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103 Cards in this Set

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What war was Odysseus fighting at before the Odyssey begins?
The Trojan War
Where was this battle located?
How was this battle finally won?
The greeks trick their enemy with a horse
How long was Odysseus fighting at his battle?
10 years old
How long was Odysseus lost at sea after the battle was over
10 years
How long was Odysseus away from his home in total?
20 years
Whose banquet hall did Odysseus arrifve in after he left Calypso's Island?
King Alcinous
Calypso allows Odysseus to learve her island because...
Hermes has told her that Zeus has ordered it
Odyssesus is the kind of what land?
Odysseus's next adventure was the laid-back people called the Laestrygonians. What is another name for these people?
The Loctus Eater
What did the laestrygonians offer Odysseus's sailors?
The Loctus Flower
Of what race was Plphemus a member?
Who was Polyphemus's father?
Polyphemus was punished because he did not show____ to his guests.
How was Polyphemus Punished?
He was blinded
How did Odysseus escaped Polyphemus?
Hiding under the sheep
Who does Odysseus anger when he hurts Polyphemus?
Whose island does Odysseus land on after his escape from Polypheumus?
What does the witch do to Odysseus's men?
Turns them into pigs
Where does the witch send Odysseus for a phrophecy?
The land of the Dead
What does Odysseus sacrifice to call forth the prophet's spirit?
What perilous guantle must Odysseus navigate once he leaves the witch?
Scylla and Charybdis
Who is the six-headed, tenticaled monster that eats six of Odysseus's men?
Who is the monster that that would suck Odysseus's ship down and kill all aboard?
Who are the monsters that lure sailors to their death?
What did Odysseus make his sailors stuff their ears with to avoid these monsters?
How did the sailors keep Odysseus from being lured by the monstesrs?
They lashed him to the mast
What did the monsters use to lure the sailors to their doom?
After surviving the guantlet of monsters, Odysseus decided to rest on whose island?
What is Odysseus doing while his men disobey his orders?
What are the sailors forbidden to eat while resiting on the island?
How are Odysseus's men punished for their disobeying the god?
They are starved
What man alone suvives the sun Gods Punishment?
On whose island does this sailor wash ashore?
This sea nymph keeps the sailor a prisoner for how many years?
7 years
What goddess finally intervenes on the sailors behalf and begs for his release?
Once released from the sea nymph's control where does the sailor show up next?
At a banquet hall
Who is king of the banquet hall?
What does Odysseus disguise himself as when he first arrives in his own counrty?
A begger
Who has been away from home searching for Odysseus for a year?
How could Eurycleiam the old servant, tell the beggar was Odysseus?
His scar
Who is Odysseus's wife?
Who was the head of the suitors?
Who was shot in the neck by an angry Odysseus?
What was Odysseus's bed made out of?
A tree
To Homer and his listners, the stories that we call muths primarily expressed...
How men are influenced bu the spiritral realam
After Odyssey's's men eat the lotus plant they
forget their homeland
What does Odysseus blind Polyphemus rather then kill him?
Only Polyphemus can move the obulder blocking the cave's entrance
Odysseus does not warn his crew about Scylla because he things they would...
panic and endanger the entire ship
What prophecy of Teiresias and Circe does Odysseus withold from his men?
Only Odysseus will survive and return home
In eopic poetrym the poet often begins by asking the assistance in telling the story. This is known as...
Homeric Simile
One of the things that the Greeks regarded as most offensive to the gods was to...
mistreat guests
The old hound Argos knows that Odysseus has returned because the dog
dies just as Odysseus returns
Penelope proposes that her suitors preform a difficult task. They have to
String Odysseus's bow
Who joins Odysseus in the fight against the suitors?
Telemachus executes the maids because they have...
associated with the suitors
To stop Odysseus form killing all the suiters, Eurymachus does everything but
Ask for a fair fight with Odysseus
Name 5 words that shakespear created
2)Elbow Room
4)Pomp and circumstance
5)Catch a cold
Compares one thing to another without useing like or as
The attitude the author takes in a poem
Repition of a consonant sound in the middle of words in the line of a poem
Giving human life qualities to ideas, things, or animals
Words that imitate the sound they represent
A type of poem that reveals the thoughts and feelings of the poet
Lyric Poetry
The use of words in a poem to create mental pictures
The repition of vowel sounds in the line of a poem
Comparing one thing to another using like or as
The atmosphere generated by the words in a poem
A type of poem that tells a story
Narrative Poem
A type of paragraph used in poetry
The repition of a constant sound at the beining of words in a line of poetry
A poem that comes from a play
Dramatic Poetry
A fourteen line poem written in iambic pentameter
When was shakespeare born?
April 23, 1564
When did Shakespeare die?
April 23, 1616
What 3 types of plays did shakespeare write?
Tragedy, Comedy, and history
What was the name of the theator Shakespeare preformed in?
The Globe
When a play was about to start what did these colors mean?

1) Black
3) Red
Black- Tragedy
White- Comedy
Red- History
What genre was Romeo and Juliet?
What is tragedy of fate?
Most of the responsibility rests not with the central character but with a force beyond their control
What are 3 examples of tragedy of fate?
1) The feud (R and J not involved)
2) R and J meet (servant couldnt read)
3)Mercutio gets stabbed under R's arm (trying to stop the fight)
Motivated by the feud and or love

Feud- secracy
When was the turning point of R and J?
Mercutios death
What are the four types of love themes?
Sensual Love, Affected love, Convential love, and true love
What is an example of sensual love?
Nurse and Mercutio
Affected Love
Romeo's love for Rosaline or Paris's love for Juliet
Convential love
Paris asks for juliets hand in marriage or Lady Capulet tells Juliet to think of marriage
True love
Romeo and Juliet's love
What are the four types of love themes?
Sensual Love, Affected love, Convential love, and true love
What is an example of sensual love?
Nurse and Mercutio
Affected Love
Romeo's love for Rosaline or Paris's love for Juliet
Convential love
Paris asks for juliets hand in marriage or Lady Capulet tells Juliet to think of marriage
True love
Romeo and Juliet's love
What are the four types of love themes?
Sensual Love, Affected love, Convential love, and true love
What is an example of sensual love?
Nurse and Mercutio
Affected Love
Romeo's love for Rosaline or Paris's love for Juliet
Convential love
Paris asks for juliets hand in marriage or Lady Capulet tells Juliet to think of marriage
True love
Romeo and Juliet's love
What civil disorder happened in Act 1?
Capulet nad montegue sevants and towns people fight (prince brings order)
What civil disorder happened in Act 2?
Merctutio and Tybalt fight and they die (prince brings order)
What civil disorder happens in Act 5?
Paris and Romeo fight (deaths of R and J bring complete civil order)
Name the 6 people who die and how-
1) Mercutio- killed by Tybalt stabed under Romeos arm
2)Tyblat- Romeo kills him in revenge
3)Lady Montegue- greif over Romeo being banished
4)Paris-Romeo kills him
5)Romeo- Poison
6)kills her self over greif or Romeo
Name 4 incidents of Coincidence-
1) Servant asks Romeo to read the invite list
2) Romeo ends up under Juliets balcony and she comes out
3)Mercotio gets stabed when Romep was trying to stop theh fight
4)Capulet moves wedding day up