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display all running process
ps aux | less

-A: select all process
a: select all process on a terminal
x: select processes without controlling
to see every process on the system
ps -A
ps -e
See every process except those running as root
ps -U root -u root -N
to display a debug view of running processes
display tree of processes
process tree using ps
ps -ejH
ps axjf
security info
ps -eo euser,ruser,suser,fuser,f,comm,lablel
ps axZ
ps -eM
save process snap shot to a file
top -b -n1 > /tmp/process.log
mail process snapshot to a file
top -b -n1 |mail -s 'Process snapshot' you@me.com
lookup process
pgrep firefox
list the process called sshd which is owned by router
pgrep -u root sshd
ls -l | less
In this example, ls is the Unix directory lister, and less is an interactive text pager with searching capabilities. The pipeline lets the user scroll up and down a directory listing that may not fit on the screen.
curl "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(Unix)" | \
sed 's/[^a-zA-Z ]/ /g' | \
tr 'A-Z ' 'a-z\n' | \
grep '[a-z]' | \
sort -u | \
comm -23 - <(sort /usr/share/dict/words) | \
curl obtains the HTML contents of a web page (could use wget on some systems).
sed removes all characters that are not spaces or letters from the web page's content, replacing them with spaces.
tr changes all of the uppercase letters into lowercase and converts the spaces in the lines of text to newlines (each 'word' is now on a separate line).
grep includes only lines that contain at least one lowercase alphabetical character (removing any blank lines).
sort sorts the list of 'words' into alphabetical order, and the -u switch removes duplicates.
comm finds lines in common between two files, -23 suppresses lines unique to the second file, and those that are common to both, leaving only those that are found only in the first file named. The - in place of a filename causes comm to use its standard input (from the pipe line in this case). sort /usr/share/dict/words sorts the contents of the words file alphabetically, as comm expects, and <( ... ) outputs the results to a temporary file (via process substitution), which comm reads. The result is a list of words (lines) that are not found in /usr/share/dict/words.
less allows the user to page through the results.
the gnu borne again shell is based on the earlier bourne shell for unix. Common default shell for user accounts
the bourne shell upon which bash is based also goes by the name of bsh
based in earlier c shell(csh). Its fairly popular in some circles, but no major linux distribution make it the defaul shell. Although it's similar to bash
the original C shell
the Korn shell was designed to take the best feature of the Bourne shell and the C shell and extend them further
the z shell takes shell evolution further than the ksh incorporating feature from earlier shells and adding still more
/bin/sh use
is a symbolic link to the system's default shell - normally /bin/bash
Linux cmd are ______
they are separate programs from the shell. few cmd are internal to the shell
xterm or konsole cmd
this will launch an xterm-type program that will rin a shell
internal shell cmd

shell and running directory
built into the shell

whenever you are running a shell it is in a specific directory
/ - represents the root directory of the Linux system
/bin - contains binary cmd taht are available to all users
/boot - contains the kernel and boot loader
cd cmd
pwd cmd
changes the current dir
displays the current working directory
cd ~
the tilde ~ character us a short cut, that stands for your home dir
cd ~ same as
cd /home/sally
/dev - contains device files
/etc - contains configuration files specific to the system
/home - contains default user home directories
echo <test string>
causes the system to display the <text string>
exec <myprog>
the exec cmd runs an external program that you specify under <myprog> but keep in mind that using the exec cmd causes the current shell process with the <myprog> process
time <other cmd> cmd
the time cmd times how long subsequent cmd tale to execute
time pwd
tells you how long the system took to execute the pws cmd
/initrd - dir is used during the boot process to hold the initial RAM
/lib - contains shared probram libraries and kernel modules
/media - contains the /cdrom and /floppy dir
logout cmd

exit cmd
terminates the shell
but only the login shell

exit - terminates the shell
How you execute an external cmd that matches an internal cmd
the internal cmd takes precedence unless you provide the complete path to the external cmd on the cmd line as in typing /nin/pwd rather than pwd
sudo /usr/sbin/dmidecode | less
info about the moder board and other hardware configurations
Environmental variables in Linux
they can be sat in bash by using the = operator followed by the export cmd


