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315 Cards in this Set

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Define the Id.
The seat of primitive drives and instinctual needs.
What are the properties of the Id?
IMPULSES (impulsive behavior)SELF-GRATIFICATIONPrimary process thinkingUnconsciousDischarges tension
Define the Ego.
Mediates drives (id) and external reality.Moderates drives vs internalized prohibitions Adaptive capacity in relation to external reality.
What are the properties of the Ego?
REALITY TESTINGOBJECT RELATIONSJudgmentModulating and controlling impulsesModulating affectRegulate self-esteemMastering developmental challenges
Define the Superego.
Seat of ConscienceEgo IdealGuilt (if too strong = always guilty)
What are the properties of the Superego?
Uses internal and external rewards or punishments to control and regulate id impulses.
What are the three levels of the mind?
Unconscious PreconsciousConscious
What does the "Unconscious" hold?
Thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories of which we are unaware.
What does the "Preconscious" hold?
Thoughts and feelings, which can be brought into consciousness easily.
What does the "Conscious" hold?
Mental activities of which we are fully aware.
How many psychosexual stages did Freud describe and what are they?
5 Stages:1. Oral2. Anal3. Phallic/Oedipal4. Latency5. Puberty-Genital
At what ages does Freud's "Oral" psychosexual stage occur?
At what ages does Freud's "Anal" psychosexual stage occur?
At what ages does Freud's "Phallic/Oedipal" psychosexual stage occur?
At what ages does Freud's "Latency" psychosexual stage occur?
At what ages does Freud's "Puberty-Genital" psychosexual stage occur?
12-18 Adolescense
What are the stages of Cognitive Development theorized by Piaget, and at what age do they occur?
1. Sensorimotor thought (0-2)2. Preoperational thought (2.5-6 or 7)3. Concrete Operations (7-11)4. Formal Operations (11-18)
Name Erikson's 8 Psychosocial Stages in the lifecycle.
1. Trust vs Mistrust2. Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt3. Initiative vs Guilt4. Industry vs Inferiority5. Identity vs Identity Diffusion6. Intimacy vs Isolation7. Generativity vs Self-Absorption8. Integrity vs Disgust
Briefly explain Erikson's first stage: Trust vs. Mistrust.
Infancy (0-1)-build trust in self & environment-personality forms-discontinuities in care = sense of mistrust
Briefly explain Erikson's second stage: Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt.
Early Childhood (2-3)-muscular maturation: holding on/letting go-attaches value to autonomous will-development of one's own will or shame and doubt
Briefly explain Erikson's third stage: Initiative vs Guilt.
Play Age (3-6)-imagination & ability to move & communicate expand-intrusive activity, curiosity, & fantasy = guilt & anxiety-One's conscious forms-may develop a deep seated conviction that he is bad = stifled initiative or vindictiveness
Briefly explain Erikson's fourth stage: Industry vs Inferiority.
School Age (6-11)-want to work/learn w/ others-learns to accept instruction -capacity for work enjoyment-No recognition for one's efforts = inadequacy and inferiority
Briefly explain Erikson's fifth stage: Identity vs Identity Diffusion.
Adolescence (12-18)-puberty-questions "all sameness & continuities relied on earlier"-integrates childhood identifications w/ biological drives, endowments, and social role opportunities-possible development of negative identity towards becoming what parents, class, or community don't want them to be
Briefly explain Erikson's sixth stage: Intimacy vs Isolation.
Young Adulthood (18-mid 20's)-security in oneself = intimacy with self & others-love-based mutually satisfying relationships-a person who cannot enter wholly into an intimate relationship b/c of fear of losing identity = isolation
Briefly explain Erikson's seventh stage: Generativity vs Self-Absorption.
Adulthood-grows out of the intimacies of adulthood-interest in establishin & guiding the next generation-lack of generativity = self-absorption, stagnation, & personal impoverishment
Briefly explain Erikson's eighth stage: Integrity vs Disgust.
Senescence (Maturity)-Satisfying intimacy w/ others & adapts to success and disappointments = end of life w/ ego integrity-acceptance of own responsibility for what their life was & is.-w/o this accrued ego integration = dispair w/ dipleasure & disgust
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Attachment" phase in object relations theory.
0-3 mths = normal autism & alert inactivity2-6 mths = normal symbiosis & no differentiation between self & other; mutual caring
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Separation/Individuation" phase in object relations theory.
6-12 mths = differentiation & alert when awake; stranger anxiety (8 mths)7-18 mths = practicing & disengagement w/ frequent returns to mother. Narcissism; anticipates mom will reengage
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Rapprochement (Integration)" phase in object relations theory
18-24 mths = alternating disengagement & demand for attention. Splitting. Language development; intent to solve dilemmas
Explain Margaret Mahler's "Object Constancy" phase in object relations theory
24-38 mths = Consolidation of individuality & object constancy.-substitute of reliable internal image during absence; inception of unified self-image
What are the levels of Kohlberg's theory of moral development?
