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50 Cards in this Set

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multiple hypopigmented round macules in the chest, shoulders, and back that appear after skin becomes tan from sun

Tinea Versicolor, yeast
meds for tinea versicolor
topical selenium sulfide or ketoconazole
Koebner phenomenon
new psoriatic plaques over areas of skin trauma
rahes in the hands, neck, antecubital and popliteal space. multiple small vesicles that rupture, leaving painful, bright red weepy lesions
eczema/ atopic dermatitis
cellulitis treatment
dicloxacillin if beta lactam resis or cephalexin without beta lactam resis
acne or bite that became infected and now appears like a raised indurated plaque with distinct edges
treatment for hidradentis suppurative
acute superficial skin infection caused by Gm + bacteria strep or staph aureus very contagious
iimpetigo trx
cephalexin, dicloxacillian, or axith if pcn allergic or mupiricin ointment
erythema migrans
lymes disease
lyme dx treatment
complication of lymes dx
neurological poblems Guillain Barre' migratory arthritis, chronic fatigue
RMSF trx
ovl lesions with fine scales that follow skin lines of the trunk or a christmas tree pattern of papulosquamous lesions Hearld patch
pityriasis rosea
pityriasis rosea trx
none self limiting
scabies treatment
permethrin cream, treat household
impetigo rash
honey colored crusts, fragile bullae
measles rash
koplik's spots, pink morbilliform rash
scarlet fever rash
sand paper rash with sore throat (strep)
molluscum contagiosum rash
smooth papules 5 mm size that are dome shaped with central umbilication with a white plug
erythema migrains rash
red maculopapular target lesions that grow in size early stage of lyme dz
meningococcemia rash
purple colored to dark red painful skin lesions all over the body. reportable and treat with rifampin to close contacts
rocky mountain spotted fever rash
round red rashes with petechiae, maculopapular, headache, fever, myalgias
tinea capitis treatment
oral antifungals griseofulvin x several weeks
nails become yellowed thickened and opaque with debris. nail may separate from nailbed. great toe is most common
open comedomes, closed with small papules
mild acne treat with benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin soln retin A gel
mild acne plus large numbers of papuiles and pustules
moderate acne
moderate acne treatment
oral tetracycline (perm discoloration of teeth so not use < 18, decreases OCP's)
painful indurated nodules and cysts over face
severe cystic acne
cystic acne treatmen
isotretinoin accutane
cat X drug, use 2 forms of contraception
light skinned adult to older patient with celtic background complains of chrinic and small acnelike papules and pustules around the nose, mouth and chin
rosacea treatment
metronidazole gel or oral tetracycline
contact dermatitis clue
usually unilateral location and shape of lesions
if allergic to PCN may also be allergic to
cephalosporins use macrolides
actinic keratosis precurson
squamous cell cancer
psoralens are tar derived topicals uesd to treat
If beta strep, gp B infection in cellulitis also at risk for developing???
glomerular nephritis seen in strept throat
elevated free T4 and low TSH can detect the majority of
hyperthyroid cases
thyroid nodules treatment
ultrasound and refer
most common cause of hyperthyroidism in USA
graves dz
middle aged female loses a large amount of weight rapidly, becomes irritible anzious and hyperactive. insomnia with frequent bowel movements, amenorrhea and heat intolerance. Enlarged thyroid goiter
graves disease (hyperthyroid)
tment for graves
PTU or methimazole,can use BB to decrease symptoms
permanent destruction of thyroid results, radioactive iodine trx
hypothyroidism for life and need thyroid supplementation for life
prgnancy and hypertryroid`
PTU is preferred and lowest dose
thyroid cancer risk factors
painless nodule larger than 2.5 cm
thyroid scan shows
metabolic activity of thryoid gland
cold spot
not metabolic activie
hot spot
metabolically active nodule and usually benign
urine microalbunuria if positive order
24 hour urine for protein and creatinine
DM eye findings
microaneurysms due to neovascularization