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55 Cards in this Set

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germinal period
0-2 weeks of prenatal development

characterized by rapid cell division and the beginning of cell differentiation
embryonic period
3-8 weeks of prenatal development

Basic forms of all body structures, including internal organs, develop
fetal period
9 weeks to birth

fetus gains 7 pounds and organs become more mature and gradually able to function on their own
principle task of germinal period

begins about 10 days after conception, "embryo" burrows into placenta, attaining nutrients and initiating hormonal changes to prevent menstrual cycle
developing human organism from 3-8 weeks after conception
primitive streak
at beginning of embryonic period, this fold develops down the middle of embryonic disc. It eventually develops into the central nervous system, brain, and spinal column
name for developing human from 9 weeks to birth
cephalocaudal and proximodistal
types of embryonic growth
2 months
most body parts, except sex organs, are forming in the first []
umbilical cord vessels
2 blood vessels for removing waste, one for bringing nutrients
4th week
Heart beat and face development begins during what week?
age of viability
the age at which a fetus may survive outside the mother's uterus if specialized medical care is available (22 weeks)
3rd month
muscle develops
cartilage begins changing to bone
all major organs take their true shape
sex organs take discernible shape

at the end, fetus doing most newborn functions (thumb sucking, urinating)
2nd trimester (4-6 months)
hair development
development of brain
chemical doctors give to premature babies to make their lungs expand
3rd trimester (7-9 months)
lungs and heart increasingly capable
sleep/wake brain pattern
gain 4.5lbs and 6"
Apgar Scale
quick assessment of newborn health at one and five minutes after birth. each category is scored 0-2

Appearance (body color)
Grimace (reflex)
Activity (muscle tone)
Respiration (breathing)
cesarean section
surgical birth in which incisions through the mother's abdomen and uterus allow the fetus to be removed quickly
Newborn averages
7.5 lbs
20-21 inches
7 or > on Apgar
Low birthweight and causes
<5.5 lbs

1. multiple births
2. malnutrition
3. prenatal infections
4. genetic handicaps
5. teratogens
Pre-term birth
<35 weeks
Stressful births
Anoxia, c-section
study of substances and conditions that increase the risk of prenatal abnormalities
agents and conditions that can impair prenatal development and result in birth defects or even death
behavioral teratogens
agents and conditions that can harm the prenatal brain, impairing the future child's intellectual and emotional functioning
threshold effect
a situation in which a certain teratogen is relatively harmless in small doses but becomes harmful once exposure reaches a certain level
Rubella (German measles)
causes blindness, deafness, heart abnormalities, brain damage
caused by parasite commonly present in undercooked meat and cat feces

causes blindness, brain damage, retardation
disease that arises when mother has difficulty removing fetal waste

pre-eclampsia: huge ankle-swelling, high blood pressure, headache, visual problems in mother. Treated with rest and diet.

May induce labor pre-maturely to prevent brain damage/death in mother
if baby is exposed, illness and death are likely during childhood

prenatal drugs and c-sections make transmission rare
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
alcohol in maternal bloodstream reduces oxygen flow to fetus

small head, abnormal facial features, abnormal skeletal structure, brain damage
low birth weight, premature birth

constricts blood vessels, reducing oxygen flow to fetus
heroin and methadone
makes baby twice as likely to die within 2 days due to breathing problem

baby born addicted, hard to soothe, low birth weight, agitation, slow growth, premature birth, jaundice
heavy exposure may affect CNS
may hinder fetal growth
may cause slow fetal growth, premature labor, and learning problems
sold OTC as sedative/anti-nausea for pregnant women

stops new blood vessels from forming, results in misshapen or missing limbs, cleft palate, heart defects, lung defects, etc
DES (diethylstilbestrol)
prescribed 1945-1970 to prevent miscarriages

daughters of mothers who took this had increased vaginal cancer, uterus malformation resulting in low birthweight, miscarriage, etc

sons had increased testicular cancer and genital abnormalities
results in lbw, miscarriage, sterility
Pollution (lead,mercury,PCBs)
Mothers who ate contaminated fish had children with brain abnormalities
agent orange
linked to birth father, causes various defects
cerebral palsy
disorder that results from damage to the brain's motor centers. People with this have difficulty with muscle control, so their speech and/or body movements are impaired
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
test administered to newborns that measures responsiveness and records 46 behaviors, including 20 reflexes
an unlearned, involuntary action or movement that responds to a stimulus
Reflexes that maintain oxygen supply
breathing reflex, hiccups, sneezes, thrashing
Reflexes that maintain body temp
cry, shiver, tuck in legs when cold

push away blankets when warm
Reflexes that manage feeding
sucking reflex, rooting, swallowing, crying when stomach is empty, spitting up when swallowing too quickly
Babinski reflex
when feet are stroked, toes fan upward
Stepping reflex
when newborn is held upright, feet touching flat surface, they move legs as if to walk
Swimming reflex
when horizontal on stomach, newborns stretch out arms and legs
Palmar grasping reflex
newborns grip tightly whatever touches their palms
Moro reflex
at loud noise, baby flings arms outward and then brings them together on their chests, crying with wide eyes
symptoms of pregnancy and birth experienced by fathers
parental alliance
cooperation between a mother and a father based on their mutual commitment to their children. In a parental alliance, the parents support each other in their shared parental roles
postpartum depression
a new mother's feelings of inadequacy or sadness in the days and weeks after giving birth
kangaroo care
a form of newborn care in which mothers rest the baby between their breasts