1. Pre-Conventional2. Conventional (follow stereotypic norms of morality)3. Post-Conventional (not reached by most adults)
Briefly described the Pre-Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Elementary School- before 9yrs1. Obedience/Punishment2. Conform to rules to receive rewards.
Briefly described the Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Early Adolescence3. Good boy/girl orientation4. Obeys laws/obligations/duties & Rules are rules; avoid guilt
Briefly described the Post-Conventional level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development.
Adult5. Concern w/ individual rights & morality6. Guided by individual principles based on broad, universal, ethical principles.
List the needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs from lower to higher level.
PhysiologicalSafetyLove & BelongingEsteemSelf-Actualization
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in the Neonate phase?
Which of Maslow's needs dominate during Childhood?
Safety & Love/Belonging
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in Adolescents?
Which of Maslow's needs dominate in Adulthood?
What are physiological needs?
Those that maintain the physical organism.Biological needs- food, water, oxygen, body temp, medical care. W/O these they will die
What are Safety needs?
Feel safe from harm, danger, threat of death. Regularity, predictability. Origin of cognitive needs (understand, make sense of the world).
What are Love & Belonging needs?
Assurance one is loved, worthy, and acceptable. Demand unconditional acceptance.
What are Ego/Esteem needs?
Need a stable, firmly based self-respect & respect from others. W/O this behavior is dominated by trying to gain respect & fame.
What are Self-Actualization need?
To be oneself consistently. An ongoing process. Only 1% of the population operates here.
When is Stranger Anxiety the strongest?
6-8 months (up to 14 months)
When is Separation Anxiety the strongest?
12 months (begins 7mths up to 16 mths)
How long is Prolonged Separation Anxiety?
18 months
Describe the Authoritarian parenting style.
RestrictiveForceful, punitive disciplineExpect strict obedienceNo explanation for rules
Describe the Authoritative parenting style.
Flexible parentingAllow autonomyExplain restrictionsResponsive to needs and wantsUse power & reason to gain compliance
Describe the Permissive parenting style.
Lax Few demandsPermit free expressionDon't monitor activitiesRarely exert firm control over behavior
Describe child behavior when parenting style is Authoritarian.
Conflicted & IrritableFearful, apprehensive, unfriendly, moody, unhappy, passively hostile, sulky, easily stressed, aimless
Describe child behavior when parenting style is Authoritative.
Energetic & FriendlySelf-reliant, cheerful, curious, purposive, achievement oriented
Describe child behavior when parenting style is Permissive.
Impulsive & AggressiveRebellious, low self-reliance & control, impulsive, aggressive, domineering, aimless, low achievement
What are the 2 most common characteristics of a batterer?
1. Witness to/victim of violence during childhood or adolescence.2. Chronic alcohol abuse
What is the Social Exchange Theory? How does it apply to battered women?
Based on the idea of potential benefits & losses to determine behavior.Women will only leave when the rewards of leaving outweight the costs of leaving.
Why isn't traditional family therapy & couples therapy appropriate for DV?
It puts victims in greater danger of further abuse.
How do racism & sexism create deficits in social power Indirectly?
Prevent development of personal resources, interpersonal, technical skills, & reduce effectiveness in performing valued social roles.
How do racism & sexism create deficits in social power Directly?
Block access to good health services and deny valued social roles.
Name some things to keep in mind when working with Native American families.
*Groups more important than individual.*Tendency to communicate w/ same gender more often*Don't follow linear time*Animism- interconnectedness of all living things*Light handgrasp or brush of fingers- No firm handshake
What are the best methods to use when working with a Native American family?
-Family or Group treatment.-Nondirective, collaborative approaches.-Use of metaphors, story tellings, paradoxical interventions, networking & rituals
Name some common characteristics of Hispanic/Latino families.
-Fastest growing minority pop. in US-Hist of colonization & economic oppression-Patriarchal family structure-Most Roman Catholic-Extended families-Culture shock= big prob
What are the best approaches to use w/ Hispanic/Latino families?
-Short-term tx-Insight oriented-Elicit frequently & validate-Build cnxs between old/new
Name some common characteristics of Asian/Pacific Islander families.
-Confucian & Buddhist philosophy influence-Hierarchical & patriarchical family w/ strict roles.-Shame used to maintain norms-Indirect communication-Emotional probs expressed w/ physical complaints
What are the best approaches to use w/ Asian/Pacific Islander families?
-Problem-focused-Goal oriented-Symptom relieving-Psychoeducational approach-Use indigenous supports
What is important to remember when prescribing Rx to Asian/Pacific Islanders?
