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175 Cards in this Set

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adolescence as a separte stage
not considered until the 20th century
one year old Tamara height and weight
interact with her cognitive, personality, and social development
Which philosophical view assumes that children should be allowed to grow naturally without interference from parents and society
innate goodness
in order to get a thorough understading of the nature of human development over time
somewhat approximate and not set in stone
In science a fact
is better than a theory
which statement best describes the relationship between heredity and environment
they both interact to determine behavior
a major distinction between freud and erikson
sees development as a life long process, where as frued emphasize on early experiences
when Watson trained Albert
classical conditioning
According to Piaget the balance between assimilation and accommodation
when conducting survery research
sample, population
Although interesting, a case study done on a child may not add much to the knowledge of a child
not generalize well
Ruth has twins, one an boy and one a girl
each ovum posseses
23 chromosomes, 23 chromosomes
is the process of increasing behavior by removing a stimulus
negative reinforcement
making modification in thinking when information does not fit in scheme
which form of research can provide the best evidence in something casues something
a psychologis conducts a study of 1,000 with disabilitis
evolution takes place
over many generations
process that produces reproductive cells
gametes or cells unite at conception
melinda and joseph both have brown eyes.
both have recessive gene for blue eyes
people seek out environmenets that consisten with their genetic make up
active niche picking
brown hair is someones
Dr Harmon believes that development is
Continuity is to as discontinity is to
gradual, abrupt
baby friendly programs in impoverished countries encourage mothers to breast feed their babies. One disadvantage of these programs however is that:
Aids can be passed through breast milk
The pattern of development that occurs from the top down is know as
Julia wonders how tall her son will be when he grows up. Her pediatrician told her to wait until he is years old and then double it.
Which of the following statements is True
Extensive brain development continues after birth
The area in the cerebral cortex that is responsible for voluntary movement and thinking is called the lobe
the area in the cerebral cortex that is responsible for processing visual information is called the lobe
by accident, Levi's sisters fellon him when they were running in the house. If he later has trouble thinking, planning, and self regulation, it is most likely that his lobe was damaged.
Jerome weighed in at 6 pounds when he was born. Compared to others newborns he is
the part of the neuron that carriees signals toward the cell body is called
what is the name of the fatty substance that speeds up trasmission of impulses and surrounds the axon of a neuron.
Jean Piaget used detailed observation of his own children to develop his theory of
cognitive dvelopment
Adjusting to new environmental demands is called
incorporating new information into already existing schemes is called
the sensorimotor stage of development lasts from birth until about
2 years old
the understanding that ojects and events continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard or touched
object permanence
the focusing of mental resources on select information is called
Bailey looks at her rattle and kicks excitedly. After a few minutes she stops kicking and beings looking around.
Juno is riding a bike. Riding a bike requires Juno to use her memory
Andrew Meltzoff has shown that infants can imitate a facial expression within the first few days after birth and suggest that this indicates that the infant imitative ablities are
biologically based
a form of communication that is based on a system of symbols is called
Feelings or affects that occur when a person is in a state or an interaction that is important to him or her, to his or her well being
Emotions that are present in humans and animals and that appear in the first 6 months of human infants development
primitive emotions
Susans baby, Cameron is fussy and cannot seem to be soothed. Susans walks with him and responds in a calm and gentle manner until cameron settles down and begins to smile. The interaction is
a smile that does not occur in response to external stimuli is called
reflexive smile
At what age does separation protest peak
15 months
children can begin regulate their emotions
by age 1
Elias puts his infant daugther in her crib for a nap and a few minutes later she begins to cry. According to John Watson Elias should
Ignore her so the crying is not reinforced
Marisol wraps her infant son in a blanket wheneverhe cries or seems distressed, what techniwue is Marisol using to calm her baby
Kyoko and Jason are going to have a child. Statistically speaking their will most likely have temperament
Which of the following would Erik Erikson be most likely to recommend about soothing a crying infant.
pick up the baby and sooth
what have been found to be the two most important contributors to height and differences among children world wide
ethnic origin and nutrition
which of the following statements about brain development and early childhood is Not true
by the time a child is is 4 the brain is 95 %
Myelination of nerve celss is important for development
increasing the speed and efficiency of information traveling through the nevous system.
