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122 Cards in this Set

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Pec _______ & ________ are accessory muscles in _____________
Pec MAJOR & MINOR are accessory muscles in INSPIRATION
_________ muscles act primarily on the vertebral column
SCALENE muscles act primarily on the vertebral column
Levatores costarum - ___________ ribs
Levatores costarum - ELEVATE ribs
External intercostal muscles – ______________
External intercostal muscles – INSPIRATION
Internal intercostal muscles – ______________
Internal intercostal muscles – EXPIRATION
Clavipectoral fascia – suspended from the clavicle and investing the pectoralis ________
Clavipectoral fascia – suspended from the clavicle and investing the pectoralis MINOR
ARM = _________
FOREARM = _______ & ________
stability is sacrificed for ____________ in the upper limb
stability is sacrificed for MOBILITY in the upper limb
Only connection of the upper limb to the axial skeleton is the _______________________ joint.
Only connection of the upper limb to the axial skeleton is the STERNOCLAVICULAR joint.
Motion of one upper limb is _________________ of the other
Motion of one upper limb is INDEPENDENT of the other
CLAVICLE: Strut from which the scapula and limb are suspended keeping them away from the trunk  ___________ mobility
CLAVICLE: Strut from which the scapula and limb are suspended keeping them away from the trunk  MAXIMUM mobility
FUNC OF CLAV: A bony boundary of the _________________ canal, protection for neurovascular bundle of the upper limb
FUNC OF CLAV: A bony boundary of the CERVICOAXILLARY canal, protection for neurovascular bundle of the upper limb
____________ Transmits shocks from the upper limb to the axial skeleton.
CLAVICLE Transmits shocks from the upper limb to the axial skeleton.
The ______ does not reach, therefore does not participate in the wrist joint
The ULNA does not reach, therefore does not participate in the wrist joint
Radius is the __________ and more __________ bone of the forearm
Radius is the SHORTER and more LATERAL bone of the forearm

Avascular ____________
______________ joint disease

Avascular NECROSIS
DEGENERATIVE joint disease
Pectoral fascia: Invests pectoralis _______, leaves its lateral border to become the ____________ fascia.
Pectoral fascia: Invests pectoralis MAJOR, leaves its lateral border to become the AXILLARY fascia.
Clavipectoral fascia: descends from the clavicle and invests the ___________ and pectoralis ________ and joins the axillary fascia.
Clavipectoral fascia: descends from the clavicle and invests the SUBCLAVIUS and pectoralis MINOR and joins the axillary fascia.
Between the subclavius and pectoralis minor it is called the ___________________ membrane, pierced by the lateral pectoral nerve.
Between the subclavius and pectoralis minor it is called the COSTOCORACOID membrane, pierced by the lateral pectoral nerve.
The part inferior to the pectoralis minor muscle is the _______________ ligament of the axilla
The part inferior to the pectoralis minor muscle is the SUSPENSORY ligament of the axilla
The suspensory ligament is responsible for the concave _________ _________.
The suspensory ligament is responsible for the concave AXILLARY FOSSA.
_________ fascia: forms medial and lateral intermuscular septa
BRACIAL fascia: forms medial and lateral intermuscular septa
Antebrachial fascia: Distally forms the __________ _______________
Antebrachial fascia: Distally forms the EXTENSOR RETINACULUM
Antebrachial fascia: Surrounds similar compartments separated by the _______________ membrane.
Antebrachial fascia: Surrounds similar compartments separated by the INTEROSSEOUS membrane.
Antebrachial fascia forms the __________ ________ ___________ anteriorly which is continuous with the extensor retinaculum
Antebrachial fascia forms the PALMAR CARPAL LIGAMENT anteriorly which is continuous with the extensor retinaculum
THE flexor retinaculum FORMS THE ____________ ____________
THE flexor retinaculum FORMS THE CARPAL TUNNEL
The deep fascia continues beyond the extensor and flexor retinacula as the ________ fascia.
The deep fascia continues beyond the extensor and flexor retinacula as the PALMAR fascia.
The central part of the palmar fascia is the palmar _________________
The central part of the palmar fascia is the palmar APONEUROSIS
the palmar aponeurosis and is continuous proximally with the tendon of the __________ __________
the palmar aponeurosis and is continuous proximally with the tendon of the PALMARIS LONGUS
CEPHALIC VEIN IS _____________
__________ vein communicates with the median cubital vein
CEPHALIC vein communicates with the median cubital vein
THE CEPHALIC VEIN -> clavipectoral triangle, pierces the costocoracoid membrane --> AXILLARY vein
THE CEPHALIC VEIN -> clavipectoral triangle, pierces the costocoracoid membrane --> AXILLARY vein
___________ VEIN IS MEDIAL
Basilic vein (medially)-> joins with the venae comitantes of the ________ artery to form the ___________ vein.
Basilic vein (medially)-> joins with the venae comitantes of the BRACIAL artery to form the AXILLARY vein.
The median cubital vein passes obliquely between the _________and ________ veins
The median cubital vein passes obliquely between the CEPHALIC and BASILIC veins
Lymph collected from the upper limb drains into the __________ lymph nodes.
Lymph collected from the upper limb drains into the AXILLARY lymph nodes.