set NTTPSERVER to url
/mnt - an empty dir. used to be the mount point fro mount cmd
/opt - contains additional programs
/proc -contains information about the system state and processes
unset cmd
to delete an environmental variable use

unset >name var>
man man cmd

env cmd
description of the man cmd

displays a list of environmental variables
man section numbers
1 - exec programs and shell cmd
2 - system class provided by the kernel
3 - library calls provided by program libraries
4 - device files
5 - file formats
6 - games
7 - miss
8 - system administrator commands
9 - kernel reoutines
info info

once in man mode press q
some cmd have moved away from man pages and replaced them with http

quites the man/info mode
Linux treats the input to and output form programs as a stream, which is a data entity that can be manipulated
/sbin - contains binary system cmd
/root - root user's home dir
/srv - contains files for services like the FTP and Web Server
standard output stream
standard error stream
> cmd

>> cmd
> re-director operator that creates a new file containing standard output. if the specified file exist it is overwritten
>> redirector operator that appends standard output to the existing file
/sys - takes some of the system state
/tmp - contains temporary files created by programs
/usr - contains system cmd and utils
2> cmd

2>> cmd
2> redirector operator that create a new file containing standard error

2>> redirector operator that appends to file containing standard error
&> cmd

< cmd
&> - redirector operator that creates a new file containing both stdout and stderr

< - Sends the contents of the specified file to be used as standard input
File Type (special) - Symbolic Link
File Type (special) - Character
File Type (special) - Block
File Type (special) - Symbolic Link - is a file system entry that point to another file system entry

File Type (special) - Character -
File Type (special) - Block
<> cmd
causes the specified file to be used for both standard input and standard output
netstat -t -u
netstat -t -u -c
display only tcp and udp connections
-c continuous
clear screen cmd
tee cmd
this cmd splits standard input so that it's displayed on standard output and on as many file as you specify example

someprog | tee output.txt
data pipes
first | second
deleting all of the backup files denoted by the ~ char
find ./ -name
*~" | xargs rm

the first part of this cmd find all the files in the current directory or its subs with a name that ends in a ~.
This list is then piped to xargs, which adds each one to its own rm cmd
backtick `
text within backticks is treated as a separate cmd whose results are substituted on the cmd line

rm `find ./ -name "*~"
cat cmd + example
it links together an arbitrary number of files end to end and sends the result to standard output

cat first.txt second.txt > combined.txt
cat cmd second use
although cat is officially a tool for combining files, its also commonly used to dusplay the contents of a short file.
cat display line ends
if you want to see where lines end, add the
-E or

the result is an % sign at the end of each line
cat number lines
option adds line number to the beginning of every line
cat number only non empty lines

option adds line number to the beginning of meaningful lines skipping lines containing empty space
cat minimiza blank line

compresses groups of blank line down to a single blank line
xargs cmd description
with xargs you can combine the output of two or more different cmds

trying to remove all files ending with ~ in a directory structure
use find to find the files than rm to remove the files
xargs cmd syntax
xargs [option] [command [initial-arguments]]

initial arguments - list of arguments you want to pass to the cmd
xargs cmd example
delete all files ending with ~
find ./ -name "*~" | xargs rm
cmd to find all files in the current directory (./) and its sub directories with a name that ends with ~
find ./ -name "*~"
back tick ` char usage
similar to the xargs
text within back-ticks is treated as a separate cmd whose results are substituted on the cmd line

rm `find ./ -name "*~"`
join cmd
combines two files by matching the contents of specified fields within the files. Usually space, comma, tab separated files

555 david
666 dimittar
555 beckham
666 berbatov

join f1 f2
555 david beckham
666 dimitar berbatov
join cmd -i switch
ignores case sensitivity
join cmd -t switch
specify another separator instead of space
join cmd -1 -2 switch
by default join uses the first field as key
by specifying number -1 3 -2 4 specifies to make a match on between the 3rd field from first file and 4th field from second file
paste cmd
merges files line by line
separate the lines each file with tabs
converting tab to spaces cmd

by default tab is every 8 chars with

-t num you specify num for tab length
displaying files in octal cmd
od filename

(comes from octal dump)
sorting files cmd
sort cmd switch for ignoring case when sorting

by default sorts bu ASCII value, which makes difference between upper and lower case letters
sort cmd switch for sorting by 3 letter month
sort cmd switch for sorting by number
sort cmd switch for sorting in reverse order
sort cmd switch for sorting field
-k field

by default sort uses the first field as its sort field
cmd to break file in peace
requires on output filename
and how large each split is to be
split cmd switch for splitting by bytes
-b size