Typically require lower doses of Rx & may have more side effects.Recommend starting on 1/2 dose
What are some common characteristics in African American families?
-Multigenerational, kinship, non-blood relatives-High value on religion-Child may be parentified-Egalitarian marriages-High tolerance for suffering-Physical punishment accepted-Cultural paranoia
What are the most effective approaches when working w/ African American families?
-Ethnically sensitive-Time limited-Problem focused-Child focused-Family therapy**Use last name unless told otherwise.
What must be done when a Native American child is being placed in foster care or adopted?
Contact the administrative office of the child's tribe. The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 give jurisdiction to tribal authorities.
What must be done prior to making a psychiatric diagnosis?
Rule out a medical cause for the symptoms.
What is the time frame for a diagnosis of Brief Psychotic Disorder?
<1 month
What must be done BEFORE making a psychiatric diagnosis?
Rule out a medical cause. When a substance or general medical cond. can account for the symptoms it preempts the diagnosis of any other disorder that could produce the symptoms.
If symptoms are indicative of both a more pervasive disorder (i.e. Schizophrenia) & a less pervasive disorder (i.e. Dysthymia) how do you diagnose?
Only the more pervasive disorder is diagnosed if both its defining symptoms & associated symptoms are present.
What is included on Axis I?
Clinical syndromes V CodesDevelopmental Disorders**May be more than one
What is included on Axis II?
Personality DisordersMental Retardation**Also-personality traits &/or habitual use of defense mechanism
What is included on Axis III?
General Medical Conditions-that are important in some way to the understanding or management of the case.
What is included on Axis IV?
Psychosocial & Environmental problems which affect diagnosis, tx,& prognosis.
What is included on Axis V?
GAF- Global Assessment of Functioning.**No impairment in fxn due to physical/environmental limitations.
What are some conditions that might be indicated by psychotic symptoms?
*Schizophrenia*Bipolar I Disorder*Major Depression*Substance Induced Mental Dis.*Mental dis. due to General Medical Cond (poss meds)*Delusional Disorder*Borderline Personality Dis*Brief Psychotic Dis*Schizophreniform Dis*Schizoaffective Dis
What must present for a diagnosis of Schizophrenia?
Active psychotic symptoms
What used to be called "latent schizophrenia" is now called...
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
How long must symptoms be present to diagnose Brief Psychotic Disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder, & Schizophrenia
Brief Psychotic <1 mth Schizophreniform <6 mthsSchizophrenia >6 mths
Patient: ChildSymptoms: Bizarre behavior, impaired communication, impaired social interaction, & restricted repertoire of activities & interests w/o delusions or hallucinations.
Possible Autistic Disorder
How many periods of mania are required for a diagnosis of Bipolar I?
One period of mania
Diagnose:Anxiety related to separation from parental figures.A form of phobic rxn.
Separation Anxiety Disorder
If a panic attack is caused by a substance what is it called?
Substance Induced Anxiety Dis
If a panic attack or depression is caused by a medical illness it is called?
Anxiety Disorder due to a General Medical Condition or Mood Disorder due to...
If depression is caused by a substance what is it called?
Substance Induced Mood Dis
Name one medical cond that could cause panic attacks
Hyperthyroid condition
What are the age specific criteria for a diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder?
> 18 yearsSymptoms present < 15 years(<18 = Conduct Disorder)
What is a similarity between Delusional Disorder & Paranoid Schizophrenia?
Delusions may occur in both
What are some key differences between Delusional Disorder & Paranoid Schizophrenia?
PS- prominant auditory hallucinations & bizarre delusions that are not characteristic of DD. Generally, DD produces less impairment.
What category of disorders do the following fall under?Drug/Alcohol IntoxicationWithdrawalDrug/Alcohol Abuse & Dependence
Substance Related Disorders
Name 4 disorders that by definition are rxns.
1. PTSD2. Acute Stress Disorder3. Adjustment Disorder4. Bereavement
Name the 7 Disorders that be definition are chronic or relatively chronic
All Personality disordersSchizophreniaDysthymic DisorderCyclothymic DisorderGeneralized Anxiety DisorderHypochondriasisSomatization disorder
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Schizophrenia?
6 or more mths.
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Dythymic Disorder?
2 or more yrs
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Cyclothymic Disorder?
2 or more yrs
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
6 or more mths
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Hypochondriasis?
6 or more mths
What is the relevant time frame for symptoms for a diagnosis of Somatization Disorder?
Several Yrs
What is the difference between Paraphilias vs. Sexual Dysfunction?
Paraphilia- inappropriate sexual objects or practiceSxl Dysfxn- inhibition of sexual response
What is the difference between Parasomnias vs. Dyssomnia?
Parasomnia- abnormal event that occurs during sleep or between sleep & wakingDyssomnia- disturbance in amount, timing or quality of sleep.
