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37 Cards in this Set

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Who is James Marcia

Came after Erik Erikson, extended adolescent development, focusing on crisis (reevalute choices and values) and commitment

James Marcia's 4 Identity developments

Identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, identity achievement

What is identity diffusion, James Marcia

The part where an adolescent has no ******* idea who they are and they are not actively seeking to understand

What is identity foreclosure, James Marcia

Adolescent is willing to commit to roles or values but has not experienced a ID crises. Example conform to expectations of others without checking out other options. Mom wants me to be a doctor so I'm going to be a doctor, have not explored other options

What is identity moratorium, James Marcia

Adolescent is currently in crisis exploring different commitments and is ready to make a choice but not yet a final choice

Kohlberg three major levels of moral development

Preconventional morality, conventional morality, postconventional morality

Describe the two sub stages of preconventional morality

1. doing what's right bc fear of punishment 2. hedonistic, gains through reward and pleasure

Preconventional morality

Describe the two sub stages of conventional morality

Conform to rules to get Social approval by 1. Good boy good girl. 2. Duty to help society, law and order

Describe the two sub stages of post conventional morality

1. Social contract; Against the law but do it bc law too restrictive 2. Moral conscious and ethically right

Pre-adolescence sibling relationships are characterized by 1 competitiveness / hostility two. Aggressiveness / passivity 3. Loyalty / friendship 4. Conflicts / friendship

Conflict / friendship

Margaret Mahler stages of development:

Birth - 4 weeks =

2-4 mons =

5-10 mons=

10-16 mons=

16-24 mons=

24-36 mons=

Autistic (self different from world)

Symbiotic (others serve my needs only).

Stranger anxiety (explore mommy and non-mommy world).

Separation anxiety (autonomy).

Rapprochement (want to know mom available when needed)

Object constancy (internalized mom, can explore on own w/o feeling abandoned)

Holophrasic speech

Use a single word to express a complex idea

Example, up means pick me up

Occurs between 12 and 18 months of age

Telegraphic speech

Form two word sentences

Example, give candy means I like you to give me some candy

Occurs between 18 and 24 months of age

Which IQs is strongest for adopted children? The IQs of their biological mother or adoptive mother?

Biological mothers

Piaget assimilation vs. Accommodation

Incorporate new experiences into an already established mental structure versus modifying or expanding a schema to take in new information

What is object permanence

Objects continue to exist independent of the child's involvement in them

Attachments: adults --> type infant --> memory recall manner.

Only for main 2, secure and disorg are self-explanatory

Dismissing = avoidant = lapse in memory.

Preoccupied = anxious/ambivalent = confused and incoherent recall

Examples of domains in crystallized IQ

Verbal comprehension, vocabulary, information, similarities

Examples of domains in fluid IQ

novel problem-solving, perceptual reasoning, block design, Matrix reasoning, visual puzzles

Freud 5 psychosexual stages of development


Orangutans always fall over little gorillas.

Oral = satisfy libido, dependence (eat, breast feed)

Anal = excessive order and rebel, desires conflict with demands of world

Phallic = attracted to opposite sex parent, fear same sex parent, castration anxiety

Latency = dormant sexual feelins for work or school

Genitals = puberty +, sexual expression and resolution


What is restriction of range and give an example

The correlation is always lower when the range is restricted.

Example Elementary and high school includes just about everyone (higher correlation) but college and graduate school restrict the range of students (lower correlation)

Elementary school high school graduate school college

Piaget 4 stages of cognitive development: 3, 6, 4, 1

Sensorimotor (0-2) - object permanence, primary circular rxn, separation anxiety

Preoperational (2-7) - magical thinking, centration (focus 1 aspect of stimulus), assimilation, egocentric, irreversibility, phenomenalisitic casuality (involves magical thinking that things co-occur are assumed to be casually connected)

Concrete (7-12) - logical thinking, accomodation, sertation (sort objects), conservation

Formal - abstract thinking

1 bun as wheels on 2 motorcycles and pair of ants.

2 shoes priest, smokey the bear, rabbit from magician hat, ass (donkey) with shoes

3 tree planted in concrete to make logs and dresser (accomodation)

4 formal (4 males in tux with abs)

Which of the following is most correlated with successful aging? High SES, more Family Support, higher level of activity, religious faith

Higher level of activity

Name Elizabeth Kupler-Ross's 5 stages of grief in sequence

Denial anger bargaining depression acceptance

Don't Ask Brian don't ask.

What is Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

The language people use actually shapes how they think

Example, how sexist language can be policeman, fireman

What is the law of parsimony

The best explanation for a phenomenon is the one that is the simplest and requires the fewest assumptions

Research has demonstrated that with regard to attachment Behavior: infant seldom form attachment to more than one person during the first year of Life, attachment to the mother emerges primarily because of her food, attachment patterns are not significantly related to coping with the stranger situation, by age 1 most infants are securely attached?

By age 1 most infants are securely attached

Difference between sensitive period vs. Critical period

Sensitive period is certain things must occur for development to proceed normally but future events may be able to compensate.

Ex. Emotional and Social Development, attachment

Critical period is certain things must occur for development to proceed normally and individual will not be able to compensate in the future

Ex. Physical development

Zone of proximal development (Lev Vygotsky) meaning

Difference between a learner's ability to perform a task independently versus the help of someone

True or false imprinting occurs in humans


Which period of prenatal development is vulnerable to the effects of teratogenic Agents? First 8 weeks, middle trimester, third trimester, just before birth

First 8 weeks

Teratogenic is any agent that can cause birth defects

Donald super and career development coined this term

Self concept Theory means the self changes over time and develops as a result of experience therefore, career development is lifelong

Preference for handedness first expresses itself at blank and becomes firmly established by age blank:

birth, 4-5;

Age 2, 4-5

Age 2, 7-8

Age 4, 7-8

Age 2, 7-8

Think about when you start school

Ages Freud psychosexual development

Oral b-1

Anal 1-3

Phallic 3-6

Latency 6-12

Genital 12-18

A diet low in a specific amino acid can prevent the severe symptoms in an infant with: tay-sachs disease, phenylketonuria, trisomy 21, autism

Pku (leads to severe iq disability if untreated)

What is Tay-Sachs disease and affects what pop

Jews. Screened before marriage or during pregnancy; destroys the brain and spinal cord

Night terrors typically on onset and remit: Early Childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood

Onset Early Childhood, remit adolescence