This option can usually have an undesirable consequence of splitting file mid line
split cmd option for splitting a file in line size chunks
split cmd option for splitting a file based on number of lines
-l lines
cmd for translating characters
tr [options] SET1 [SET2]

set1 - chars you want to replaces
set2 - chars to replace with
each char from set1 is match to corresponding char from set2
cmd to convert spaces to tabs

-t num

sets tab spacing
cmd to delete duplicate lines

sort f1.txt | uniq
cmd to reformat text files, such as man files having too long lines
cmd to number lines in of a file
cmd that formats a document in pages suitable for printing
nl cmd option for body numbering style
-b style
nl cmd option for header and footer numbering style
-h style
-f style

the text needs to be formatted for printing
nl cmd option to reset numbering on each page or other condition
--section-delimiter=code options

where code is a code for the character delimiting the pages
nl cmd option for renumbering a new page
--no-renumber option
nl cmd option to send number format
-n format

Where format
ln - left
rn - right
rz - right with leading zeroes
nl cmd option to number only non-blank line
the default behavior
corresponds to style of t
nl cmd option to number all line
style of a
nl cmd option to number no lines
style of n
cmd to print a plain text file
pr filename.txt
cmd to see the first 10 lines of a file
head cmd option to display the first num bytes of a file
-c num
head cmd option to display the first num lines of a file
-n num
cmd to display the last 10 lines of a file
tail -c
tail -bytes
tail -n
tail -line
changes the amoun of data displayed
tail -f
tail --follow
keeps the file open and displays new lines as they are added
tail -pid=pid
tells tail to terminate tracking
cut -b
cut --byre=list
cuts the specofoed list of bytes from the input file
cut -c
cut --charlist=list
cuts the specified list of characters from the input file
cut -f
cut --fileds=list
cuts the specified list of fields from the input file
cmd/script tp get the MAC address of eth0
ifconfig ethh0 | grep HWaddr | cut -d " " -f 11
cmd to obtain count of bytes in file
wc file.txt
cmd and switch to count the new lines
wc --lines
wc -l
cmd and switch to coumt
wc --words
wc -w
wc --bytes
wc -b
wc --char
wc -m
get linux version
$ cat /etc/*-release
list running deamons
ps aux
/proc filesystem
when adding new hardware to an existing Linux system, you may wish to verify which resources the existing devices are using.
/proc filesystem, the kernel's status repository contains this info
pric files, interrupts, dma and ioreports show how system resources are currently used

cat /proc/interrupts
how to get list of interrupts
0: 80448940 XT-PIC timer
1: 174412 XT-PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT-PIC cascade
8: 1 XT-PIC rtc
10: 410964 XT-PIC eth0
12: 60330 XT-PIC PS/2 Mouse
14: 1314121 XT-PIC ide0
15: 5195422 XT-PIC ide1
NMI: 0
ERR: 0
Use this utility to see the contents of a compressed file

End of File (EOD) character used to close a file?

You want to display the file June_report with the less pager, highlighting places where the word "data" appears. What command do you user?
less +/data June_report
What does Linux use to communicate with MacOS resources?

What protocol dose Samba use to communicate with Microsoft resources?

What two protocols were created to replace SMB?


CIFS nad
When searching man pages
"x" searches the description;
"y" stings searches the entire contents of the man pages;
"z" string finds all matching entries
Why can all users change their passwords even though only the owner can write to passwd?
passwd uses setuid to set permissions when it is running
What numeric value does write permission have?