Gross motor skills are to fine motor skills is to
hopping, writing
Guidelines recommend that preschool children engage in hours of physical activity each day
the leading cause of death in you children in united states is
motor vehicle accidents
A diet that lacks sufficient quality meat and green leafy vegetables can result in a condition known as
iron deficiency anemia
the stage of preoperational thought lasts from age years until age
a young child might be heard saying that tree pushed the leaf off and it fell down. The childs belief is that
Centration inhibits the ability to categorize items because it prevents one from
considering combinations of features
When adults are working with young children, they often provide lots of hints. As child demostrate they can do it themselves adults withdraw from these supports
when teachers adjust their level of support and guidance to the level of skill of the student
at what age do children have a solid understanding of false beliefs
5 years
According to Erikson the psychosocial stage that characterizes early childhood
initiative vs guilt
At approximately what age does self awareness first take place
18 months
at about what age are children when they understand that the same event causes different emotion in different people
4 to 5 years
a parent who monitors their childrens emotions views their childrens negative emotions as opportunities for teaching and assists children in labeling their emotions would be called
emotion coaching
according to psychoanalytic theory the moral element of the personality is called
super ego
the development of thoughts feelings and behaviors regarding rules and conventions about what people should do in their intereactions with other people
moral development
the ability to discern anothers inner psychological state is known
perspective taking
improvement of fine motor skills during middle and late chidhood is likely due to
increased myelination of the central nervous system
which of the following is most fatiguing to an elementary school child?
sitting still for long periods of time
which of the following has been linked to obesity in children
All of the above
what is the most common cause of death for the child in middle childhood
motor vehicle accidents
which type of cancer is most prevalent in children
8 year old joshua is obese. His excess weight puts him at risk for all of the following
approximately % of children in the united states receive special education or related services
approximately % of children in the united states receive special education or related services
what does the research indicate about gender differences in learning disabilities
boya are more likely to have a learning disability
recent research suggests that is the most effective treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
medication and behavior management
a second grader is in what stage of cognitive development
concrete operations
Jack is cutting up a pizza for himself and his little brother, Craig. He starts to cut it into 8 pieces but his brother says don’t cut it into so many pieces I cant eat that many. Craigs reaction is and Jacks reaction is
Preoperational, concrete operational
Luis is able to organize coins in a row from the largest in size to the smallest, this ability is called
knowledge about memory is known as
sally mental age is 12, but her chronological age is 9 her iq is
Although casey has scored poorly on standardized test, he has street smarts. He has
How would an 8 year old child most likelyu describe himself or herself
I am nice, and I have a friend named julie
in terms of self understanding, children in late childhood are more likely than childern in early childhood
compare themselves with their peers
which of the following statements about perspective taking is not true
in middle and late childhood, children show decrease in perspective taking
self esteem is to self evaluation as self concept is to self evaluation
global, domain specific
Albert bandura called the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes
self efficacy
The increased capacity for self regulation that is seen in middle and late childhood is linked to developmental advances in
the prefrontal cortext in the brain
Tieshas behavior is controlled by external rewards and punishments reflecting which level of lawrence kohlbergs theory of moral development
preconventional reasoning
a person is arerested for stealing company documanets and says yes I did steal the documents and im willing to go to jail for it. These documents prove that the company was engaging in a cover up of the uunsafe properties of its chemical
Boys are more aggressive, where as girls are more aggressive
physically, verbally
Jeff is independent flexible cheerful friendly asserrtive tactful sensitive and sympathic. He is
Middle childhood is a period in which some control is transferred from parent to child this process involves
percen of children in stepfamilies show adjustment problems
Elena has been rejected by most of her peers where as Diana is neglected by them. Which of the following would be expected
elana will probably be more disruptive in school and at home than diana
Child social cognitive skills will affect that childs social interactions because a child whose social cogniive knowledge is better developed will
interpret ambiguous social situations more effectively
Which theorist believed that adolesence is a time of storm and stress
G. Stanley Hall
Puberty refers to a period of
rapid skeletal and sexual maturation during adolescence
which of the following is true
girls are just as tall as boys at the beginning of adolescent
recent research has found that early maturing girls are more likely than late maturing girls to
satisfied with their figures in highschool
the thickens in adolescence and aloows for the adolescents improved ability to process information
corpus callosum
the ability to plan set priotiries suppress impulses and weigh consequences is weak in adolescence because the is the last part to mature
prefrontal cortex
Recent research by Collins and colleagues shows that watching more sexually explicit shows was linked with an increased likeihood of
initiating sexual intercourse in the next 12 months.