Name the "neurovegatative" or "classic" symptoms of depression.
Changes in appetite & weightSleep disturbanceFatigueDecrease in energyDecrease in sexual desire/fxn
What is Conversion Disorder in relation to motor fxn?
Although it is associated w/ actual loss of motor fxn or symptoms & deficits that affect voluntary motor fxn the patient does not produce or control them voluntarily.
What is Factitious disorder?
Patient intentionally produces symptoms due to a psychological need to adopt the "sick role"
When someone with Factitious disorder produces physical symptoms the disorder is called...
Munchausen Syndrome
What is Malingering?
Patient intentionally fakes or produces symptoms in order to obtain an external reward or to achieve a goal.
What is Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy?
When a caregiver, primarily a parent, produces deliberate medical symptoms in a child. Medical personnel usually become suspicious when a child has repeated, unexplained illnessess. **Is considered a form of child abuse.
What personality disorder has a symptom of Magical Thinking?
Schizotypal PD
What condition can Hyperthyroidism mimic?
Symptoms of Mania
What condition can Hypothyroidism mimic?
What are the signs of Delirium?
Changes in level of consciousness & orientation.Change in cognition &/or perceptions.Difficulty shifting & maintaining attention.Delirious
What are the signs of Dementia?
Disturbance involving memory impairment & other cognitve impairments.
What is the most commonly known Dementia?
What is the cause of Delirium?
General medical condition or substance use or both.Usually a medical emergency
What is the cause of Dementia?
Usually caused by general medical condition.Can result from a series of strokes (vascular dementia) with "patchy cognitive symptoms."
Describe the onset of Delirium.
Rapid or acute onset of symptoms.Symptoms fluctuate over time (ex: better in am worse in pm)
Describe the onset of Dementia
Insidious- becomes progressively worse over time.
What are the three clusters of personality disorders?
A: Odd & EccentricB: Dramatic, Emotional, & ErraticC: Anxious & Fearful
What personality disorders fall under Cluster A?
"Odd & Eccentric"-Paranoid PD-Schizotypal PD-Schizoid PD
What personality disorders fall under Cluster B?
"Dramatic, Emotional, Erratic"-Borderline PD-Antisocial PD-Histrionic PD-Narcissistic
What personality disorders fall under Cluster C?
"Anxious, Fearful"-Avoidant-Dependent-Obessive-Compulsive
What is Dissociation & who is it usually seen in?
Disturbance or change in the usually integrative fxns of memory, identity, perception, or consciousness.Often seen in patients with a hx of trauma
Existing w/ or at the same time.Ex: having 2 illness at the same time
Not recommended or safe to use.Ex: Dr. would not Rx a med or tx that is contraindicated b/c it could have serious consequences
What causes Endogenous Depression?
Depression caused by biochemical imbalance rather than a psychosocial stressor or external factor.
What are the symptoms of Endogenous depression.
Usually more severe & consist of the "classic" or neurovegetative symptom of depression. Loss of appetite, fatigue, sleep disturbance, decrease in libido, weight loss, psychomotor retardation or agitation, etc.
Exogenous Depression
Caused by external events or psychosocial stressors.Symptoms tend to be less severe than Endogenous.
Folie a Deux
Shared Delusion.ex: A person may develop a delusion system as a result of a close relationship w/ a person who already has an established delusional system.
Elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that is less severe than full-blown manic symptoms. Hypomanic symptoms are not severe enough to interfere with fxning & are not accompanied by psychotic symptoms.
Subsequent to the onset of an illness
Prior to the onset of an illness
Period of time before the onset of a serious illness during which there may be subtle symptoms.EX: before the onset of a full-blown psychotic episode, a patient may manifest a somewhat guarded, suspicious & angry affect as well as disorganized behavior & thought processes
When is the only time a person can be INVOLUNTARILY committed?
If they are a harm to themself or others.
What is this psychological test...NAIS?
Wechsler adult intelligence scale
What is this psychological test...WISC?
Wechsler intelligence scale for children revised
What is this psychological test...Standford-Binet?
Intelligence test for children
What is this psychological test...Draw-A Person Test?
Provides info. about a child's self image.
What does the psychological test MMPI test for?
Predominant personality traits or behavior
What are some Projective tests?
Rorschach Test (inkblot)TAT (thematic perceptions test)
What is this psychological test...Beck Depression Inventory?
Scales level of depression
What are Disruptive Behavior Disorders?
Seen in children & youth. Exhibit socially disruptive behavior (interferes w/ social situations, such as the classroom, playground situation, & family activities.)
Attention-Deficity Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
A condition characterized by a failure to remain attentive to various situations, esp. in school & home. Causes are likely to be biological.
What is required for a diagnosis of ADHD?
