox pathway
Chemically the reverse of biosynth, but different enzymes, occurs in mitochondria, and produces FADH2 and NADH

Each cycle: acytl-coA + what started with(-2C); 5 ATP via FADH2 and NADH

One less cycle than 1/2 the number of carbons
Peroxisomes in B-ox
Most efficient with chain lengths greater than C16
Cleaves to C8 and acetyl-coA
Other pathways for branched chains and odd chains and unsat. FA
Insulin and B-ox
Malonyl-coA made by acetyl-coA carboxylase inhibits CPT-I, keeping FA from the mitochondria (inhibits b-ox)
Glucagon and B-ox
Fasting, glucagon turns on this pathway

Activation of HSL; palmitoyl-coA and glucagon inhibit acetyl-coA carboxylase

Like glucagon, acetyl-coA carboxylase is "off" in the phosphorylated form
TF: increases b-ox enzyme levels (CPT-I)

Turned on by w3 PUFAs, exercise, and fibrate drugs

Turned off by insulin or glucose; SREBP-1 on in presence of insulin and glc
Stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis

Regular exercise increases the number of mitochondria (more b-ox)

PCG-1 and PPAR-alpha have same outcome; PCG-1 inhibits SREBP-1

Glucose decreases PCG-1 to increase FA synthesis
Ketone body formation occurs exclusively...
In liver mitochondria
Key enzymes of ketone body formation
1. HMG-CoA synthase
2. HMG-coA lyase

Present at high levels in liver mitochondria
Utilization of ketone bodies
Requires transferase found in mitochondria of all tissues except liver

Most tissues use during prolonged fasting

Thiolase enzyme low in brain but is induced by starvation for brain utilization of ketone bodies
Ketogenesis turned on by...
Type I diabetes
"Perceived" increase in glucagon:insulin (type II diabetes)
Ketogenic pathway
HSL activated
Acetyl-coA piles up and is shunted into ketogenic pathway:

OAA pulled out of CAC for gluconeogenesis (increase in glucagon)

More ketone body formation
Type II Diabetes and Ketogenesis
HSL (for ketogenesis) and ACC (for biosynthesis of FA) are active simultaneously

Lactate provides OAA
Citrate and adipokines stimulate ACC

Don't get ketosis because have both OAA and acetyl-coA from pyruvate --> CAC

Hyperglycemia and increased FA in blood, but not ketosis
CPT-I, CPT-II, translocase deficiency
Hypoketonic (can't get into mitochondria)
Hypoglycemic (depending completely on glucose)

Can't do B-ox because can't get into mitochondria

CPT-II less severe
MCAD defect
Medium chain acyl-coA DH

Pile up of FAs tie up carnitine and acetyl-coA

Prevents b-ox of all FA