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21 Cards in this Set

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What does anatomose mean?

To branch out

What are some structural characteristics of lymphatic vessels

Same tunics as veins, thinner walls, more internal valves, branch out more frequently

What are lymph nodes?

Solid, spherical bodies tightly packed with reticular elements and cells

What three areas are lymph node clusters found?

Axilarry, Inguinal, Cervical

What is the function of the speen?

Immune surveillance, cleanses blood, site of fetal erythrocyte production

What is an antigen?

Anything the body perceives as foreign.

Where are the palatine tonsils?

Either side of the posterior end of the oral cavity

Where are the lingual tonsils?

Base of tongue

Where is the pharyngeal tonsils?

Posterior wall of the nasopharynx

Where are the tubal tonsils

Surround the openings of the auditory tubes into the pharynx

What does APC mean in immunity?

Antigen presented cell

What is a key difference between T cells and B cells

T Cells and made in bone marrow and mature in Thymus, B cells and made and matured in the bone marrow

What are some differences between primary and secondary immunity?

Secondary response is faster acting

What is the first line of defense?

Skin & mucosae

What is the 2nd line of defense?

Antimicrobial proteins & phagocytes

What is the 3rd line of defense?

Attack on particular foreign substances

What makes skin a good immune barrier?

Acidity if 3-5 which inhibits bacterial growth

Sebum is toxic to bacteria

Why is fever beneficial?

Liver and spleen isolate and take away iron and zinc

Increase metabolic rate which speeds up tissue repair

What is neutralization?

Masking dangerous parts of bacteria and viruses

What is agglutination?

Cell bound antigens

What is cell lysis?

Cell exploding