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31 Cards in this Set

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Mechanism of injury

Past SHx indicative of CAD

CABG, Cardiac stents, angioplasty

Benign exam

Constitutional- well developed, nourished, no acute distress


ENT- moist mucous membranes

Neck- supple (no lymphadenopathy)

Cardiovascular- regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs, rubs or gallops, distal pulse intact

Respiratory- no distress, clear to auscultation, no wheezes, rales or rhonchi

abdominal- soft, non-tender, no guarding, rebound or rigidity

extremities- no edema, full ROM

Skin- warm, dry

neuro- alert, oriented

psychiatric- normal


Normal: NAD, well-developed/nourished, alert

abnormal : distress, cachectic, emaciated, malnourished, somnolent, obtunded, unresponsive


nml: atraumatic/normocephalic

abnormal: sinus tenderness, angioedema


nml: PERRL, EOMI, sclera are anicteric, normal conjunctiva

abnml: anisocoria (unequal pupils, scleral icterus, pale conjunctiva (conjunctival injection)

Detailed eye exam

nml: clear anterior chamber, sharp disc margins, normal cornea

abnml: retinal detachment, papilledema, hyphema, corneal abrasion or ulcerations, fluorescein uptake


nml: TM's normal

abnml: TM erythema, bulging, dullness, obscured by cerumen


nml: nml nares

abnml: epistaxis, rhinorrhea, septal hematoma, boggy turbinates


nml: moist mucous membranes, oropharynx normal

abnml: dry mucous membranes, dental caries, endentulous, pharyngeal erythema, tonsillar exudate, tonsillar hypertrophy, peritonsillar abscess

Neck and cervical spine

nml: supple

abnml: JVD, carotid bruit, cervical lymphadenopathy, vertebral point vs. paraspinal (around the spine) tenderness, thyromegaly


nml: regular rate & rhythm, heart sounds nml

abnml: tachy/bradycardia, IIR, murmur, extrasystoles, pleural rub, gallop


radial, carotid, femoral, dorsalis pedis, posterior tibialis

nml: pulses equal and symmetric, capillary refill less than 2 sec

abnml: delayed, 0(absent), 1(barely palpable), 2(easily palpable, nml), 3(full), 4(bounding/aneurysmal)


nml: no respiratory distress, clear to auscultation (CTA) bilaterally

abnml: respiratory distress, tachypnea, wheezes, rales, rhonchi


nml: soft and non-tender

abnml: tenderness to palpation,

voluntary guarding, rebound tenderness, rigidity (involuntary guarding)...all signs of surgical abdomen

detailed abdominal

nml: nml bowel sounds, no organomegaly, no mass

abnml: absent, hypo/hyperactive bowel sounds, organomegaly (hepato/splenomegaly), distended, murphy's sign( RUQ cholecystitis), McBurney's point tenderness (RLQ appendicitis)


nml: nml rectal tone, heme negative

abnml: heme positive (Guaiac +), abnormal stool color, hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, decreased rectal tone

female gentials

nml: nml external genitalia, normal bimanual exam, normal speculum exam, cervical O's closed, no blood or discharge

abnml: sores, lesions, rashes, cervical motion tenderness, adnexal tenderness, cervical o's open, blood in vaginal vault, malodorous, thick white discharge

male genitals

nml: nml

abnml: testicular, epididymal tenderness, testicular edema/mass, urethral discharge, inguinal hernia, indwelling catheter


nml: non-tender, full rom distal csmt (circulation, sensory, motor, tendon) intact, no edema, no calf tenderness

abnml: bony tenderness (fx), soft tissue tenderness (contusion), calf tenderness (DVT), decreased ROM, PSM deficits, tendon laxity, pitting pedal edema, palpable cords, Homan's sign (DVT)


nml: nontender thoracic spine/lumbar

abnml: CVA tenderness, paraspinal tenderness (muscle), vertebral point tenderness (Spinal cord), midline deformities

skin (integumentary)

nml: warm, dry

abnml: cool/hot, diaphoretic, jaundic, cyanotic, pallor, urticaria (hives), petechiae/purpura

skin infection

nml: no erythema, warmth or discharge

abnml: erythema, calor, induration (cellulitis), fluctuance (abscess), purulent drainage, lymphangitis

skin trauma

nml: atraumatic, intact

abnml: ecchymosis, contusion, abrasion, laceration, tear, avulsion


nml: alert, oriented (person, place, time), nml speech, non-focal neuro exam

abnml: somnolent, disoriented, aphasia, dysarthria

motor strength (neuro)

pronator drift, upper/lower extremity strength

neuro (cranial nerve)

nml: visual field intact, PERRL, EOMI, tongue midline, normal gag, facial symmetry, sensation intact, equal shoulder shrug

abnml: visual field loss, anisocoria, EOM palsy, tongue deviation, decreased gag reflex, facial droop (ptosis), hypoesthesia (numbness), unequal shoulder shrug

chest pain- benign exam

ddx: MI, PE, dissection, PNA, PTX

neck- no JVD

cardiovascular- regular rate and rhythm, no murmurs, rubs, or gallops

respiratory- no distress, breaths clear and equal, no wheezes, rales or rhonchi

extremities - no pedal edema, non-tender calves

skin- no diaphoresis

SOB -benign

ddx: PE, CHF, MI, PNA, COPD, Asthma, pleural effusion

general: nad, afebrile

eyes: no pale conjunctiva

ENT: airway patent

Neck: No JVD

Cardivascular: regular rate and rhythm, symmetric pulses

Respiratory: No respiratory distress, good air movement, breath sounds clear and equal, no wheezes, rales or rhonchi

extremities: no pedal edema, non-tender calves

skin: no diaphoresis

neuro: alert, oriented x3

abd pain -benign

ddx: appendicitis, cholecystitis, GI bleed, AAA, SBO, pancreatitis, liver failure

General: afebrile

eyes: no scleral ictus, no pale conjunctiva,

ENT: moist mucous membranes

abd: soft, non-tender, no guarding, rebound or rigidity, no distension, active bowel sounds, no hepato-spleno megaly, no midline pulsatile masses

skin: no jaundice

Headache- benign

ddx:CVA, TIA, CA, meningitis, sinusitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage

general: afebrile

eyes: PERRL, EOMI,

ENT: no sinus tendernessl, no temporal tenderness

neck: supple, painless ROM, no nuchal rigidity, no meningismus

skin: no petechia, no purpura

neuro: alert and oriented x3, nml speech motor strength 5/5 symmetric, sensation intact, Finger nose finger normal, normal cerebellar exam