PEC _________
_____ MINOR
___________ ANTERIOR


_________ & __________ HEADS

Distal attachment OF pec major?

_________ lip of the intertubercular groove of the ___________.
Distal attachment OF pec major?

LATERAL lip of the intertubercular groove of the HUMEROUS.
C5 - 6
INNERVATION OF PEC MAJOR sternocostal head?
C7-8, T1
PEC MAJOR ________ and __________ rotates the humerus
PEC MAJOR ADDUCTS and MEDIALLY rotates the humerus
PEC MAJOR draws scapula __________ and __________
pec major clavicular head _________ the humerus
pec major clavicular head FLEXES the humerus
pec major sternocostal head ___________ humerus it from the flexed position
pec major sternocostal head EXTENDS humerus it from the flexed position
Testing the clavicular head (PEC MAJOR)???

Arm is abducted 90 degrees, then moved _____________ against resistance.
Testing the clavicular head???

Arm is abducted 90 degrees, then moved ANTERIORLY against resistance.
Testing the sternal head (PEC MAJOR)???

Arm is abducted 60 degrees, then __________ against resistance.
Testing the sternal head (PEC MAJOR)???

Arm is abducted 60 degrees, then ADDUCTED against resistance.
Pec minor prox attach?

___ & ___ ribs
Pec minor prox attach?

3rd & 5th ribs
pec minor distal attach?

___________ process of scapula
pec minor distal attach?

CORACOID process of scapula
PEC MINOR Innervation: _________ pectoral nerve ___,____
PEC MINOR Innervation: MEDIAL pectoral nerve C8, T1
PEC MINOR Action: ___________ _________by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against thoracic wall
PEC MINOR Action: STABILIZES SCAPULA by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against thoracic wall
______ __________ Assists in elevation of the ribs in deep inspiration
PEC MINOR Assists in elevation of the ribs in deep inspiration
_____ ___________ It is used when stretching the upper limb forward to touch an object that is just out of reach.
PEC MINOR It is used when stretching the upper limb forward to touch an object that is just out of reach.
SUBCLAVIUS Distal attachment: into the inferior surface of middle third of the _________.
SUBCLAVIUS Distal attachment: into the inferior surface of middle third of the CLAVICLE.
SUBCLAVIUS Innervation: Nerve to the ____________ (C__-__)
SUBCLAVIUS Innervation: Nerve to the SUBCLAVIUS (C5-6)
______________ Action: Anchors and depresses clavicle.
SUBCLAVIUS Action: Anchors and depresses clavicle.
SERRATUS ANTERIOR DISTAL ATTACH _________ surface of the ________ border of the scapula
SERRATUS ANTERIOR DISTAL ATTACH ANTERIOR surface of the MEDIAL border of the scapula
Serratus Anterior Innervation: Long ________ nerve (C__-__)
Serratus Anterior Innervation: Long THORACIC nerve (C5-7)
Serratus anterior __________ scapula
__________ __________ HOLDS scapula against thoracic wall
Serratus anterior _________ scapula
To test the serratus anterior (long __________ nerve)