which of the follwing statements about oral sex furing adolescence is true
for many adolescents oral sex is a recreational activity
which of the follwing factors most common negative result of being unmarried adolescent mother
the disruption in education and carreer development
percent of teenage motor vehicle fatalities are attributed to alcohol
recent research on adolescence substance use has shown a correlations between the use of alcohol cigarettes and prescription drugs and
family dinners
During adolescene self esteem tends to
According to erik erikson the adolescent identity crisis
a natural and healthly part of development
according to james marici the term refers to the part of identity development in which adolescents show a personal investment in what they are going to do
Researchers believe that adolescents who develop the most positive sense of identity are the ones who
follow the MAMA
which of the following statements about religion and adolesents has research shown to be true
there has been a decline in religious interest
Conflicts arise between parents and adolescents because adolescents
want autonomy, while parents want control
Research shows that the adolescents who deal best with peer relationships are the ones who have attachment to their parents
Adolescents who have no close friendships tend to
experience loneliness and a reduced sense of self worth.
investigators have found that conformity to peers peaks around which grade level
8 to 9 grade
In the united states the most widely recognized marker of enty into adulthood is
holding a permanent, full time job
College freshmen are most similar to highschool freshmen in that both
are considered novices in their respective settings
Binge drinking peaks at about
21 to 22
which gorup has the highest rate of obeisity
low income women
if you do not try to lose or gain weight your body tends to maintain fairly stable this is called
ideal weighjt
Studies of families consistently find a frequency of alcoholism in the first degree members
Manny has contracted a virus that is destroying his body immune system
Which of the follwing statements about sexual orientation is true
it is acceptable today to view sexual orientation on a continuum
which of the following are male rapists likely to share
aggression ehances their sense of power
the motive behind sexual harassment
the desire for power over the victim
piaget claim that adults are fully formal operational thinkers seems to be
an inaccurate desription of many adults
the main cognitive change between the fourth and fith stages of dvelopmenint is thinking
a recent trend in dual career families is
that men assuming more of the household chores
which of the following statements related to temperament and adult is ture
children who had an easy temperament at ages 3 to 5 were likely to be well adjusted as young adults
Jerome found that inhibition in childhood is associated with adult problems
secure attachment to parents during childhood
secure attachment to romantic partners in adulthood
Reasearch studies linking early infant attachments with parents in romantic relationshisp
securely attached infants usually become securely attached adults in romantice relationships, but association mayb be lessened due to stressful and disruptive experiences in childhood
the matching hypotheesis says that we choose partners
who are close to our level of physical attractiveness
according to erik erkson, achieving means to be able to
comfortably lose oneself in another person
what is erik eriksons psychosocial crisis for the person in early adulthood
intimacy versus isolation
According to erikson if people do not develop intimacy they face
female friendships are more than male friendships where male are more
intimate, competitive
Sui lin turned to her friend Chuck for support what is chuck likely to do
offering solutions to her conflict
when all three parts of sternbergs theory of love are present
consummate love
Julia who has turned 30 never mairred she is likely to feel
pressure from society to marry
Rob and Alise have just moved in toether they can speand more time to get to know each other
with 1 year they will no longer live together
Since the early 1900s the goal of maintianing a stable marriage has
been replaced by self fulfillment as the most important goal
reasearch on womens health in unhappy marriages shows that they are at risk
All of these
all of the following are myths about gay and lesbian except
they do not have long term relationships
when couples divorce in the US they do so during which years
fifth through tenth
the number of years that will probably be lived by the average person
life expectancy
what is the average life expectancy
78 years
what accounts for gender differences in longevity
both biological and lifestyle factors
which of the following describes a biological component to the difference in life expectanies between men and women
existence versus absence of an X chromosome
each of the following explanations have been given to explain the longevity of persons living in okinawa
the elderly maintaining fiercely independently lives
the young old are people who ages falls in
65 to 74
according to the cellular clock theory of aging cells can divide a max of
75 to 80 times
the view that the oldest old are physically deteriorated, mentally disabled, sad, and unproductive.
true of a minority of the oldest old
prolonged elevated levels of stress related hormones have been associated with all of the following except
changes in the prefrontal cortex associated with aging are most likely to impace
working memory and other cognitive activities
Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine, and Gaba are being studied concerning aging
Because of decline in the functioning of the immune systems
what is the last stage Erikson
integrity versus despair
Erikson believed that elderly adults use their impending death as motivation to look back and evauate
life review
which theory explains why older adults spend most of their time with familiar individuals
socioemotional selectivity
the model of selective optimization with compensation is based on the idea that older adults fare better when they
develop positve and creative coping straeties
when it comes to helping elderly
care, cure
which factors appear to be greater poverty in old age
sex and ethnicity
cohabitation increasing among
older adults
who is most likely to caregiver for Mrs. Downes
Her daughter