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102 Cards in this Set

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Why would you use linux over any other OS?

It's open source meaning it's freely available for anyone to use, more reliable, more stable, strong security, and developer friendly.

Explain what a CPU is.

It's the brain of the computer.

Explain what RAM is.

Temporary storage for the CPU. It losses the data when the machine powers off.

What is a hard disk?

Long term storage for the CPU.

What is NIC?

Network Interface Card. It allows connection between a computer and network.

What is a kernel?

The core component of an operating system. It acts as a bridge between software applications and the hardware of a computer. The kernel manages system resources such as CPU and memory.

What is the shell?

A command-line interface that allows users to interact with the operating system by typing commands.

What command allows you to long list files or directories?

ll or ls -l

What command allows you to move to an existing directory?


What command makes a directory?

mkdir directoryname

What command makes a file?

touch filename

What command removes a directory?

rmdir directoryname

What command removes a file?

rm filename

What is absolute path?

The full path to the file or directory.

What is relative path?

The partial path to a file or directory from your current location.

What is the difference between copy and move?

cp duplicates an existing file

mv transfers an existing file

What are the 3 types of root?

/ = root directory

root = root user

/root = root home directory

What is an inode number?

A unique identifier assigned to each file or directory in a file system. It is part of the metadata associated with the file or directory and is used by the kernel to locate and manage the file's data.

What command adds users?

useradd username

What command adds groups?

groupadd groupname

What command sets a password for a user?

passwd username

What command adds users to the wheel group?

usermod -aG wheel username

What files are associated with user information?





What information is in /etc/passwd?






Home directory


What information is in /etc/shadow?

It contains encrypted password information for user accounts.



Password expiration info

Account locking info

What information is in /etc/gshadow?

It stores encrypted group password information.

Group name

Encrypted password

Group administrators

Group members

What information is in /etc/group?

It contains information about groups on the system.

Group name



User list

What is in metadata?




Group owner



Directory name

What is rwx in the metadata?

r = read

w = write

x = execute

What are the sections of rwx in the metadata?


Group owners


What does read, write, and execute mean?

Read = ability to view the directory or read a file

Write = ability to edit the directory or write content in a file

Execute = ability to go into the directory or run the script in a file

Why can't a regular user be able to access or list contents in the /root directory?

They aren't in the wheel group.

What command changes permissions of a file or directory?

chmod ### filename


chmod u+rwx, g+rwx, o×rwx

What command changes user ownership in a file or directory?

chown -R username filename

-R makes changes recursively

What command changes group ownership in a file or directory?

chgrp -R groupname filename

What is ssh?

Remote login between 2 devices.

What is ssh keyless authentication?

Allows you to remote login wothoutna password.

What is umask?

A subtraction mask that sets new permissions for newly created files or directories.

Command = umask ###

When you login to a user interactively what files are loaded to configure the user's environment?





When you login to a user non-interactively what files are loaded to configure the user's environment?



What are the default umask values for root and users?

Root = 002

Users = 022

How can you make umask boot persistent?

vi into /etc/profile and making the changes.

What is yum?

A package manager to install, remove, and update packages.

What is the difference between yum and rpm?

Yum will download the package and resolves dependencies.

Rpm downloads one package at a time and does not resolve dependencies.

What are the number values for read, write, and execute?

Read = 4

Write = 2

Execute = 1

What is the umask cap for files and directories?

Files = 666

Directories = 777

What is a process?

A running instance of an executable program.

What are the 3 types of processes?




What is an interactive process?

Processes that are initiated by a user.

Example: the vi command

What is a batch process?

Processes that are scheduled.

What is a daemon process?

Processes that are constantly running in the background.

What are the 4 states of processes and what do they mean?

Running = currently running

Sleeping = waiting for conditions to be met before it can be executed

Stopped = has been suspended

Zombie = hanging due to the parent process being killed or terminated

What is the nice value?

A value between -20 and +20. It shows processes from most prioritized (-20) to least prioritized (+20)

What command creates ssh keys?

ssh-keygen -t rsa

What are authorized keys?

Keys that can be used to login to a user.

What is the known_hosts file?

The file that contains your private and public keys.

What is a PID?

Process ID. An identifier for actively running processes.