The hand of the outstretched limb is pushed __________ a wall.
To test the serratus anterior (long THORACIC nerve)

The hand of the outstretched limb is pushed AGAINST a wall.
__________ ___________ Deformity known as ‘winged scapula
SERRATUS ANTERIOR Deformity known as ‘winged scapula
The intrinsic back muscles (the deepest group) control _________ and __________ movements of the ____________ column
The intrinsic back muscles (the deepest group) control POSTURE and control MOVEMENTS of the VERTEBRAL column
Superficial posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles

__________and _____________ dorsi
Superficial posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles

Deep posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles

_________ scapulae and ______________
Deep posterior axioappendicular (extrinsic shoulder) muscles

Scapulohumeral (intrinsic shoulder) muscles

_________ , TERES __________ & ROTATOR CUFF MUSCLES
Scapulohumeral (intrinsic shoulder) muscles

Trapezius Proximal Attachment _______ line, external ___________ protuberance, _________ ligament, spinous processes of ___-____.
Trapezius Proximal Attachment NUCHAL line, external OCCIPITAL protuberance, NUCHAL ligament, spinous processes of C7-T12.
Trapezius Distal attachment: into the lateral third of the ___________; ___________ and spine of the _________
Trapezius Distal attachment: into the lateral third of the CLAVICLE; ACROMION and spine of the SCAPULA
Trapezius Innervation: ___________ nerve (CN XI) (motor fibers) and ___--___ spinal nerves (pain and proprioceptive fibers)
Trapezius Innervation: ACCESSORY nerve (CN XI) (motor fibers) and C3-4 spinal nerves (pain and proprioceptive fibers)
Trapezius Actions: Superior fibers _________ the scapula, middle fibers ________ the scapula, and inferior fibers _________ the scapula and lower the shoulder.
Trapezius Actions: Superior fibers ELEVATE the scapula, middle fibers RETRACT the scapula, and inferior fibers DEPRESS the scapula and lower the shoulder.
Testing the Trapezius: The shoulder is ____________ against resistance (the person attempts the raise the shoulders as the examiner presses down on them).
Testing the Trapezius: The shoulder is SHRUGGED against resistance (the person attempts the raise the shoulders as the examiner presses down on them).
Test the trapezius (Spinal _____________ nerve, CN XI)
Test the trapezius (Spinal ACCESSORY nerve, CN XI)
Latissimus Dorsi Proximal attachment: from the spinous processes of the __________ __ __________ vertebrae, _________________ fascia, ______ crest, and inferior __ or __ ribs.
Latissimus Dorsi Proximal attachment: from the spinous processes of the INFERIOR 6 THORACIC vertebrae, THORACOLUMBAR fascia, ILIAC crest, and inferior 3 or 4 ribs.
Latissimus Dorsi Distal attachment: into floor of the __________________ groove of the humerus
Latissimus Dorsi Distal attachment: into floor of the INTERTUBERCULAR groove of the humerus
Latissimus Dorsi Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (___--___)
Latissimus Dorsi Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6-8)
Latissimus Dorsi Action: ________, __________, ___________ rotates the humerus; _________ body toward arms during climbing.
Latissimus Dorsi Action: EXTENDS, ADDUCTS, MEDIALLY rotates the humerus; RAISES body toward arms during climbing.
latissimus dorsi muscle: The arm is abducted 90 degrees, Then _____________ against resistance.
latissimus dorsi muscle: The arm is abducted 90 degrees, Then ADDUCTED against resistance.
Levator Scapulae Proximal attachment: from the posterior tubercles of transverse processes of ___--___ vertebrae
Levator Scapulae Proximal attachment: from the posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1-4 vertebrae
Levator Scapulae Distal attachment: medial border of the _________ superior to the root of the spine
Levator Scapulae Distal attachment: medial border of the SCAPULA superior to the root of the spine
Levator Scapulae Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve ___ and cervical nerves ___--___
Levator Scapulae Innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve C5 and cervical nerves C3-4
Levator Scapulae Action: ___________ scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity __________ by ___________ the scapula
Levator Scapulae Action: ELEVATES scapula and tilts its glenoid cavity INFERIORLY by ROTATING the scapula
Rhomboids Minor proximal arises from the _________ ligament and spinous processes of ___ and ___ vertebrae.
Rhomboids Minor proximal arises from the NUCHAL ligament and spinous processes of C7 and T1 vertebrae.
Rhomboids Minor distal into smooth triangular area at the ________ end of the ____________ spine.
Rhomboids Minor distal into smooth triangular area at the MEDIAL end of the SCAPULAR spine.
Rhomboids Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve ___--___
Rhomboids Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve C4-5
Rhomboids _________ the scapula and _________ it to depress the glenoid cavity; ____scapula to the thoracic wall.
Rhomboids RETRACT the scapula and ROTATE it to depress the glenoid cavity; FIX scapula to the thoracic wall.
Rhomboids Major proximal arises from spinous processes of ___--___ vertebrae.
Rhomboids Major arises proximal from spinous processes of T2-T5 vertebrae.
Rhomboids Major distal into the ________ border of the scapula from the level of the spine to the __________ angle.
Rhomboids Major distal into the MEDIAL border of the scapula from the level of the spine to the INFERIOR angle.
To test the _____________ or dorsal scapular nerve

