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18 Cards in this Set

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Learning is a process that results in a relatively consistent change in behavior or behavior potential and is based on experience.
behavior analysis
Behavior analysis is the area of psychology that focuses on discovering environmental determinants of learning and behavior
Reflexes is an unlearned responses such as salivation, pupil contraction, knee jerks, or eye blinks, that is naturally elicited by specific stimuli that are biologically relevant for the organism.
unconditioned stimulus
An Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) is any stimulus that naturally elicits a reflexive behavior, such as the food powder.
unconditioned response
An Unconditioned Response (UCR) is the behavior, such as salivating, that is elicited by the UCS
acquisition, the process by which the CR is first elicited and gradually increases in frequency over repeated trials

stimulus generalization

This automatic extension of responding to stimuli that have never been paired with the original UCS
stimulus discrimination
Stimulus Discrimination is the process by which an organism learns to respond differently to stimuli that are distinct from but similar to the CS
Blocking is the ability of the first CS to reduce the informativeness of the second CS because of the organism’s previous experience
law of effect
A response that is followed by satisfying consequences becomes more probable and a response that is followed by dissatisfying consequences becomes less probable
A reinforcement contingency
A reinforcement contingency is a consistent relationship between a response and the changes in the environment that it produces
A reinforcer is any stimulus that, when made contingent on a response, increases the probability of that response
positive reinforcement
When a behavior is followed by the delivery of an appetitive stimulus, the event
negetive reinforcement
When a behavior is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus, the event
cognitive maps
Cognitive maps are mental representations of physical locations. Humans and animals use them to find their way and to help recall important features of the environment.
observatonal learning
Observational learning (also known as vicarious learning, social learning, or modeling) is a type of learning that occurs as a function of observing, retaining and replicating novel behavior executed by others


extinction In conditioning, the weakening of a conditioned associationin the absence of a reinforcer or unconditioned stimulus.

spontaneous recovery

spontaneous recovery The reappearance of an extinguishedconditioned response after a rest period