Symptoms must occur in at least 2 different settings/situations. Symptoms can increase during stress or decrease in a strictly controlled or novel situation.
Conduct Disorder
Under age 18Repetitive & persistant pattern of violated the basic rights of others or age appropriate social norms/rules.Low empathy, affection, concern for others.W/o guilt & remorseCallous & manipulativePhysical violence: vandilism to rape & murderTruantSubstance Abuse
What is the most effective Tx for Conduct Disorder?
Involves patient, family, schools, & community.Provide parenting skills & behavior modification at home and school
Oppositional Disorder
Kids display aggressiveness by patterns of obsinate but generally passive behavior. Appear to conform, but provoke adults/other kids. Use negativism, stubborness, dawdling, procrastination to show aggression.
What is the difference between Oppositional and Conduct Disorder?
Oppositional does not have symptoms that Conduct does, they do not violate the rights of others.
Name the 5 anxiety disorders of childhood/adolescence?
Separation AnxietyAvoidant BehaviorOveranxious DisorderPTSDSimple Phobia
What is School Phobia?
A form of separation anxiety.Allowing kids to stay home only increases the prob
Explain Avoidant Behavior
Kids avoid making new friends or strangers to an extent that it interferes w/ development of peer relationships & social fxning.
Explain Overanxious Disorder and how it may be expressed
Kids have diffuse fears & worries w/ no specific cause. Worry excessively about many things.Anxiety may be expressed as headaches, respiratory distress, etc.
What is a Simple Phobia & when is typical onset?
Persistent irrational fears of a specific objects, activity or situation.Onset usually = late teens or early adulthood
When does PTSD occur?
At any age.Following a psychologicall distressing event that is outside the range of usual human experience
What are some signs that a child is experiencing PTSD?
Repeat event in play.Avoid reminders of the event.Feel detached from others.Loss of pleasureDifficulty sleepingNightmaresDifficulty concentratingPhysical symptoms (headache)Lose of recently acquired developmental skills (toilet training or language skills)
What are Developmental Disorders?
Primary disturbance in acquisition of motor, language, social, or cognitive skills.
What are Specific Developmental Disorders?
Delay in one skill development
What are Pervasive Developmental Disorders?
Multiple areas of development are affected.Group of conditions marked by distortions, deviations, & delays in social/motor skills, language, attention, perception, & reality testing
Describe Autism symptoms, including age of diagnosis.
Pervasive DD.Onset before age 3.Failure to dev. relatedness to parents & others.As infants- no social smile, avoid eye contact, no cuddle.Kids- fail to dev. normal language & may use non-verbalPossible Echolalia. Activities are rigid, repetitive, w/o variety.Over/under response to sensory stimuli.
Meaningless repetition of what is said by others.Often seen in those with Autism
What is the intellectual fxning of a person w/ Autism?
Range- profound retardation to normal.50%= moderately, severly, or profoundly retarded25%= mildly retarded25%= IQ 70+
Which sex does Autism occur more frequently in?
Males by 4-5x as many
What does Bipolar Disorder look like?
Distinct period of mood elevation usually followed by a major depressive episode.Manic episodes began suddenly & escalate. Possible rapid shifts from elevated mood-anger-depression.Possible suicidal thoughts
What are some Manic symptoms seen in Bipolar Disorder?
Inflated self-esteemDecrease need for sleep/increased energyLoud/rapid speechAbrubt change of topicDistractibilityRestlessIncreased socialityDisorganize, flamboyant, bizarre activities
What is another name for Major Depressive Episode when seen in children?
Childhood Depression
Aside from symptoms seen in all ages, what should you look for in children with Major Depressive Episodes?
IrritabilityFailure to make expected weight gainsFeign illnessHyperactivityCling to parentsRefuse to go to schoolFearful of parents death
What symptoms might be seen in older children with Major Depressive Episode?
SulkyRefuse cooperation in family & social activitySchool troubleUse of substancesLess attention to appearanceNegativeFeeling misunderstoodRestlessGrouchyAggressive
When is Major Depressive Episode usually seen if it strictly seasonal?
Among which population are Behavioral & Somatic symptoms of depression most prominant?
Children & Adolescents
What % of teen suicides are linked to depression?
Explain Identity Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence.
Severe distress re: inability to integrate aspects of his acceptable sense of self.Aspects relate to career choice, friendship patterns, sexual orientation, religious identification, moral value systems, & group loyalty
Explain Adjustment Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence.
A group of disorders that is a maladaptive rxn to an identifiable stressor.Onset- w/in 3 mths of stressorSymptoms last up to 6 mths
What differentiates Adjustment disorder in kids from normal psychological changes?
Extreme anxietyDepressionEating probsSleeping probsClinging to parents/peersPsychosomatic disordersImpulsive acting out
Name some criteria for Adjustment disorder in kids.