The individual places the hands posteriorly on the hips and pushes the elbows posteriorly against resistance.
To test the RHOMBOIDS or dorsal scapular nerve

The individual places the hands posteriorly on the hips and pushes the elbows posteriorly against resistance.
Deltoid Proximal attachment: from the lateral third of the _________; ___________ and ________ of the scapula.
Deltoid Proximal attachment: from the lateral third of the CLAVICLE; ACROMION and SPINE of the scapula.
Deltoid Distal attachment: into deltoid ____________ of the humerus.
Deltoid Distal attachment: into deltoid TUBEROSITY of the humerus.
Deltoid Innervation: ___________ nerve (C5-6)
Deltoid Innervation: AXILLARY nerve (C5-6)
Deltoid Action: Anterior part ________ and ________ rotates the arm. The middle part ____________ the arm. The posterior part __________ and ____________ rotates the arm.
Deltoid Action: Anterior part FLEXES and MEDIALLY rotates the arm. The middle part ABDUCTS the arm. The posterior part EXTENDS and LATERALLY rotates the arm.
Testing the deltoid or ________ nerve:

The arm is __________, starting from beyond ___ degrees, against ____________. Normally, the deltoid can easily be seen and palpated
Testing the deltoid or AXIALLY nerve:

The arm is ABDUCTED, starting from beyond 15 degrees, against RESISTANCE. Normally, the deltoid can easily be seen and palpated
Teres Major Proximal attachment: from the posterior surface of the ________ angle of the scapula.
Teres Major Proximal attachment: from the posterior surface of the INFERIOR angle of the scapula.
Teres Major Distal attachment: into _________ lip of the _________________ groove of the humerus.
Teres Major Distal attachment: into MEDIAL lip of the INTERTUBERCULAR groove of the humerus.
Teres Major Innervation: Lower _______________ nerve C5-6
Teres Major Innervation: Lower SUBSCAPULAR nerve C5-6
Teres Major Action: _________ and _________ rotates the arm.
Teres Major Action: ADDUCTS and MEDIALLY rotates the arm.
Testing teres major or lower ______________ nerve:

