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24 Cards in this Set

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PODCAST- The Race Card

- Status Indian- Race card- access to healthcare, education, tax exceptions. live work be buried on reserve

- before canada was country- british deemed who was indigenous to live on them

- how to create a legal definition to be indian

- if you were indian and left reserve to go to uni- no longer status

-women specifically so many ways to lose identity

-band members vs. status indian- to be a member you don't need status now

- bands can determine membership besides status if they want

Podcast cont'd

- If indian women married Non indian- her children would not have status

-women could lose status if they didn't carry into status

- comparing indian reserve to eating at restaurant someone takes a chair away and you can no longer go back to it

Quiz Q's

According to Fleras, when the expression of ethnicity is context dependent rather than constant across time and space it is known as

B) situational/ symbolic ethnic identity

Quiz Q's

2. What is primordialism in relation to claiming an ethnic identity? provide one advantage and one disadvantage

3. the instrumentalist perspective states that

C- people are called towards their ethnic identity at times of conflict

Intergroup Perspectives

1. Colour Blindness

- emphasis should NOT be placed on race and/or ethnicity

-When we see the world we see box of crayons with beautiful colours, except with colour blindness we don't often see the gorgeousness- we see some colours ugly and pick certain colours over others

CB states that

- we should be drawing attention away from race and ethnicity- it is the fact that we focus on it so much which is why we have discrimination and racism

- instead let us not see race, let us not see ethnicity

- let us see people in terms of meritocracy- war people on what they achieve. Choose the picture of the pencils being the same

Affirmative Action

- which is FOCUSING on race.

" we don't have a lot of purple people working here, so we should get some more to make it more diverse"

- colour blindness says because you do this affirmative action the green people hate the purple people even more"

How do we DO colour blindness

video- colour black heart over the coloured heart " it takes an open mind to be colour blind"

-don't just base people on their colour- in order to not judge people based on colour you need to be open minded and go beyond the stereotype

Problem with the Video

-Why did they need to pick the colour black to colour over everyone's different colours

- why can't we just appreciate people for being different and accept it

- elimination of differences when you make us all one colour

- can you be open minded by being both colour blind and not colour blind

- you can SEE other people and accept that they are a different colour than you are, but still treat them the same

-in order to be colour blind you have have to obliterate history basically- see everyone the exact same, nobody would be unique at all and all or any privilege you have would be stripped

Advantages of CB

- we would end racism, we would no longer see people based ornate

- we would all be equal in everybody's eyes

Disadvantages of CB

- if we're no longer focusing on race/ethnicity we would pick and segregate based on some other variable- gender, height

-obliterates difference between people- you will no longer be unique at all

- doesn't allow for agency towards groups. you're no longer going to get any resources or benefits

- colour blind racism

2. Critical Race Theory

-emphasis should be placed on race/ethnicity

-critical examination of society and culture as it intersects with race/ethnicity

- tearing apart educational structures to look at how it discriminates

- how down draw attention to certain groups and therefore not allow them certain access

- DRAW the attention to the prejudice and BE critical in the moment

CRT Methodology

1. Microaggressions

-subtle, and maybe unintentional forms of racism

- can be behavioural or through language

EG. Bonilla- Silva Chapter "they're such a colourful people you know"

"i think it's great that you were hired- we need more diversity here"

Microaggressions Cont'd

-things that illustrate that there are racial divides and prejudices that may exist in our society

- take a moment and reflect on why we say them

- could come across as being a compliment but questioning your worth and how good you are

- do NOT need to be intentional

- " I have a ton of _____ friend, so i'm not racist"

When is it a Microaggression and when is it an innocent question or statement

- are they asking because they are actually curious or do they have racist undertones

- doesn't matter if it's not intentional, it could be unconscious behaviour too

- doesn't matter that it's innocent or not- but the harm that it does to the individual who it was made to is much more important


- when we experience or witness these micro aggressions in our daily lives we need to deconstruct them and not let people just say them and ge away with them

- deconstruct the comments even if they are uncomfortable,

- doesn't matter if the person meant it unintentionally- still deconstruct it

CRT methodology

2. Counter Narrative and Counter Stories

- stories of those whose voices are not often told

-stories of experiences that do not complement the dominant discourse regarding race and ethnicity in society

- therefore, stories that CHALLENGE the common stereotype that people hold

- GO against the common stereotype the narrative that is not true "the drunken aboriginal"

Eg. of a "stereotype" we hold of a radicalized group? what would be a counter- narrative"

- Black people are lazy- profiting off the system- then seeing the amount of successful black people there are doctors, lawyers

- expectation that the black guy is playing football and the white guy playing hockey- actually vice versa

-very ACTIVE approach- doing this everyday and breaking down micro aggressions

Advantages and Challenges of CRT


- Being aware of what your own stereotypes are- forces you to pat attention to what you say to others and how you talk in your day to day life

- re-socialize and re think your words


- sometimes it can cripple you- you can become paralyzed to speak. how will people respond to you if you make that joke. when do you stop

- demands a lot and we're not always ready for it

Critical Race Theory vs Colour blindness

-know the differences between the two and who they challenge each other

Whiteness Studies

- emphasis should not just be on "people of colour"

-in response to the idea that the world was white- we're looking and focusing on colour

-default setting was white- actually thats not the world there is the world and then there is what is whiteness in relation to everything else

- people of colour means there there are people and there are people of colour. whiteness studies said NO- there's just people.. period

How do we Deconstruct "Whiteness"

-white privilege, white fragility

- you have this group thats called "white"- what does it represent and who do we group in this category

-Caucasian is like negro- yet we have eliminated that term yet we continue to use caucasian

- could be an alternative to "white" also sounds quite scientific

Two terms to stop using

1. African American

2. Caucasian

Advantages and Challenges of Whiteness Studies


- its uncomfortable but its important- the problem is not with the just coloured people and other people

- but deconstruct all members of society including white people

DIS: - its new and very uncomfortable, people have a hard time to understand- sounds like its reinforcing privilege, it's actually about deconstructing privilege.