Impairment in normal level of social & education fxnDisturbance of moodConduct disturbancePhysical symptoms w/o medical basis.Symptoms for 6 mths or lessOccurs w/in 3 mths of an identifiable stressor (divorce, death, etc)
Describe Encopresis.
Elimination disorder involving repeated passage of feces at inappropriate places.Often involuntary (may be intentional)Occurs at least 1x/mth for 3 mths in child 4yrs +Child is embarrassed & avoids situations that might be embarrassing (camp/sleepovers)May suffer rejection from peers/parents
Describe Stereotypic Movement Disorder.
Motor behavior seems driven, repetitive, w/o fxn & interferes w/ activities.Potentially can cause self-inflicted injury to the kid.
Describe Rhett's Disorder.
Females onlyDevelopment of persistent & progressive developmental regression after a period of normal development.Onset prior to age 4- usually 1-2 yrs of age.Stereotypic hand movementsProbs w/coordination of gait & trunk movementProfound mental retardationSevere expressive & receptive language development
What is an important social & communication difference between Asperger's & Autistic Diorders?
Aspergers- social delay/probsAutistic- social & communication delays/probs
What are the main characteristics of Asperger's Disorder?
Most common in boys.Severe/sustained impairment in social interactions.Restricted/repetitive patters of behavior, interests, & activities.
What is the best solution to a child refusing to go to school due to parent-child attachment issues?
Send the child to school
Which category of drugs do Neuroleptics fall under?
Describe Parkinsonian sydrome.
Triad of signs*Tremor*Rigidity*Slowed MovementCogwheel feel to jointMasklike facies, diminished expressiveness
What type of drug is Thorazine?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Mellaril?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Stelazine?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Prolixin?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Navane?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Haldol?
Typical Antipsychotic
What type of drug is Clozapine? Name one trade name.
Atypical AntipsychoticClozapine
What type of drug is Risperidone? Name one trade name.
Atypical AntipsychoticRisperdol
What type of drug is Tofranil?
What type of drug is Elavil?
What type of drug is Seroquel?
QuetiapineAtypical AntipsychoticNewer
What type of drug is Zyprexa?
OlanzapineAtypical AntipsychoticNew
What type of drug is Aventyl?
What type of drug is Pamelor?
What type of drug is Norpramin?
What type of drug is Adapin?
What type of drug is Sinequan?
What type of drug is Nardil?
What type of drug is Parnate?
What type of drug is Marplan?
What type of medication is most effective for treating Atypical Depression and Non-Endogenous Depressions?
What are "second generation" antidepressants?
Have similar effects to TCA's and MAOI's but reduced side effects and adverse effects.These include SSRI's, and some others.
What type of drug is Asendin?
2nd Generation Antidepressant
What type of drug is Desyrel?
2nd Generation Antidepressant
What type of drug is Wellbutrin?
2nd Generation Antidepressant
What type of drug is Ludiomil?
2nd Generation Antidepressant
What type of drug is Serzone?
2nd Generation Antidepressant
What type of drug is Prozac?
FluoxetineSSRI2nd gen
What type of drug is Zoloft?
SertralineSSRI2nd gen
What type of drug is Paxil?
ParoxetineSSRI2nd gen
What type of drug is Lexepro?
SSRI2nd gen
What type of drug is Celexa?
SSRI2nd gen
What type of drugs are used to treat Bipolar Disorder?
Mood Stabilizers (1st) & Anticonvulsants
What is the main drug used to treat Bipolar Disorder?
Lithium (a mood stabilizer)
What type of drug is Tegretol? What disorder is it used to treat?
CarbamazepineAnticonvulsantBipolar Disorder
What type of drug is Depakote? What disorder is it used to treat?
Valproic AcidAnticonvulsantBipolar Disorder
What type of drug is Neurontin? What disorder is it used to treat?
AnticonvulsantBipolar Disorder
What type of drug is Lamictal? What disorder is it used to treat?
AnticonvulsantBipolar Disorder
What type of drug is Topomax? What disorder is it used to treat?
AnticonvulsantBipolar Disorder
Why are Anticonvulsants used to treat Bipolar Disorder?
They are used to stabilize moods.
What types of drugs are used to treat Panic Disorder w/ or w/o Agoraphobia?
TCA'sMAOI'sAlprazolam (Xanax)SSRI's
What types of drugs are used to Tx OCD?
TCA's (clomipramine/Anafranil)MAOI's SSRI's (fluvoxamine/Luvox & sertraline/Zoloft)
What types of drugs are used to Tx Specific Phobia & Social Phobia?
Beta Blockers (propanolol)-tx stage frightPaxil- for social phobia
What the main classes of drugs are used to Tx GAD?
BenzodiazepinesAnxiolytic Drugs(Minor Tranqs)AntipsychoticsBuspirone(Buspar)
What are the anxiolytic drugs used to treat GAD?