The abducted arm is ____________ against resistance. Normally, the muscle can easily be seen and palpated in the posterior ___________ fold.
Testing teres major or lower SUBSCAPULAR nerve: T

The abducted arm is ADDUCTED against resistance. Normally, the muscle can easily be seen and palpated in the posterior AXILLARY fold.
Supraspinatus Proximal attachment: from the ______________ ________ of the scapula.
Supraspinatus Proximal attachment: from the SUPRASPINATUS FOSSA of the scapula.
Supraspinatus Distal attachment: into the superior facet of the ____________ __________ of the humerus.
Supraspinatus Distal attachment: into the superior facet of the GREATER TUBERCLE of the humerus.
Supraspinatus Innervation: ________________ nerve C4, C5, C6
Supraspinatus Innervation: SUPRASCAPULAR nerve C4, C5, C6
Supraspinatus Action: Initiates and assists deltoid in _______________ of the arm and acts with rotator cuff muscles
Supraspinatus Action: Initiates and assists deltoid in ABDUCTION of the arm and acts with rotator cuff muscles
Testing SUPRASPINATUS: Abduction is attempted from the fully ____________ position against resistance, while the muscle is palpated superior to the spine of the scapula.
Testing SUPRASPINATUS: Abduction is attempted from the fully ADDUCTED position against resistance, while the muscle is palpated superior to the spine of the scapula.
Infraspinatus ___________ attachment: from infraspinous fossa of the scapula.
Infraspinatus PROXIMAL attachment: from infraspinous fossa of the scapula.
Infraspinatus Distal attachment: into the ________ facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Infraspinatus Distal attachment: into the MIDDLE facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Infraspinatus Innervation: _________________ nerve C5-6
Infraspinatus Innervation: SUPRASCAPULAR nerve C5-6
Infraspinatus Action: __________ rotates the arm; helps hold the ___________ head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
Infraspinatus Action: LATERALLY rotates the arm; helps hold the HUMERAL head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
Testing: The person flexes the elbow and ___________ the arm. The arm is then ___________ rotated against resistance. Normally the muscle can be palpated below the scapular spine.
Testing: The person flexes the elbow and ADDUCTS the arm. The arm is then LATERALLY rotated against resistance. Normally the muscle can be palpated below the scapular spine.
To test the function of the _________________ nerve both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus must be tested.
To test the function of the SUPRASCAPULAR nerve both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus must be tested.
Teres Minor Proximal attachment: from the middle part of the __________ border of the scapula.
Teres Minor Proximal attachment: from the middle part of the LATERAL border of the scapula.
Teres Minor Distal attachment: into ___________ facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Teres Minor Distal attachment: into INFERIOR facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.
Teres Minor Innervation: _________ nerve C5-6.
Teres Minor Innervation: AXILLARY nerve C5-6.
Teres Minor Action: ___________ rotates the arm; helps hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
Teres Minor Action: LATERALLY rotates the arm; helps hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity of the scapula.
Subscapularis Proximal attachment: from the _______________ fossa (most of the anterior surface of the scapula).
Subscapularis Proximal attachment: from the SUBSCAPULAR fossa (most of the anterior surface of the scapula).
Subscapularis Distal attachment: into the __________ tubercle of the humerus.
Subscapularis Distal attachment: into the LESSER tubercle of the humerus.
Subscapularis Innervation: Upper and lower _________________ nerves C5-7.
Subscapularis Innervation: Upper and lower SUBSCAPULAR nerves C5-7.
Subscapularis Action: Primary _________ rotator of the arm and ____________ the arm; Helps hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity.
Subscapularis Action: Primary MEDIAL rotator of the arm and ADDUCTS the arm; Helps hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity.