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32 Cards in this Set

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Jean Piaget
Began observing his own kids-interested in thought processes and changes in fundamental ways throughout development
Jean Piaget and cognitive development
Believed we changed thought due to demands of our environment. (Learned behavior)
mental representation of a concept: this is what we change in response to the environment
When we encounter new information we handle the info by fitting it into an already existing scheme. Example: Baby putting everything in his mouth because that is all he knows. (Hint: Same Schema)
A change in an existing scheme or creating a new one. Example: a camel is not a horse, but a bumpy horse. (hint: Changing/Creating new schema)
4 Stages of Cognitive Development
1.Sensory Motor Stage
3.Concrete operations
4.Formal Operations
Sensory Motor Stage
Birth to 2 years:
Infants use senses and motor actions to explore and understand the world.
Milestones of Sensory Motor Stage Birth-1 year
No thought/no schemes(Reflexes)
Full Blown Thought
1st Sensory Motor Substage
Exercising and refining reflexes
2nd Sensory Motor Substage
Primary Circular Reaction
Repitition of an interesting activity The activity is centered on the body (ex.baby sucking thumb)
3rd Sensory Motor Substage
Secondary Circular Reaction
(4-8 months)
Repetition of an interesting activity centered on object outside of body (ex. Passifier)
When is self-agency developed, and what is it?
self agency is the understanding that they can make changes in the outer world
Occurs during 3rd sensory motor stage, Secondary Circular Reaction (4-8 months)
4th Substage of Sensory Motor
Coordination of Secondary Schemes (8-12 months)
Engage in scheme with a purpose of obtaning 2nd scheme
-Removing barier to get toy
-Use 1 object to obtain another toy
5th Substage of Sensory Motor
Teritiary Circular Reaction
12-18 months
Intentional varitation of an intersting activity
"Little Scientists" in this stage
18-24 months
6th substage of sensory motor
Beginning of thought
Invention of New means
Inventing new solutions to problem
will get the toy with 1 try
Think without action
Object Permanenace
(Child has full blown thought when he understands this)
Understanding an object will continue to exist when it is no longer in sight.
List all stages of Sensory Motor:
Sensory Motor
-birth-1month(refine refelx)
-Primary Circular1-4month)
-Secondary Circular 4-8month
-Coordination of Secon. Scheme 8-12month
-Tertiary Circular Reaction 12-18month
Beginning Thought 18-24month
Object Permanence
Preoperational Stage
2-7 years of age
Preschoolers use their capacity for symbolic thought in developng language, engaging in pretend play, and solving problems. But their thinking is not yet logical; they are egocentric (unable to take others' perspectives) and easily fooled by perceptions.
belief that natural phenomenon are man made
(occurs in preoperational stage)
attribute life and or human characteristics to inaminate objects
(magical thinking with adults)
Concrete Operational Stage 7-11 years
School aged children acquire logical operations that allow them to mentally classify and act on concrete objects in their heads. They can solve practical real world problems through a trial and error approach.
Think of multiple aspects of an object (Ex. two liquids in same jars, pour one into large jar, one into small jar, which one has more?)
Mentally put things in a serial order. Example Mentally put different lines inorder
Having multiple realtinships at the same time, Ex. If A is greater than B and B is greater than C then A has to be greater than C.
Preoperational Stage Limitations (2-7 years)
Centration: inability of child to consider more than 1 feature or dimension of an object or an event at one time.
What governs how much you can think at one time?
Tasks that children will get incorrect during properational stage (2-7 years)
Tasks that measure conservation
Liquid quantity
understanding that when you make suerficial modificatons to an object, certain underlying properties remain unchanged.
Formal Operations
11years or later
can think about abstract concepts and purely hypothetical possibllties and can trace the long range consequences of possible actons.
when soemthing goes agianst laws of nature they can't understand only when it is possible
They can think logically whether it is real or not real
Hypothetic deductivereasoning
thinking like a scientist systimatically create and test hypothesis
Only done once you hit puberty