BarbituatesMethaqualone (Quaaludes, Sopors)Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril)Meprobamate (Miltown)
What are the three main drug classes used to induce sleep (hypnotic drugs)?
Why are Benzodiazepines used to Tx GAD over barbituates?
SaferMore effectiveLess abuse potential
Name 4 Benzo's commonly used as anxiolytics.
diazepam (Valium)chlordiazepoxide (Librium)lorazepam (Ativan)clorazepate (Tranxene)
What are Benzo's useful in treating?
Symptoms of GADManaging seizures in patients detoxing from alcohol & depressant drugs.
What are some issues to consider when treating with Benzo's?
Chronic vs. PRN TxRelapse vs. w/drawal symptoms after meds are stoppedAbuse liabilityDifficulty stopping useOveruse
What drug is used most often in overdoses?
What are the side effects of Benzo's?
Impaired muscle coordination (psychomotor fxn)Impairment of short-term memory (Anterograde memory)
What class of drugs are prescribed for hyperactivity in kids?
What type of drug is Ritalin? What is it typically used to treat?
MethylphenidatePsychostimulantHyperactivity in Kids
What type of drug is Adderall? What is it typically used to treat?
AmphetaminePsychostimulantHyperactivity in Kids
What type of drug is Cylert? What is it typically used to treat?
PemolinePsychostimulantHyperactivity in Kids
What are side effects of Psychostimulants (drugs used to Tx hyperactivity in kids)?
InsomniaDecreased appetiteStomachachesHeadachesJitteriness
What drugs are used most frequently in the Tx of Schizophrenia?
Antipsychotic Drugs
If a patient is noncompliant w/ their Typical Antipsychotic meds what can be done to increase compliance?
A deconoate form that can be injected 1x every 2-4 weeks.Esp. haloperidol (Haldol) & fluphenazine (Prolixin).
What are Phenothiazine derivatives?
Typical Antipsychotics
What target symptoms are most likely to respond to Typical Antipsychotics?
Positive SymptomsAgitationHallucinationsDelusionsCombativeness & BelligeranceSleep DisturbanceTensionParanoid BehaviorDisorganized
What target symptoms are least likely to respond to Typical Antipsychotics?
Negative SymptomsImpaired judgmentLack of insightDepressionWithdrawalPoor Motivation
What side effects are associated with TCA's?
*Autonomic, anticholinergic*Cardiovascular- hypotension, tachycardia, change in EKG arrhythmias*Precipitation of hypomania in rapid cycling bipolar
What are Anticholinergic side effects?
Dry mouthBlurred visionConstipationUrinary incontinence or retentionSweatingHeat sensitivity
Name the 7 steps in the Problem-solving process w/in the social work process.
EGAGIETEngagementGathering informationAssessing/DiagnosisGoal SettingInterventionEvaluationTermination
What are the 6 stages in the referral process?
1. Clarify need or purpose2. Research resources3. Discuss/select options w/ client4. Plan for initial contact5. Initial contact 6. F/U to make sure need was met.
Throughout all types of social work fields and processes what must ALWAYS be kept in mind?
The client's right to SELF DETERMINATION.
The degree to which a study accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept that the researcher is attempting to measure.
Observable characteristics that vary among individuals.
What does "Treatment" mean in research?
The stimulus given to a dependent variable.
A statistical test. A t-test is used to determine if the scores of two groups differ on a single variable. For instance, to determine whether writing ability differs among students in two classrooms, a t-test could be used.
A research tool that includes at least one question which is either open-ended or close-ended and employs an oral or written method for asking these questions. The goal of a survey is to gain specific information about either a specific group or a representative sample of a particular group. Results are typically used to understand the attitudes, beliefs, or knowledge of a particular group.
Standard Error of the mean
A term used in statistical analysis. A computed value based on the size of the sample and the standard deviation of the distribution, indicating the range within which the mean of the population is likely to be from the mean of the sample at a given level of probability
Standard Deviation
A term used in statistical analysis. A measure of variation that indicates the typical distance between the scores of a distribution and the mean;
Skewed distribution
Any distribution which is not normal, that is not symmetrical along the x-axis
The population researched in a particular study. Usually, attempts are made to select a "sample population" that is considered representative of groups of people to whom results will be generalized or transferred. In studies that use inferential statistics to analyze results or which are designed to be generalizable, sample size is critical--generally the larger the number in the sample, the higher the likelihood of a representative distribution of the population.
Sampling Error
The degree to which the results from the sample deviate from those that would be obtained from the entire population, because of random error in the selection of respondent
The extent to which a measure, procedure or instrument yields the same result on repeated trials.
The difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution.
Used to allocate subjects to experimental and control groups. The subjects are initially considered not unequal because they were randomly selected.
