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69 Cards in this Set

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Why did we have growth in Leadership

1) started studying it more, recognized the importance of it

2) Shift in the type of work we do; less hands on more with our brains

3) Work environment is more complex

Leadership Definition

Leadership is a processwhereby an individual influences a group ofindividuals to achieve a common goal.

4 components of leadership

process, influence, group, goal

Evolution of leadership in history

went from domination to influential

Assigned Leadership

•Basedon occupying a position within an organization. Examples include Teamleaders, plant managers, department heads, directors.

Emergent Leader

•Acquiredthrough other people supporting and accepting the individual’s behavior. An InformalLeader. Beingverbally involved and informed, seeking others’ opinions, initiating new ideas,being firm but not rigid

Leadership vs Management SIMILARITIES

Both involve influence, working with people, goal attainment


Seeking order and Stability. Plan, Lead, Organize, Control.


seeking adaptive and constructive change. Establish Direction, set strategies, align people, motivating, inspiring

Only management problems

Strong management with no leadership leads to stagnant, inflexible organizations. Stagnant, you fail to adjust (blockbuster)

Only leadership problems

Strong leadership with no managementleads to meaningless changeand chaos inorganizations. Chaos you need direction (Catullo's)

What is Power?

Power is given, power is influence, it is perception, you can have it and not know you do, you may not use it

3 Reactions to Influence (power)

Resist, comply, commit


opposing a behavior


motivated by an external source (reward), or a lack of punishment.


identify with and highly motivated. You want to do it!

5 types of power

Referent, expert, coercive, legitimate, reward


admiration, idolizing, personal relationship. Celebrity


power by knowledge


Power by status or formal job


power with force


Control to give reward or avoid something negative

Postition power

power a person derives from a particularoffice or rank in a formal organizational system.

Personal Power

influence power a person has by beingseen by others as likeable and knowledgeable.

Position Power Segments

Coercive, Legitimate, reward

Personal Power Segments

Referent, Expert


Created by the importance, scarcity, and nonsubistitutability of a resource.

5 Influencing Tactics

Ingratiation, rational persuasion, inspirational appeal, personal appeal, legitimization


Being friendlyand giving praiseto get the person in a good mood before making a request

Rational Persuasions

Includes logical arguments withfactual evidence

inspirational appeal

Attempts to arouse follower enthusiasmthrough internalization

personal appeal

Request the person to meet an objectivebased on loyaltyand friendship


Relying on organizational authority

Leadership Traits

intelligence, self confidence, determination, integrity, sociability


Should not vary from subordinates, having strongverbal ability, perceptualability,and reasoning.

Self Confidence

The ability to be certainabout one’s competencies and skills. Includes a sense of self-esteemandself-assuranceaswell as the belief that one can makea difference.


The desire to get the job done,including initiative,persistence,dominance,and drive. Willing to assert themselves, are proactive,and have the capacity to perseverein the face of obstacles.Important when followers NEEDdirection


"I trust this person" The quality of honestyand trustworthiness.Adhere to a strong set of principlesand take responsibility forone’s own actions.Inspireconfidence inothers.


Inclination to seek outpleasant social relationships. Have good interpersonal skillsand create cooperative relationships withothers. Sensitivetowardsothers and show concern for their well-being.

Big 5 Personality traits

Extroversion, conscientiousness, Openness, low neuroticism, Agreeableness (order from most to least important)


Social, assertive, positive


dependable, organized, decisve


creative, insightful, curious


insecure, depressed, hostile


accepting, conforming, trusting

Emotional Intelligence

The ability to noticeand manageemotional cues. Interplay between emotionsand thinking.

Big 4 of EQ

Self awareness, Self management, Empathy, Manage

Self awareness

aware of your ownemotions

Self Management

can you take control of your emotions and put on a good face


awareness of others emotions, ability to recognize them


can you manage their emotions, can you act in a way that is effective in changing someone’s emotions

Trait Approach

Focuses EXCLUSIVELY on the leader. Assumes that having a leader with acertain set of traits is crucial to effective leadership.Selectingthe right people will increase organizational effectiveness. Usedfor personal awareness.

Strengths of trait approach

1.Intuitively appealing 2.Has a century of research to backit up 3.Focuses only on leader4.Given us benchmarks

Criticisms of trait approach

1.Failure to achieve a definitivelist2.Failure to take situations intoaccount3.Highly subjective 4.Only linked to leader emergence,not linked to leader effectiveness 5.Not useful for training anddeveloping

Skills approach

focus on skillsandabilities that can be learned

Similarities and differences between Skills and trait approach

Sim: leader focus,

Dif: skills rather than inatetraits

Strength of Skills Approach

1.Leader-focused –Skill set of them2.Intuitively appealing3.Provides expansive view ofleadership4.Provides structure

Criticisms of Skills Approach

1.Mayextend past the boundaries of leadership2.Weak in predictive value3.Claims not to be trait model, butis trait-like4.Maynot be suitably appropriate for all contexts

Three-Skill Approach (Katz,1955)

TechnicalSkills (analytics), HumanSkills, ConceptualSkills

Technical Skills

analytical skills, knowledge of specific job

Human Skills

people skills, be aware of own perspective and perspective of others, creating trust

Conceptual Skills

ability to work with ideas and concepts, very abstract

Skills Model (Mumfordet al., 2000)

individual attributes, competencies, leadership outcomes

Individual Attributes

general cognitive ability (how our genetically created brain funcations), crystallized cognitive ability (the things we have learned that won't go away), motivation (willingness to get it done), personality


Problem solving, social judgement, knowledge

Problem Solving

1.Defining problems(in real world you have to figure it out. University GIVES you the problems)2.Gatherinformation (you’re not given a book)3.Formulatinga new understanding (what possible solutions, refraining?)4.Basedon new understanding generation solutions, plans on implementing solutions

Social Judgment

1.Perspectivetaking, understanding others’ views 2.Socialperceptiveness3.Beingable to adaptCommunicating


information you need to understand to dothe stuff you’re doing

Leadership outcomes

problem solving and performance