What are 2 ways to stop a process?

Graceful kill (-15)

Forceful kill (-9)

What is a service?

A program that always runs on your server.

What command is used to manage services?


What is a port?

A communication end point on an OS for processes and network services.

What command changes hostnames on a vm?

hostnamectl set-hostname newhostname

What is a hostname?

An alias assigned to a machine.

What is a firewall?

A set of rules that manage what network traffic is allowed to enter and leave the system.

What is the location of your services?


What is the location of your hostnames?


What is the location of your firewalls?


What is SELinux?

An extra layer of security on top of the linux system.

What are the 3 modes of SELinux and explain each one?

Enforcing = actively enforces security policies and log action violations

Permissive = does not actively enforce security policies but allows policies to be logged

Disabled = neither enforces nor logs

What is the location of SELinux logs?


What are the 3 types of backups and explain each one?

Full = a backup of the entire system's data

Incremental = a backup of newly added or changed data

Differential = utilizes both full and incremental

What does compressing a file mean?

To reduce the size by compacting it.

What is archiving?

Putting together multiple files and directories into 1 single file.

What is SCP?

Secure copy. A method to send copies of file and directories over to another machine.

What port does SCP use?

Port 22

What is rsync?

The same as SCP except it can also compress file and directories while they're being sent.

What is a cronjob?

A scheduler that can automate commands based on how you set the schedule.

What is globbing and wildcards?

Methods used in the command line to match patterns of file names or paths.

What is redirection?

A process that allows you to take the output of a command and redirect it into a file.

What are the different redirection methods?

> = redirects the standard output into a file

>> = redirects the standard output and appends it into a file

1> = redirects the standard output into a file

2> = redirects the standard error into a file

& = redirects standard output and error into a file

&& = used to execute the command following it only if the preceding command succeeds

echo $? = used to display the exit status of the previously executed command

What does the pipe command do?

It allows the chaining of multiple commands.

What is the grep command used for?

Searching text within a file.

What is the sed command used for?

Substitute texts in files.

What is the awk command used for?

Prints data organized in columns.

What is the cut command used for?

Prints data in a file from a range of characters specified in the command.

What is the sort command used for?

Used to sort lines of text.

What is a hard link?

An exact copy of a file. Only used for files. Shares the same inode number as the original file.

What is a soft link?

Does not have the contents of the original file. Points to the file's path. For files and directories. Has a different inode number than the original file.

What is a runlevel?

A state or mode that the operating system can be in.

What are the different modes of runlevels?

1 = single user mode without networking

2 = multi user mode without networking

3 = multi user mode with networking

4 = custom runlevel

5 = GUI with networking

6 = reboot

What is the boot process?

BIOS = does a firmware check on your system and loads the MBR

MRB = grabs the boot loader AKA the GRUB

GRUB = locates and executes the kernel

Kernel = mounts the file system and sets up the first process

Systemd = initiates required processes and services for the system to run

Runlevel = determines how the system will behave

What is systemd?

The service manager that handles all processes after the boot process.

What is partitioning?

Splitting of a hard disk.

How many partitions can you make on a single hard disk?


3 primary partitions

11 logical partitions through the extended partition

What does it mean to format a partition?

Makes block devices into file based storage devices which allows reading and writing on the file system.

What is LVM?

Logical volumes which are used to dynamically allocate, resize, and manage your storage.

How do you create a logical volume?

Create a physical volume (pvcreate) = storage device or partition that serves as a building block for creating logical partitions.

Create volume groups (vgcreate) = a collection of physical volumes that merge together to provide dynamic storage for logical volumes.

Create logical volume (lvcreate) = a flexible storage that allows resizing and dynamic allocation of storage space withing the volume group.

Format the partition (mkfs)

What is swap space?

A storage device that reserves storage when your RAM is getting full.

What is NFS?

Allows you to set storage locations on a network that clients can access. Uses port 2049.

What is AUTOFS and what is a key in AUTOFS?

It essentially the same as NFS however AUTOFS only mounts the file when it is accessed. A key is a timeout range you can set it to.

What is the main configuration file for AUTOFS?


What service and port does FTP use?

Service = vsftpd (very secure file transfer protocol daemon)

Port = 20/tcp and 21/tcp