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12 Cards in this Set

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What is an adaptive skill according to John J. Scherer?
Adaptive skills – deep competencies, underlying more specific skills. Developed when a child is young that center around how they interact with his/her world
What are the 10 job-related adaptive skills identified by John J. Scherer?
1) Participation in Learning Experiences / appropriate risk taking (Skin in the Game)
2) Relationship to Authority
3) Availability of Affect (be aware of and share emotions)
4) Giving & Receiving Feedback
5) Capacity for Self-Correction
6) Self-Esteem: The Accuracy of One’s Self-Image
7) Self-Esteem: Adapting to Fluctuations
8) Awareness of Impact on Others
9) Congruence
10) Confronting Conflict
What are the 5 levels of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
LEVEL I ~ Learning About The External World (Thinking About Thoughts) [Abstract] (“Consciousness precedes reality.” Vaclav Havel, Czech Repub.)
LEVEL II ~ Identifying Experience (Separating Inside From Outside) [Concrete] (THIS Is the MOMENT of LIVING)
LEVEL III ~ Communicating About Experience (Separating Self From Other) [Contact]
LEVEL IV ~ Creating Your Experience (Identifying Projections)[React]
LEVEL V ~ Origins of Your Creations (Separating You From Your Past) [Where the hell’d THAT come from?]
What are the 4 aspects of Level I of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
1. What Do You Think? (What are your theories, beliefs, hypotheses, and assumptions?)
2. How Do You Think? (To defend self/current opinion or open to possibilities?)
3. How Do You Inquire? (What is your process; your attitude?)
4. Do you acknowledge The Effect They Have On You? (How do your thoughts illicit what you experience; David Bohm’s Implicit & Explicit Order)
What are the 4 aspects of Level II of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
1. Here & Now
2. Ownership & “I” Language (Western Culture Bias)
3. Beware & Aware States (Naive) [Learning Curve/Anxiety Curve) Awe & Wonder
4. Differentiating Internal States (Awareness Wheel)
What are the 4 aspects of Level III of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
1. Appropriate Risk Taking: Open Vs Personal
2. Giving Feedback (Behavior Description, Ownership)
3. Receiving Feedback (Information-often more about them-not truth)
4. Identifying and Owning Hooks (Fishing)
What are the 4 aspects of Level IV of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
1. Using Intensity as a Cue (Strongly believe something in the other-kernel for me?)
2. Identify & Tease out anxiety
3. Time Perception-Past in the Present
4. Owning Projections (Slide Projector)
What are the 4 aspects of Level V of the Learning from Experience (LFE) Model?
1. Handling Intensity
2. Inquiry
3. Develop and Follow Action Plan
4. Modifying Experience Accordingly
What are the 5 Beginning Member Skills?
1. Pay attention to your immediate experience. Take initiative. Report your experience.
2. Be mindful of the “multiplicity of your experience” and bring that into the group.
3. Note similarities and differences in the group—support togetherness, affirm diversity.
4. In reporting your experience or in giving feedback, use specific behaviors.
5. Practice internal attunement in intensity, aware of and managing your reactivity.
What are the 5 Advanced Member Skills?
1. Report the impact of others’ verbal and nonverbal behavior on you to build connections.
2. Develop the skills of inquiry and curiosity in deepening conversations from quick judgments.
3. Build a culture of care through empathy, paraphrasing, and microcrediting
4. Build a culture of challenge, first with the self before others, that is mindful not mindless.
5. Keep coming back to the “learning question”, what you are learning about self and others.
What are the 5 Beginning Leader Skills?
1. Observe and discuss patterns (repeated sequences) in the group. Perhaps modify patterns.
2. Coach others in developing their specific member and leader competencies.
3. Be attentive to triangulation. Practice dyadic work and expanding the conversation deliberately.
4. Deepen the context of immediate behavior noting FOO connections and the group’s history.
5. Encourage a wider and deeper range of emotionality in yourself and in the group.
What are the 5 Advanced Leader Skills?
1. Follow the group’s development over time and help foster the group’s evolutionary growth.
2. Observe individual’s taking on certain group roles and “working” for the group as a whole.
3. Attend to the group’s organization, subsystems, and diversity with curiosity and influence.
4. Enter more boldly into conflict reflectively, using creativity to distill new ideas and experiences.
5. Cultivate a culture of “distributive leadership”—responsibility, initiative, and care for the whole.