What numeric value does execute permission have?
write - 2

execute - 1
In ipchains, what is the difference between deny and reject?
reejct notifies the sender; deny does not
Waht two advantages does ReiserFS have over ext2?
faster recovery from errors and faster and more secure hard drive writes
Dynamically linked executable
examined at runtime by the shared object dynamic linker, ld.so

ld.so - looks for dependencies in the executable being loaded and attempts to satisfy any unresolved links.
if ld.so cant fined the specified library it fails to execute the application
to find a new library lo.sd must be instructed to look in

2 ways it can be done
1)add a colon-separated list of dir to the shell environment var LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2)add new lib entry to the cache by first adding the entry to /etc/ld.so.conf which contains the dir to be indexed by the ldconfig utility

2 ways it can be done
1)add a colon-separated list of dir to the shell environment var LD_LIBRARY_PATH
2)add new lib entry to the cache by first adding the entry to /etc/ld.so.conf which contains the dir to be indexed by the ldconfig utility
ldconfig [options] libs_dirs

Update the ld.so cache file with shared libraries specified on the command line in lib_dirs, in trusted directories /usr/lib and /lib and in the directories found in /etc/ld.so.conf

-p - displays the current cache instead of recreating it
-v - verbose mode, progress during execution
What cmd will display default file permissions?
erase all other permissions and then add just read and write permissions to the projectX group on a file
cd projectX
chmod g=rw <filename>
change file permissions for a group to simply read permissions
cd groupname
chmod g-w
chmod g+r
(g-w takes away the write permissions)
show/list all the permissions or 'modes' a user has
ls -l username

r = read
w = write
x = execute
check to see all the groups bob is member of
groups bob
create a group called projectX then add users to that group check your work
groupadd -r ProjectX
usermod -g ProjectX bob,candy
cat /etc/group
Create an alias for the commonly used remove function

Completely remove a user (this will not remove all the user files saved but will remove all user info)

show the dir for your newly created password
alias rm=rm -i

userdel -r joe

cat /etc/shadow
Where is group information kept

check to see the comment was added to joe's name

list all of joe's newly created files
cat /etc/group

cat /etc/passwd

ls -a joe
What character is used in a filename to specify a backup file

How would you find every occurrence of the word dog n a file called pets (case insensitive)?

grep -iw dog pets
You want to get a list of all the directories in your home directory stored by time with the newest level at the top. What cmd would you use?
ls -tdR *
If you know the name of the file you want to extract, you can pass it directly to tar using this option?
tar -xf myarchive.tar myfile
To create a tar file of the PWD use the "-xy" option?
(where "x" create the tar file
"y" give the name for the new archive)
to permanently change your shell, use this cmd
chsh -s shellname
use the -"wxyz" option with tar to extract files in interactive mode

You can view the contents of your tar file using -"xy" option?
(where "x" causes tar to print the names of the tar files)

as part of your backup strategy you want to back up the /home dir to /backups on another partition. What would you type at the cmd line?
tar -cf /backup/homebackup.tar home/*
show cmd to create a tar file called myarchive.tar in the PWD & gzip it
tar -cf myarchive.tar . | gzip myarchive.tar
By default emacs config is kept here?
you can uncompress a gzip file using these 2 methods
gzip -d
Which cmd would you use to check the value for the variable DISPLAY?

To change a path for all users edit this file?

Where must aliases be entered for system wide use?


To make the change in your prompt permanent edit 1 of these files?

What cmd would you type to temporary add the date/time to your shell prompt?
PS1='Date: \d Time: \t->>';
export PS1
This utl lets you look at running processes, stats on memory & the swap file?
Use this cmd to suspend a running program & put it in the background?
Use this command to bring back to foreground?
Use this to kill the process?
File Type - Directory

File Type - Normal File
File Type - Directory - A file type designed specifically to hold or point to other file types.

File Type - Normal File - Every file that is not a directory is generally a normal file.
File Type (special) - Hard Link
A hard link is a duplicate entry in the file system that points to a specific piece of data. Hard links are not often used. If the original entry in the file system is deleted, the hard link maintains a valid pointer to the data.
File Type (special) - Symbolic Link
A symbolic link is a file system entry that points to another file system entry, which in turn points to a valid piece of data. Symbolic links can work across volumes and file systems. Symbolic links are similar to shortcuts in Windows.
File Type (special) - Character
A file type that accepts input one character (i.e., byte) at a time. Character files often point to devices like sound cards, serial ports, or video port.
File Type (special) - Block

File Type (special) - Pipe
File Type (special) - Block - A file type that accept input in blocks (i.e., groups of bytes). Block files often point to storage devices.

File Type (special) - Pipe - A named pipe file allows you to send information between applications.