Similar to true experiments. Have subjects, treatment, etc., but uses nonrandomized groups. Incorporates interpretation and transferability in order to compensate for lack of control of variables.
Quantitative Research
Empirical research in which the researcher explores relationships using numeric data. Survey is generally considered a form of quantitative research. Results can often be generalized, though this is not always the case.
Qualitative Research
Empirical research in which the researcher explores relationships using textual, rather than quantitative data. Case study, observation, and ethnography are considered forms of qualitative research. Results are not usually considered generalizable, but are often transferable.
The chance that a phenomenon has a of occurring randomly. As a statistical measure, it shown as p (the "p" factor).
The target group under investigation, as in all students enrolled in first-year composition courses taught in traditional classrooms. The population is the entire set under consideration. Samples are drawn from populations.
The most frequent score in a distribution
The center score in a distribution.
The average score within a distribution.
Interrater Reliability
The extent to which two or more individuals agree. It addresses the consistency of the implementation of a rating system.
Internal Consistency
The extent to which all questions or items assess the same characteristic, skill, or quality.
The extent to which research findings and conclusions from a study conducted on a sample population can be applied to the population at large.
The range of values of a particular variable.
Dependent Variable
A variable that receives stimulus and measured for the effect the treatment has had upon it.
Independent Variable
A variable that is part of the situation that exist from which originates the stimulus given to a dependent variable. Includes treatment, state of variable, such as age, size, weight, etc.
A common statistical analysis, usually abbreviated as r, that measures the degree of relationship (non causal) between pairs of interval variables in a sample. The range of correlation is from -1.00 to zero to +1.00.
Control Group
A group in an experiment that receives not treatment in order to compare the treated group against a norm.
Case Study
The collection and presentation of detailed information about a particular participant or small group, frequently including the accounts of subjects themselves.
Internal validity
did the experimental tx make a difference. Did one thing cause another?
External validity
can results be generalized
Content validity
ex: how well does the Beck depression inventory measure depression
Construct validity
to what extent explanatory concepts or qualities account for performance
Predictive validity
to what degree does variation in test scores predict variation on another measure. Does IQ predict grades.
Face validity
Does the test focus directly on the behavior we are interested in?
Inferential statistical tests
ANOVA, t-test, chi square
Key mechanismExpressed by amnesia or forgetting serving to rid unacceptable fantasies, affects or impulses from consciousness
Enables one to make up for real or imagined deficits.
repressed urge is expressed as a disturbance of body fxn (usually sensory, voluntary nervous system).
Primitive Defense.Inability to acknowledge true significance of thoughts, feelings, wishes, behavior, or external reality factors that are consciously intolerable.
Directing an impulse, wish or feeling toward a person/situation that is not its real object b/c it's safer.
When a person splits mental fxns in a manner that allows expression of forbidden/unconsious impulses w/o taking responsibility for the axn. He doesn't remember or it is not seen as their own experience.
overestimation of an admired aspect of attribute of another. Conscious or unconscious
Universal mechanism where a person patterns himself after a significant other. Plays major role in personality development, esp super ego
Identification w/ the Aggressor
Mastering anxiety by identifying w/ a powerful aggressor (i.e. abusive parent) to counteract feelings of helplessness and to feel powerful oneself.
Primitive mechanismPsychic representation of a person is figuratively ingested.
loss of motivation to engage in activity avoided b/c it might stir up conflict over forbidden impulses
loved or hated external objects are symbolically absorbed within self (opposite of projection)
Isolation of Affect
unacceptable impulse, idea, act is separated from its original memory source, thus removing emotion associated with it
primitive defenseattributiing one's one disowned attitudes, wishes, feelings, urges to some external object
third line of defensenot unconsciousgiving believable explanation for irriational behaviors
Rxn formation
person acts opposite of what they really think/feel
partial or symbolic return to more infantile patterns
potentially maladaptive feelings or behaviors are diverted into socially acceptable, adaptive channels
unattainable/unacceptable goal, emotion or object is replaced by one acceptable/attainable
mental representation stands for something else. basis for dream formation, conversion rxns, obsessions, compulsions.
person uses words or axns to symbolically reverse or negate unacceptable thoughts, feelings or axns
Turning Against Self
defense to deflect hostile aggression or other unacceptable impulses from another to self
Associated with borderline PD.All "good" or all "bad." leads to selective lack of impulse control.
Projective Identification
form of projection in borderline PD.
seen in borderline PDPerson attributes exaggerated (-) qualities to self or anther
Acting Out
emotional conflict is dealt w/ through axns rather than feelings
Deterioration of existing defenses.
conscious way of repressing. a psuedo defense mech.
helps reduce anxiety by focusing on unwanted events or feelings in a cold, clinical and emotionless way.