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10 Cards in this Set

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Define a Line.

A rope that is cut to a specific length for a specific purpose.

Name three different materials lines are manufactured.

Vegetable fibres (manila)

Synthetic (nylon)

Metal (steel cable)

Advantages of synthetic lines are...

Uniformity of strength

Do not rot

List 6 causes of line deterioration

Local abrasion

Cuts and contusions

Overloading (shock of overloading)


Prolonged sunlight

Chemical attack

Describe a Long Line

General purpose line.

Made from polypropylene

31m long

What is a long line used for and how is it stowed?

To haul equipment/hoses aloft

Stowed in yellow bag

Describe a Short Line

GP line

Made from polypropylene

15.5m long

Name a use for a short line and how is it stowed?

Securing a suction hose

Stowed in as a fig of 8

Describe a Pouch line

GP line carried by all firefighters

Made out of plaited nylon

4m long

Standard tests for lines occur when? List 4.

On acceptance

After operational use


Anually at workshops