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79 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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1) facial lymph nodesssss
2) superficial parotid lymph nodes
3) facial lymph nodes
1) deep parotid lymph nodes
2) retropharyngeal lymph node
1) submandibular lymph nodes
2) submental lymph nodes
superior deep cervical lymph nodes
pharyngeal tonsil
lingual tonsil
palatine tonsil
palatine tonsil
External carotid a.
-Supplies neck, jaws & face
-Branches into Facial a., Maxillary a., and Lingual a.
Facial a.
-Supplies mandibular region
Maxillary a.
-Supplies maxillary region
Lingual a.
-Supplies tongue & neck regions
Facial v.
-Drains head & neck
Temporal v.
-Drains head & neck
Maxillary v.
-Drains head & neck
External jugular v.
-Drains facial, temporal, & maxillary veins
Internal jugular v.
-Anastomoses with external jugular v.
1) masseter m.
2) depressor labii inferioris m.
3) depressor anguli oris m.
4) orbicularis oris m.
5) buccinator m.
6) levator labii superioris m. -
facial expression
1) sygomaticus minor m.
2) risorius m.
3) mentalis m.
4) zygomaticus major m.
1) zygomaticus major m.
2) masseter m.
3) risorius m.
4) depressor anguli oris m.
5) depressor labii inferioris m.
6) zygomaticus minor m.
7) temporalis m.
1) lateral pterygoid m.
2) medial pterygoid m.
3) orbicularis oris m.
4) buccinator m.
5) temporalis m.
genioglossus m.
1) temporalis m.
2) lateral pterygoid m.
3) hypoglossus m.
4) genioglossus m.
5) styloglossus m.
palatoglossus m.
-elevates tongue
-depresses soft palate
buccinator m.
compresses cheek
levator labii superioris m.
Elevates upper lip (should not include the highlighted portion up around the nose. Just the highlighted sides of the nostrils)
Orbicularis oris m.
Compresses lips, purses lips ‘kissing’
Depressor anguli oris m.
Depresses corner of mouth
Depressor labii inferioris m.
Depresses lips
Zygomaticus major m.
Retracts & elevates corners of mouth
Zygomaticus minor m.
Retracts & elevates corners of mouth
Risorius m.
Draws corner of mouth to the side
Mentalis m.
Elevates & protrudes lower lip ‘pouting’
Temporalis m.
Elevates mandible
Masseter m.
Elevates mandible
Medial pterygoid m.
-Elevates mandible
-Closes the jaws
-Moves the mandible side to side
-Deep to the masseter
Lateral pterygoid m.
-Opens the jaws
-Protrudes mandible
-Moves mandible side to side
Hypoglossus m.
Depresses & retracts tongue
Genioglossus m.
Depresses & protracts tongue
Styloglossus m.
-Retracts tongue
-Elevates sides
Maxillary n.
1) superior alveolar n.
2) infraorbital n.
maxillary n.
mandibular n.
superior alveolar n.
inferior alveolar n.
masseteric n.
greater palatine n.
lesser palatine n.
posterior superior alveolar n.
infraorbital n.
nasopalatine n.
lingual n
mental n.
medial pterygoid n.
lateral pterygoid n.
facial n.
mandibular n.
1) lingual n.
2) inf. alveolar n.
3) buccal n.
mandibular n.
lower buccal n.
hypoglossal n.
hypoglossal n.
1) frontal bone
2) zygomatic bone
3) maxilla
4) mandible
infraorbital foramen
alveolar processes
1) nasal bone
2) inferior orbital fissure
3) sphenoid bone
4) nasal septum
5) inferior nasal conchae
6) vomer
1) nasal bones
2) lacrimal bone
3) frontal bone
4) sphenoid bone
5) ethmoid bone
6) zygomatic bone
7) maxila
1) frontal bone
2) nasal bone
3) lacrimal bone
4) maxilla
5) parietal bone
6) sphenoid bone
7) temporal bone
1) frontal bone
2) parietal bone
3) occipital bone
1) incisive foramen
2) maxilla
3) greater palatine foramen
1) sphenoid bone
2) vomer
3) occipital bone
4) maxilla
5) palatine bone
6) zygomatic bone
7) temporal bone
1) frontal bone
2) ethmoid bone
3) sphenoid bone
4) temporal bone
5) occipital bone
1) condylar process
2) coronoid process
3) mandibular notch
4) mandibular ramus
5) menal foramen
1) coronoid process
2) mandibular foramen
1) alveolar processes
2) mandibular symphysis
3) mental protuberance
1) lesser cornu
2) body
3) greater cornu
1) greater cornu
2) lesser cornu