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25 Cards in this Set

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When searching man pages "x" searches the description; "y" string searches the entire contents of the man pages; and "z" string finds all matching entries.
Which section of man pages is dedicated for system calls?
Which section of man pages is dedicated for files in the /dev directory
Which section of man pages is dedicated for commands you can run within a shell
Which section of man pages is dedicated for root operator utilites (administrative commands)
You want to view the system calls man pages. What command would you enter to view the introduction to the system calls section?
man 2 intro
To see where you are at in the directory structure, use this command to see the absolute path to the current directory
Use this command without any arguments to return to your home directory
This is a wildcard for any single character
Using this switch after a ls command lists all files (including config files that start with a period)
Using this switch with a ls command lists only the names of directories (not their contents)
Using this switch with a ls command sorts files by time (newest first)
This command can be used to create files, but is primarily used to send the contents of one or more files to your display or other output device.
The use of this pipe redirects the output, but it appends to the existing file rather than overwrites it.
End of File (EOD) character used to close a file?
use this switch with the CAT command to Show nonprinting characters
use this switch with the CAT command to Show all nonprinting characters and prints $ at the end of each line; equivalent to -vE
Use this switch with a CAT command to show all nonprinting characters, prints $ at the end of each line, and shows tabs as ^I (equivalent to -vET)
Use this utility to see the contents of a compressed file.
Displays a file, it starts with the last line and ends with the first one.
You want to display the file June_report with the less pager, highlighting places where the word "data" appears. What command do you use?
less +/data June_report
This command is used to change the date and time of the last access. If the file does not exist, touch will create a new file of 0 length
Using this switch with the touch command changes the access time only.
Using this switch with the touch command uses a specified time rather than the current time.
Use this switch with the touch command if you don't the system to create a new file.